執筆者: Angelo Martins
編集者: David Johnson
ファクトチェック担当者: Evelina Laurinaityte
ヒューマン・モデレーター: Jason Peterson
أخر تحديث محرم, 1446

Pepperstone التقييم العام

في المرتبة 16 من 815 (وسطاء تداول العملات الأجنبية)
يعتمد التقييم العام على مجموع التقييمات في فئات فرعية متعددة.
التقييم الوزن النسبي
تقييم المستخدم 3
تقييم الأسعار
غير مصنفة
دعم العملاء
غير مصنفة

Pepperstone ملف التعريف

اسم الشركة Pepperstone Group / Pepperstone Markets Limited
الفئات وسطاء تداول العملات الأجنبية, Forex Rebates
الفئة الرئيسية وسطاء تداول العملات الأجنبية
عام التأسيس 2010
المكاتب الرئيسية أستراليا
مواقع المكتب الباهاما, الصين, تايلاند, أوكرانيا, المملكة المتحدة, الولايات المتحدة الامريكانية
عملة الحساب AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, SGD, USD, HKD
بنك أموال العملاء National Australian Bank (NAB)
لغات الدعم عربى, صينى, الإنجليزية, الفرنسية, ألمانية, الإيطالي, الأسبانية, التايلاندية, الفيتنامية
طرق التمويل Bank Wire, BPAY, China Union Pay, Credit/Debit Card, Neteller, PayPal, POLi, Skrill, Local Bank Transfer
الأدوات المالية فوركس, الحصص / الأسهم, مؤشرات, نفط / مصادر الطاقة, العملات الرقمية المشفرة, معادن, ETFs, سلع طرية (قهوة، سكر...)
Prohibited Countries أفغانستان, أرمينيا, القارة القطبية الجنوبية, ساموا الأمريكية, أذربيجان, البوسنة والهرسك, بلجيكا, بوروندي, بوتان, روسيا البيضاء, بليز, كندا, جمهورية افريقيا الوسطى, الكونغو, ساحل العاج, الكاميرون, الصحراء الغربية, إريتريا, غيانا الفرنسية, غينيا, جوادلوب, S. جورجيا وجزر ساندويتش, غوام, غينيا بيساو, غيانا, هايتي, العراق, إيران, اليابان, سانت كيتس ونيفيس, كوريا الشمالية, كوريا الجنوبية, كازاخستان, لبنان, ليبيريا, ليبيا, مالي, ميانمار, مارتينيك, موزمبيق, نيكاراغوا, نيوزيلندا, بولينيزيا الفرنسية, بورتوريكو, جمع شمل, الاتحاد الروسي, سودان, الصومال, سورينام, سوريا, جزر تركس وكايكوس, تشاد, طاجيكستان, تركمانستان, تونس, الولايات المتحدة الامريكانية, أوروغواي, سانت فنسنت وجزر غرينادين, فنزويلا, جزر فيرجن الأمريكية, فانواتو, ساموا, اليمن, مايوت, زيمبابوي, Palestine, Holy See (Vatican City State), St Lucia, South Sudan
دعم على مدار 24 ساعة
الحسابات المفصولة
حسابات إسلامية
يتم قبول العملاء الكنديين
يتم قبول العملاء اليابانيين
عرض تجريبي غير منتهٍ
API تجاري
حسابات السنت
حماية الرصيد السالب
التداول الاجتماعي
تأمين الودائع التنظيمية
توقفات السحب
الفائدة على الهامش
فارق ثابت
فارق متغير

Pepperstone حركة المرور

Our web traffic data is sourced from SimilarWeb and sums the traffic data of all websites associated with a broker. Organic visits are visits the broker didn't pay for, based on the available data. This data updates once monthly and can be based on data purchased from internet service providers, traffic metrics sourced by a third party such as Google Analytics that the company chooses to share with SimilarWeb, etc.

مواقع الويب
الزيارات الشهرية العضوية 1,404,108 (94 %)
ترتيب حركة المرور العضوية 24 من 815 (وسطاء تداول العملات الأجنبية)
الزيارات الشهرية المدفوعة 86,152 (6 %)
إجمالي الزيارات الشهرية 1,490,260
معدل الارتداد 52 %
الصفحات لكل زيارة 2.05
متوسط مدة الزيارة 00:01:23.4890000

Pepperstone أنواع الحسابات

  حسابات STP القياسية Razor
العمولة-3.50 $ لكل طرف لكل حصة
الحد الأقصى للرفع المالي400:1
البرنامج الأساسي للهواتف المحمولةcTrader Mobile, MT4 Mobile, MT5 Mobile, Proprietary, TradingView Mobile
منصة التداولcTrader, MT4, MT5, TradingView
نوع فرق السعرVariable Spread
الحد الأدنى للوديعة200
الحد الأدنى لحجم التجارة0.01
أوامر توقف النهاية
الخطة الوقائية المسموح بها
حسابات إسلامية
  حسابات STP القياسية
الحد الأقصى للرفع المالي 400:1
فرق السعر بين العرض والطلب النموذجي 0.5-1.8
منصة التداول cTraderMT4MT5TradingView
البرنامج الأساسي للهواتف المحمولة cTrader MobileMT4 MobileMT5 MobileProprietaryTradingView Mobile
نوع فرق السعر Variable Spread
الحد الأدنى للوديعة 200
الحد الأدنى لحجم التجارة 0.01
أوامر توقف النهاية
الخطة الوقائية المسموح بها
حسابات إسلامية
العمولة 3.50 $ لكل طرف لكل حصة
الحد الأقصى للرفع المالي 400:1
فرق السعر بين العرض والطلب النموذجي 0.0-1.0
منصة التداول cTraderMT4MT5TradingView
البرنامج الأساسي للهواتف المحمولة cTrader MobileMT4 MobileMT5 MobileProprietaryTradingView Mobile
نوع فرق السعر Variable Spread
الحد الأدنى للوديعة 200
الحد الأدنى لحجم التجارة 0.01
أوامر توقف النهاية
الخطة الوقائية المسموح بها
حسابات إسلامية

Pepperstone تقييم المستخدم


مراجعات عن Pepperstone كتبها عملاء حقيقيون، حسومات الكاش باك، تقييمات الخبراء، السبريد والرسوم، الرافعة المالية، الحسابات التجريبية، التنزيلات، منصات التداول والعديد غيرها.

يرجى التأكد من أن تعليقاتك ذات صلة بالمحتوى ولا تستهدف الترويج لأي طرف. سيتم حذف التعليقات غير المرتبطة بالموضوع، بما في ذلك الروابط غير الملائمة أو الترويجية، التعليقات التي تحتوي على لغة مسيئة أو مبتذلة أو تحريضية أو تهديدية أو تلك التي تتضمن هجوم شخصي أو مضايقات من أي نوع.

Pepperstone خصومات الفوركس

يتم دفع حسومات الاسترداد النقدي لكل مركز مغلق ما لم يُحدد غير ذلك. حصة واحدة = 100000 وحدة عملة أساسية متداولة.
  حسابات STP القياسية Razor
فوركسFX الكبار: 0.24 نقاط سعر الفائدة
FX أخرى: 0.30 نقاط سعر الفائدة
12.857% من العمولات المدفوعة*
آخرلم يتم دفع أي حسومات
خيارات الدفع
مباشرة إلى حساب الوسيط (يوميًا)
يتم احتساب الاسترداد النقدي مباشرة إلى حساب وسيطك يوميًا.
الاسترداد النقدي شهريًا
يتم إضافة الدفعات وإرسالها تلقائيًا بحلول اليوم الثاني عشر من الشهر بالنسبة للصفقات التي تم فيها تجميع ’الكاش باك‘ بين اليوم الأول والأخير من الشهر السابق.
  حسابات STP القياسية
فوركس نقاط سعر الفائدة 0.30 :أخرى
FX نقاط سعر الفائدة 0.24 :الكبارFX
آخر لم يتم دفع أي حسومات
خيارات الدفع
مباشرة إلى حساب الوسيط (يوميًا)
يتم احتساب الاسترداد النقدي مباشرة إلى حساب وسيطك يوميًا.
الاسترداد النقدي شهريًا
يتم إضافة الدفعات وإرسالها تلقائيًا بحلول اليوم الثاني عشر من الشهر بالنسبة للصفقات التي تم فيها تجميع ’الكاش باك‘ بين اليوم الأول والأخير من الشهر السابق.
فوركس *من العمولات المدفوعة 12.857%
آخر لم يتم دفع أي حسومات
خيارات الدفع
مباشرة إلى حساب الوسيط (يوميًا)
يتم احتساب الاسترداد النقدي مباشرة إلى حساب وسيطك يوميًا.
الاسترداد النقدي شهريًا
يتم إضافة الدفعات وإرسالها تلقائيًا بحلول اليوم الثاني عشر من الشهر بالنسبة للصفقات التي تم فيها تجميع ’الكاش باك‘ بين اليوم الأول والأخير من الشهر السابق.


12.857٪ من العمولات المدفوعة تعتمد على عملة الحساب: 0.97 دولار أمريكي، 0.90 دولار أسترالي، 0.93 فرنك سويسري، 0.67 يورو، 0.59 جنيه إسترليني، 7.25 دولار هونغ كونغ، 78.10 ين ياباني، 1.22 دولار نيوزيلندي، 0.98 دولار سنغافوري.

يتم تحويل الحسومات إلى دولار أمريكي عند إغلاق الصفقة.

لا تُدفع الحسومات لـ:
  • الحسابات المسجلة لدى: الكيانات المرخصة من CySEC، BaFin الألمانية
  • المقيمين في اليابان والبر الرئيسي للصين وفرنسا وبلجيكا
  • حسابات إسلامية أو حسابات السبريد بيتينغ أو حسابات المتداول الذهبي

ما هي خصومات Pepperstone؟

خصومات الفوركس هي جزء من تكلفة المعاملة التي يتم دفعها للعميل في كل صفقة، مما يؤدي إلى فارق أقل ونسبة ربح محسنة. على سبيل المثال، إذا كان الخصم الخاص بك 1 نقطة وكان الفرق 3 نقاط، فإن صافي الفرق الخاص بك هو 2 نقطة فقط.

يعتقد العديد من المتداولين في البداية أنه يجب أن تكون هناك تكاليف أعلى في مكان آخر للتعويض، ولكنهم سرعان ما يكتشفون أنه لا يوجد صيد، وتخفيضات خصومات الفوركس تقلل من تكاليف الصفقة وتحسن أرباحهم.

كيف تعمل خصومات Pepperstone؟

عند ربط حساب تداول فوركس جديد أو موجود بنا، يدفع لنا الوسيط جزءًا من ربح الفارق أو العمولة مقابل كل صفقة تقوم بها كتعويض عن إحالة العميل إليهم. ثم نشارك معك معظم إيراداتنا، تحصل على خصم نقدي لكل عملية تداول تقوم بها كشكر لك على التسجيل معنا.         

        على عكس بعض منافسينا، لن تزيد فروق الأسعار الخاصة بك أبدًا نتيجة لاستخدام خدمتنا! الفرق الوحيد هو: بصفتك عميلنا، فإنك تكسب نقودًا إضافية لكل عملية تداول، مما يجعل التداول من خلالنا أكثر ربحية من الافتتاح المباشر مع الوسيط. تأسسنا في عام 2007، نحن الموفر الأصلي والرائد لخصومات الفوركس. نحن ندفع الخصومات لأكثر من 100,000 حساب ويحب المتداولون الدردشة الحية المفيدة التي نقدمها والدعم عبر الهاتف والبريد الإلكتروني على مدار 24 ساعة.

احتساب الاسترداد النقدي لك

يجب عليك إدخال رقم صحيح

هل ستتم محاسبتي على فروق سعري العرض والطلب أو العمولات الأعلى؟

مطلقًا! إذا كان يساورك الشك، نشجعك على التأكيد مباشرة مع الوسيط.

هل أتلقى استردادًا نقديًا على تجارة خاسرة؟

نعم فعلا

Pepperstone اللوائح / حماية الأموال

الشركة التراخيص واللوائح أموال العملاء المنفصلة صندوق تعويض الودائع حماية الرصيد السلبي الحسومات الرافعة المالية القصوى لعملاء التجزئة
Pepperstone Group Limited 30 : 1
Pepperstone EU Limited يصل إلى 20,000 € 30 : 1
Pepperstone Limited يصل إلى 85,000 £ Professional Clients Only 30 : 1
Pepperstone Markets Limited 200 : 1
Pepperstone Markets Kenya Ltd 400 : 1
Pepperstone Financial Services (DIFC) Limited 30 : 1

Pepperstone الترقيات

Pepperstone الرموز

Unique Symbol Count: 1544
الرمز Asset Class منصة التداول وصف Contract Size Margin Currency Profit Currency Points Trading Hours Weekly
Cattle Commodities MT4, MT5 Live Cattle (Cash) 1000 USD USD 5 23
Cocoa Commodities MT4, MT5 Cocoa Cash Contract 1 USD USD 1 44
Coffee Commodities MT4, MT5 Coffee Cash Contract 10 USD USD 2 47
Corn Commodities MT4, MT5 Corn (Cash) 100 USD USD 4 64
Cotton Commodities MT4, MT5 Cotton Cash Contract 100 USD USD 3 87
LDSugar Commodities MT4, MT5 London Sugar Cash Contract 1 USD USD 1 46
LeanHogs Commodities MT4, MT5 Lean Hogs (Cash) 1000 USD USD 5 23
Lumber Commodities MT4, MT5 Lumber (Cash) 1 USD USD 2 31
Oats Commodities MT4, MT5 Oats (Cash) 1000 USD USD 4 64
OJ Commodities MT4, MT5 Orange Juice Cash Contract 20 USD USD 2 30
RghRice Commodities MT4, MT5 Rough Rice (Cash) 100 USD USD 3 10
Soybeans Commodities MT4, MT5 Soybeans Cash Contract 1 USD USD 1 64
SoyMeal Commodities MT4, MT5 Soybean Meal (Cash) 1 USD USD 2 64
SoyOil Commodities MT4, MT5 Soybean Oil (Cash) 1000 USD USD 5 64
Sugar Commodities MT4, MT5 Sugar Cash Contract 100 USD USD 3 48
Wheat Commodities MT4, MT5 Wheat Cash Contract 1 USD USD 1 64
BTCUSD Crypto MT4, MT5 Bitcoin vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
Crypto10 Crypto MT4, MT5 Global Top 10 Crypto Index 1 USD USD 1 154
Crypto20 Crypto MT4, MT5 Global Top 20 Crypto Index 1 USD USD 1 154
Crypto30 Crypto MT4, MT5 Global Top 30 Crypto Index 1 USD USD 1 154
ETHUSD Crypto MT4, MT5 Ether vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
ADAUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Cardano vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
AVAXUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Avalanche vs US Dollar 10 USD USD 3 154
BCHUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 BitcoinCash vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
BNBUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Binance Coin vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
DOGEUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Dogecoin vs US Dollar 1000 USD USD 5 154
DOTUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Polkadot vs US Dollar 10 USD USD 3 154
EOSUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 EOS vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
LINKUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Chainlink vs US Dollar 10 USD USD 3 154
LTCUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Litecoin vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
MATICUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Polygon vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
SOLUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Solana vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
UNIUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Uniswap vs US Dollar 10 USD USD 3 154
XLMUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Stellar Lumens vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
XRPUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Ripple vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
XTZUSD Crypto 2 MT4, MT5 Tezos vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
Gasoline Energy MT4, MT5 Gasoline (Cash) 1000 USD USD 4 115
NatGas Energy MT4, MT5 Natural Gas vs US Dollar 10000 USD USD 3 115
SpotBrent Energy MT4, MT5 Brent Crude vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 3 27
SpotCrude Energy MT4, MT5 WTI Cash (or Spot) Contract 100 USD USD 3 115
AUDJPY FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 AUD JPY 3 120
CADCHF FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Canadian Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 CAD CHF 5 120
CADJPY FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Canadian Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 CAD JPY 3 120
CHFJPY FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Swiss Frank vs Japanese Yen 100000 CHF JPY 3 120
EURCAD FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Euro vs Canadian Dollar 100000 EUR CAD 5 120
EURJPY FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Euro vs Japanese Yen 100000 EUR JPY 3 120
EURNZD FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Euro vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 EUR NZD 5 120
GBPCAD FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Canadian Dollar 100000 GBP CAD 5 120
GBPJPY FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Japanese Yen 100000 GBP JPY 3 120
GBPNZD FX Crosses MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 GBP NZD 5 120
NZDJPY FX Crosses MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 NZD JPY 3 120
CHFSGD FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Swiss Frank vs Singapore Dollar 100000 CHF SGD 5 120
EURCZK FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Euro vs Czech Republic Koruna 100000 EUR CZK 5 80
EURHUF FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Euro vs Hungarian Forint 100000 EUR HUF 3 120
EURMXN FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Euro vs Mexican Peso 100000 EUR MXN 5 120
EURNOK FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Euro vs Norwegian Krone 100000 EUR NOK 5 120
EURPLN FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Euro vs Polish Zloty 100000 EUR PLN 5 120
EURSEK FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Euro vs Swedish Krona 100000 EUR SEK 5 120
EURSGD FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Euro vs Singapore Dollar 100000 EUR SGD 5 120
EURTRY FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Euro vs Turkish Lira 100000 EUR TRY 5 120
EURZAR FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Euro vs South African Rand 100000 EUR ZAR 5 120
GBPMXN FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Mexican Peso 100000 GBP MXN 5 120
GBPNOK FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Norwegian Krone 100000 GBP NOK 5 120
GBPSEK FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Swedish Krona 100000 GBP SEK 5 120
GBPSGD FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Singapore Dollar 100000 GBP SGD 5 120
GBPTRY FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Turkish Lira 100000 GBP TRY 5 120
NOKJPY FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Norwegian Krone vs Japanese Yen 100000 NOK JPY 3 120
NOKSEK FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Norwegian Krone vs Swedish Krona 100000 NOK SEK 5 120
NZDCAD FX Exotics MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 NZD CAD 5 120
NZDCHF FX Exotics MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 NZD CHF 5 120
SEKJPY FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Swedish Krona vs Japanese Yen 100000 SEK JPY 3 120
SGDJPY FX Exotics MT4, MT5 Singapore Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 SGD JPY 3 120
USDCNH FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Chinese Yuan 100000 USD CNH 5 120
USDCZK FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Czech Republic Koruna 100000 USD CZK 5 80
USDHKD FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Hong Kong Dollar 100000 USD HKD 5 120
USDHUF FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Hungarian Forint 100000 USD HUF 3 120
USDMXN FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Mexican Peso 100000 USD MXN 5 120
USDNOK FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Norwegian Krone 100000 USD NOK 5 120
USDPLN FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Polish Zloty 100000 USD PLN 5 120
USDRUB FX Exotics MT4 US Dollar vs Russian Ruble 100000 USD 5 67
USDSEK FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Swedish Krona 100000 USD SEK 5 120
USDSGD FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 USD SGD 5 120
USDTHB FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Thai Baht 100000 USD THB 5 120
USDTRY FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Turkish Lira 100000 USD TRY 5 120
USDZAR FX Exotics MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs South African Rand 100000 USD ZAR 5 120
ZARJPY FX Exotics MT4, MT5 South African Rand vs Japanese Yen 100000 ZAR JPY 3 120
USDRUB.a FX Exotics (R) MT4 US Dollar vs Russian Ruble 100000 USD 5 67
EURX FX Index MT4, MT5 EUR Currency Index 100 EUR EUR 1 115
JPYX FX Index MT4, MT5 JPY Currency Index 100 JPY JPY 1 115
USDX FX Index MT4, MT5 US Dollar Index 100 USD USD 3 107
AUDUSD FX Majors MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs US Dollar 100000 AUD USD 5 120
EURUSD FX Majors MT4, MT5 Euro vs US Dollar 100000 EUR USD 5 120
GBPUSD FX Majors MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar 100000 GBP USD 5 120
USDCAD FX Majors MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 USD CAD 5 120
USDCHF FX Majors MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 USD CHF 5 120
USDJPY FX Majors MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 USD JPY 3 120
AUDCAD FX Minors MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 AUD CAD 5 120
AUDCHF FX Minors MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 AUD CHF 5 120
AUDNZD FX Minors MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 AUD NZD 5 120
AUDSGD FX Minors MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 AUD SGD 5 120
EURAUD FX Minors MT4, MT5 Euro vs Australian Dollar 100000 EUR AUD 5 120
EURCHF FX Minors MT4, MT5 Euro vs Swiss Franc 100000 EUR CHF 5 120
EURGBP FX Minors MT4, MT5 Euro vs Great Britain Pound 100000 EUR GBP 5 120
GBPAUD FX Minors MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Australian Dollar 100000 GBP AUD 5 120
GBPCHF FX Minors MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Swiss Franc 100000 GBP CHF 5 120
NZDUSD FX Minors MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar 100000 NZD USD 5 120
USDRUB_SB FX SB MT4 US Dollar vs Russian Ruble, bet in £1 per point 10000 GBP 5 67
AUS200 Indices MT4, MT5 S&P/ASX200 Index 1 AUD AUD 1 34
CA60 Indices MT4, MT5 Canada 60 Index 1 CAD CAD 2 34
CHINAH Indices MT4, MT5 Hong Kong China H-shares Index 1 HKD HKD 2 14
CN50 Indices MT4, MT5 China 50 1 USD USD 1 38
EUSTX50 Indices MT4, MT5 EU Stock 50 1 EUR EUR 1 10
FRA40 Indices MT4, MT5 CAC40 Index 1 EUR EUR 1 70
GER40 Indices MT4, MT5 Germany DAX 40 Index 1 EUR EUR 1 10
GERTEC30 Indices MT4, MT5 Germany Tech 30 Index 1 EUR EUR 2 43
HK50 Indices MT4, MT5 Hang Seng 1 HKD HKD 1 14
JPN225 Indices MT4, MT5 Nikkei 225 100 JPY JPY 1 115
MidDE50 Indices MT4, MT5 Germany Mid 50 Index 1 EUR EUR 2 43
NAS100 Indices MT4, MT5 US Tech 100 1 USD USD 1 115
NETH25 Indices MT4, MT5 Netherlands 25 Index 1 EUR EUR 2 70
NOR25 Indices MT4, MT5 Norway 25 Index 1 NOK NOK 2 37
SA40 Indices MT4, MT5 South Africa 40 Index 1 ZAR ZAR 2 45
SCI25 Indices MT4, MT5 Singapore 25 Index Cash 1 SGD SGD 1 45
SPA35 Indices MT4, MT5 Spain 35 1 EUR EUR 1 60
SWI20 Indices MT4, MT5 Switzerland 20 Index 1 CHF CHF 2 70
UK100 Indices MT4, MT5 FTSE 100 1 GBP GBP 1 114
US2000 Indices MT4, MT5 Russell 2000 Index 1 USD USD 1 115
US30 Indices MT4, MT5 US Wall Street 30 1 USD USD 1 115
US500 Indices MT4, MT5 US SPX 500 1 USD USD 1 115
VIX Indices MT4, MT5 Volatility Index 1 USD USD 2 115
SPA35-F Markets MT5 Spain 35 - (20 Jun - 17 Jul) 1 EUR EUR 1
SWI20-F Markets MT5 Switzerland 20 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 CHF CHF 1
BHP_Group_PLC_(BHP.L) Markets MT5 BHP Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
Ferguson_Plc_(FERG.L) Markets MT5 Ferguson Plc 1 GBP GBP 4
Just-Eat_Group_Hldg_(JE.L) Markets MT5 Just-Eat Group Holdings 1 GBP GBP 4
Copper Metals MT4, MT5 Copper Cash Contract 2000 USD USD 4 115
XAGAUD Metals MT4, MT5 Silver vs Australian Dollar 5000 XAG AUD 3 115
XAGEUR Metals MT4, MT5 Silver vs Euro 5000 XAG EUR 3 115
XAGUSD Metals MT4, MT5 Silver vs US Dollar 5000 XAG USD 3 115
XAUAUD Metals MT4, MT5 Gold vs Australian Dollar 100 XAU AUD 2 115
XAUCHF Metals MT4, MT5 Gold vs Swiss Franc 100 XAU CHF 2 115
XAUEUR Metals MT4, MT5 Gold vs Euro 100 XAU EUR 2 115
XAUGBP Metals MT4, MT5 Gold vs Great Britain Pound 100 XAU GBP 2 115
XAUJPY Metals MT4, MT5 Gold vs Japanese Yen 100 XAU JPY 0 115
XAUUSD Metals MT4, MT5 Gold vs US Dollar 100 XAU USD 2 115
XPDUSD Metals MT4, MT5 Palladium vs US Dollar 100 XPD USD 2 115
XPTUSD Metals MT4, MT5 Platinum vs US Dollar 100 XPT USD 2 115
EUBobl Retail MT5 Euro Bobl 1 EUR EUR 3
EUBund Retail MT5 Euro Bund 1 EUR EUR 3
EUBuxl Retail MT5 Euro Buxl 1 EUR EUR 3
Euribor Retail MT5 Euribor 1 EUR EUR 3
EUSchatz Retail MT5 Euro Schatz 1 EUR EUR 3
UKGILT Retail MT5 UK Gilt 1 GBP GBP 3
US_TBond Retail MT5 US T-Bond 1 USD USD 3
USTN10YR Retail MT5 US T-Note 10YR 1 USD USD 3
USTN2YR Retail MT5 US T-Note 2YR 1 USD USD 3
USTN5YR Retail MT5 US T-Note 5YR 1 USD USD 3
Gasoline.a Retail MT4, MT5 Gasoline Cash Contract 1000 USD USD 4 115
NatGas.a Retail MT4, MT5 Natural Gas vs US Dollar 10000 USD USD 3 115
SpotBrent.a Retail MT4, MT5 Brent Crude vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 3 27
SpotCrude.a Retail MT4, MT5 WTI Cash (or Spot) Contract 100 USD USD 3 115
XAUAUD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Gold vs Australian Dollar 100 XAU AUD 2 115
XAUCHF.a Retail MT4, MT5 Gold vs Swiss Franc 100 XAU CHF 2 115
XAUCNH Retail MT5 Gold / Chinese Yuan 100 XAU CNH 3
XAUCNH.a Retail MT5 Gold / Chinese Yuan 100 XAU CNH 3
XAUEUR.a Retail MT4, MT5 Gold vs Euro 100 XAU EUR 2 115
XAUGBP.a Retail MT4, MT5 Gold vs Great Britain Pound 100 XAU GBP 2 115
XAUJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Gold vs Japanese Yen 100 XAU JPY 0 115
XAUSGD Retail MT5 Gold / Singapore dollar 100 XAU SGD 3
XAUSGD.a Retail MT5 Gold / Singapore dollar 100 XAU SGD 3
XAUTHB Retail MT5 Gold / Thai Baht 100 XAU THB 3
XAUTHB.a Retail MT5 Gold / Thai Baht 100 XAU THB 3
XAUUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Gold vs US Dollar 100 XAU USD 2 115
Aluminium Retail MT5 Aluminium / US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
Aluminium.a Retail MT5 Aluminium / US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
Copper.a Retail MT4, MT5 Copper Cash Contract 2000 USD USD 4 115
Lead Retail MT5 Lead / US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
Lead.a Retail MT5 Lead / US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
Nickel Retail MT5 Nickel / US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
Nickel.a Retail MT5 Nickel / US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
XPDUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Palladium vs US Dollar 100 XPD USD 2 115
XPTUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Platinum vs US Dollar 100 XPT USD 2 115
Zinc Retail MT5 Zinc / US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
Zinc.a Retail MT5 Zinc / US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
XAGAUD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Silver vs Australian Dollar 5000 XAG AUD 3 115
XAGEUR.a Retail MT4, MT5 Silver vs Euro 5000 XAG EUR 3 115
XAGSGD Retail MT5 Silver / Singapore dollar 5000 XAG SGD 3
XAGSGD.a Retail MT5 Silver / Singapore dollar 5000 XAG SGD 3
XAGUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Silver vs US Dollar 5000 XAG USD 3 115
Cattle.a Retail MT4, MT5 Live Cattle Cash Contract 1000 USD USD 5 23
Cocoa.a Retail MT4, MT5 Cocoa Cash Contract 1 USD USD 1 44
Coffee.a Retail MT4, MT5 Coffee Cash Contract 10 USD USD 2 47
Corn.a Retail MT4, MT5 Corn Cash Contract 100 USD USD 4 64
Cotton.a Retail MT4, MT5 Cotton Cash Contract 100 USD USD 3 87
LDSugar.a Retail MT4, MT5 Sugar no. 5 Cash Contract 1 USD USD 1 46
LeanHogs.a Retail MT4, MT5 Lean Hogs Cash Contract 1000 USD USD 5 23
Lumber.a Retail MT4, MT5 Lumber Cash Contract 1 USD USD 2 31
Oats.a Retail MT4, MT5 Oats Cash Contract 1000 USD USD 4 64
OJ.a Retail MT4, MT5 Orange Juice Cash Contract 20 USD USD 2 30
RghRice.a Retail MT4, MT5 Rough Rice Cash Contract 100 USD USD 3 10
Soybeans.a Retail MT4, MT5 Soybeans Cash Contract 1 USD USD 1 64
SoyMeal.a Retail MT4, MT5 Soybean Meal Cash Contract 1 USD USD 2 64
SoyOil.a Retail MT4, MT5 Soybean Oil Cash Contract 1000 USD USD 5 64
Sugar.a Retail MT4, MT5 Sugar Cash Contract 100 USD USD 3 48
Wheat.a Retail MT4, MT5 Wheat Cash Contract 1 USD USD 1 64
Crypto10.a Retail MT4, MT5 Global Top 10 Crypto Index 1 USD USD 1 154
Crypto20.a Retail MT4, MT5 Global Top 20 Crypto Index 1 USD USD 1 154
Crypto30.a Retail MT4, MT5 Global Top 30 Crypto Index 1 USD USD 1 154
BTCAUD Retail MT5 Bitcoin vs Australian Dollar 1 AUD AUD 2
BTCAUD.a Retail MT5 Bitcoin vs Australian Dollar 1 AUD AUD 2
BTCEUR Retail MT5 Bitcoin Vs Euro 1 EUR EUR 2
BTCEUR.a Retail MT5 Bitcoin Vs Euro 1 EUR EUR 2
BTCGBP Retail MT5 Bitcoin Vs British Pound 1 GBP GBP 2
BTCGBP.a Retail MT5 Bitcoin Vs British Pound 1 GBP GBP 2
BTCUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Bitcoin vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
ETHAUD Retail MT5 Ethereum Vs Australian Dollar 1 AUD AUD 2
ETHAUD.a Retail MT5 Ethereum Vs Australian Dollar 1 AUD AUD 2
ETHEUR Retail MT5 Ethereum Vs Euro 1 EUR EUR 2
ETHEUR.a Retail MT5 Ethereum Vs Euro 1 EUR EUR 2
ETHGBP Retail MT5 Ethereum Vs British Pound 1 GBP GBP 2
ETHGBP.a Retail MT5 Ethereum Vs British Pound 1 GBP GBP 2
ETHUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Ethereum vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
LTCUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Litecoin vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
ADAUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Cardano vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
AVAXUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Avalanche vs US Dollar 10 USD USD 3 154
BCHUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Bitcoin Cash vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
BNBUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Binance Coin vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
COMPUSD Retail MT5 Compound vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
COMPUSD.a Retail MT5 Compound vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
DOGEUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Dogecoin vs US Dollar 1000 USD USD 5 154
DOTUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Polkadot vs US Dollar 10 USD USD 3 154
EOSUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 EOS vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
ETCUSD Retail MT5 Ethereum Classic VS US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
ETCUSD.a Retail MT5 Ethereum Classic VS US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
GLMRUSD Retail MT5 Glimmer Vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 5
GLMRUSD.a Retail MT5 Glimmer Vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 5
KSMUSD Retail MT5 Kusama Vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
KSMUSD.a Retail MT5 Kusama Vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 3
LINKUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Chainlink vs US Dollar 10 USD USD 3 154
MATICUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Polygon vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
SOLUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Solana vs US Dollar 1 USD USD 2 154
UNIUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Uniswap vs US Dollar 10 USD USD 3 154
XLMUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Stellar Lumens vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
XRPUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Ripple vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
XTZUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Tezos vs US Dollar 100 USD USD 4 154
AAXJ.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan ETF 1 USD USD 2
AAXJ.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan ETF 1 USD USD 2
ACWI.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI ACWI ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKF.US Retail MT5 ARK Fintech Innovation ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKF.US.a Retail MT5 ARK Fintech Innovation ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKG.US Retail MT5 ARK Genomic Revolution ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKG.US.a Retail MT5 ARK Genomic Revolution ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKK.US Retail MT5 ARK ETF Trust - ARK Innovation ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKK.US.a Retail MT5 ARK ETF Trust - ARK Innovation ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKW.US Retail MT5 ARK Web x.0 ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKW.US.a Retail MT5 ARK Web x.0 ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKX.US Retail MT5 ARK Space Exploration &Innovation ETF 1 USD USD 2
ARKX.US.a Retail MT5 ARK Space Exploration &Innovation ETF 1 USD USD 2
BRF.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap 1 USD USD 2
BRF.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap 1 USD USD 2
BUZZ.US Retail MT5 VanEck Vectors Social Sentiment ETF 1 USD USD 2
BUZZ.US.a Retail MT5 VanEck Vectors Social Sentiment ETF 1 USD USD 2
CIBR.US Retail MT5 First Trust Nasdaq Cybersecurity ETF 1 USD USD 2
CIBR.US.a Retail MT5 First Trust Nasdaq Cybersecurity ETF 1 USD USD 2
COPX.US Retail MT5 Global X Funds - Global X Copper Miners ETF 1 USD USD 2
COPX.US.a Retail MT5 Global X Funds - Global X Copper Miners ETF 1 USD USD 2
DBA.US Retail MT5 Invesco DB Agriculture Fund 1 USD USD 2
DBA.US.a Retail MT5 Invesco DB Agriculture Fund 1 USD USD 2
DIA.US Retail MT5 SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust (All Sessions) 1 USD USD 2
DIA.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust (All Sessions) 1 USD USD 2
DVY.US Retail MT5 iShares Select Dividend ETF 1 USD USD 2
DVY.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Select Dividend ETF 1 USD USD 2
ECH.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Chile Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
ECH.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Chile Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
EEM.US Retail MT5 MSCI Emerging Markets ETF 1 USD USD 2
EEM.US.a Retail MT5 MSCI Emerging Markets ETF 1 USD USD 2
EFA.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI EAFE ETF - EFA 1 USD USD 2
EIDO.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Indonesia ETF 1 USD USD 2
EIDO.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Indonesia ETF 1 USD USD 2
ENZL.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI New Zealand Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
ENZL.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI New Zealand Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
EPHE.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Philippines ETF 1 USD USD 2
EPHE.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Philippines ETF 1 USD USD 2
EPP.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Pacific ex Japan ETF 1 USD USD 2
EPP.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Pacific ex Japan ETF 1 USD USD 2
EPU.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI All Peru Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
EPU.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI All Peru Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWA.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Australia ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWA.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Australia ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWC.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Canada ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWC.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Canada ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWD.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Sweden ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWD.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Sweden ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWG.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Germany ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWG.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Germany ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWH.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Hong Kong ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWH.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Hong Kong ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWM.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Malaysia ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWM.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Malaysia ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWP.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Spain ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWP.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Spain ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWQ.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI France ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWQ.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI France ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWS.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Singapore ETF - EWS 1 USD USD 2
EWS.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Singapore ETF - EWS 1 USD USD 2
EWT.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Taiwan ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWT.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Taiwan ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWU.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI United Kingdom ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWU.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI United Kingdom ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWW.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Mexico Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWW.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Mexico Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWX.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWX.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWY.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI South Korea ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWY.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI South Korea ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWZ.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
EWZ.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
EXI.US Retail MT5 iShares Global Industrials ETF 1 USD USD 2
EXI.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Global Industrials ETF 1 USD USD 2
EZA.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI South Africa ETF 1 USD USD 2
EZA.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI South Africa ETF 1 USD USD 2
FAN.US Retail MT5 Trust Global Wind Energy ETF 1 USD USD 2
FAN.US.a Retail MT5 Trust Global Wind Energy ETF 1 USD USD 2
FXI.US Retail MT5 iShares China 25 ETF 1 USD USD 2
FXI.US.a Retail MT5 iShares China 25 ETF 1 USD USD 2
GDX.US Retail MT5 VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF 1 USD USD 2
GDX.US.a Retail MT5 VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF 1 USD USD 2
GDXJ.US Retail MT5 VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF 1 USD USD 2
GDXJ.US.a Retail MT5 VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF 1 USD USD 2
ICLN.US Retail MT5 iShares Global Clean Energy ETF 1 USD USD 2
ICLN.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Global Clean Energy ETF 1 USD USD 2
IEF.US Retail MT5 iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF 1 USD USD 2
IEF.US.a Retail MT5 iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF 1 USD USD 2
IEV.US Retail MT5 iShares Europe ETF 1 USD USD 2
IEV.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Europe ETF 1 USD USD 2
IGE.US Retail MT5 iShares North American Natural Resources ETF 1 USD USD 2
IGE.US.a Retail MT5 iShares North American Natural Resources ETF 1 USD USD 2
IGF.US Retail MT5 iShares Global Infrastructure ETF 1 USD USD 2
IGF.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Global Infrastructure ETF 1 USD USD 2
ILF.US Retail MT5 iShares Latin America 40 ETF 1 USD USD 2
ILF.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Latin America 40 ETF 1 USD USD 2
INDY.US Retail MT5 iShares India 50 ETF 1 USD USD 2
INDY.US.a Retail MT5 iShares India 50 ETF 1 USD USD 2
IUSG.US Retail MT5 iShares Core US Growth ETF 1 USD USD 2
IUSG.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Core US Growth ETF 1 USD USD 2
IWM.US Retail MT5 iShares Russell 2000 ETF (All Sessions) 1 USD USD 2
IWM.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Russell 2000 ETF (All Sessions) 1 USD USD 2
IWV.US Retail MT5 iShares Russell 3000 ETF 1 USD USD 2
IWV.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Russell 3000 ETF 1 USD USD 2
IXC.US Retail MT5 iShares Global Energy ETF 1 USD USD 2
IXC.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Global Energy ETF 1 USD USD 2
IXG.US Retail MT5 iShares Global Financials ETF 1 USD USD 2
IXG.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Global Financials ETF 1 USD USD 2
IXP.US Retail MT5 iShares Global Telecom ETF 1 USD USD 2
IXP.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Global Telecom ETF 1 USD USD 2
IYR.US Retail MT5 iShares US Real Estate ETF 1 USD USD 2
IYR.US.a Retail MT5 iShares US Real Estate ETF 1 USD USD 2
KBE.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Bank ETF 1 USD USD 2
KRBN.US Retail MT5 KFA Global Carbon ETF 1 USD USD 2
KRBN.US.a Retail MT5 KFA Global Carbon ETF 1 USD USD 2
KRE.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF 1 USD USD 2
KRE.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF 1 USD USD 2
LIT.US Retail MT5 Global X Lithium ETF 1 USD USD 2
LIT.US.a Retail MT5 Global X Lithium ETF 1 USD USD 2
MCHI.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI China ETF 1 USD USD 2
MCHI.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI China ETF 1 USD USD 2
MDY.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P MidCap 400 ETF Trust 1 USD USD 2
MDY.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P MidCap 400 ETF Trust 1 USD USD 2
MOO.US Retail MT5 VanEck Vectors Agribusiness ETF 1 USD USD 2
MOO.US.a Retail MT5 VanEck Vectors Agribusiness ETF 1 USD USD 2
NERD.US Retail MT5 Roundhill BITKRAFT Esports & Digital Entertainment ETF 1 USD USD 2
NERD.US.a Retail MT5 Roundhill BITKRAFT Esports & Digital Entertainment ETF 1 USD USD 2
NORW.US Retail MT5 Global X MSCI Norway ETF 1 USD USD 2
NORW.US.a Retail MT5 Global X MSCI Norway ETF 1 USD USD 2
PFF.US Retail MT5 iShares US Preferred Stock ETF 1 USD USD 2
PFF.US.a Retail MT5 iShares US Preferred Stock ETF 1 USD USD 2
PRNT.US Retail MT5 The 3D Printing ETF 1 USD USD 2
PRNT.US.a Retail MT5 The 3D Printing ETF 1 USD USD 2
QAT.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Qatar Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
QAT.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Qatar Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
SDY.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Dividend ETF 1 USD USD 2
SDY.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Dividend ETF 1 USD USD 2
SGOL.US Retail MT5 ETFS Gold Trust 1 USD USD 2
SGOL.US.a Retail MT5 ETFS Gold Trust 1 USD USD 2
SHV.US Retail MT5 iShares Short Treasury Bond ETF 1 USD USD 2
SHV.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Short Treasury Bond ETF 1 USD USD 2
SHY.US Retail MT5 iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF 1 USD USD 2
SHY.US.a Retail MT5 iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF 1 USD USD 2
SIL.US Retail MT5 Global X Silver Miners ETF 1 USD USD 2
SIL.US.a Retail MT5 Global X Silver Miners ETF 1 USD USD 2
SKYY.US Retail MT5 Trust ISE Cloud Computing Index Fund 1 USD USD 2
SKYY.US.a Retail MT5 Trust ISE Cloud Computing Index Fund 1 USD USD 2
SMIN.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI India Small-Cap ETF 1 USD USD 2
SMIN.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI India Small-Cap ETF 1 USD USD 2
SOXX.US Retail MT5 iShares PHLX Semiconductor ETF 1 USD USD 2
SOXX.US.a Retail MT5 iShares PHLX Semiconductor ETF 1 USD USD 2
SPY.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P500 ETF Trust SPDR 1 USD USD 2
SPY.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P500 ETF Trust SPDR 1 USD USD 2
SVXY.US Retail MT5 ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (All Sessions) 1 USD USD 2
SVXY.US.a Retail MT5 ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (All Sessions) 1 USD USD 2
THD.US Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Thailand Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
THD.US.a Retail MT5 iShares MSCI Thailand Capped ETF 1 USD USD 2
TLT.US Retail MT5 iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF 1 USD USD 2
TLT.US.a Retail MT5 iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF 1 USD USD 2
URA.US Retail MT5 Global X Uranium ETF 1 USD USD 2
URA.US.a Retail MT5 Global X Uranium ETF 1 USD USD 2
VDC.US Retail MT5 Vanguard Consumer Staples Index Fund ETF 1 USD USD 2
VDC.US.a Retail MT5 Vanguard Consumer Staples Index Fund ETF 1 USD USD 2
VIXY.US Retail MT5 ProShares VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (All Sessions) 1 USD USD 2
VIXY.US.a Retail MT5 ProShares VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (All Sessions) 1 USD USD 2
VNM.US Retail MT5 Market Vectors Vietnam ETF 1 USD USD 2
VNM.US.a Retail MT5 Market Vectors Vietnam ETF 1 USD USD 2
VONG.US Retail MT5 Vanguard Russell 1000 Growth ETF 1 USD USD 2
VONG.US.a Retail MT5 Vanguard Russell 1000 Growth ETF 1 USD USD 2
WOOD.US Retail MT5 iShares Global Timber & Forestry ETF 1 USD USD 2
WOOD.US.a Retail MT5 iShares Global Timber & Forestry ETF 1 USD USD 2
XBI.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Biotech ETF 1 USD USD 2
XBI.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Biotech ETF 1 USD USD 2
XHB.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Homebuilders ETF 1 USD USD 2
XHB.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Homebuilders ETF 1 USD USD 2
XLE.US Retail MT5 Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund 1 USD USD 2
XLE.US.a Retail MT5 Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund 1 USD USD 2
XLI.US Retail MT5 Industrial Select Sector SPDR ETF 1 USD USD 2
XLI.US.a Retail MT5 Industrial Select Sector SPDR ETF 1 USD USD 2
XME.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Metals & Mining ETF 1 USD USD 2
XME.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Metals & Mining ETF 1 USD USD 2
XOP.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF 1 USD USD 2
XOP.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF 1 USD USD 2
XPH.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Pharmaceuticals ETF 1 USD USD 2
XPH.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Pharmaceuticals ETF 1 USD USD 2
XRT.US Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Retail ETF 1 USD USD 2
XRT.US.a Retail MT5 SPDR S&P Retail ETF 1 USD USD 2
AUDCAD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 AUD CAD 5 120
AUDCHF.a Retail MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 AUD CHF 5 120
AUDJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 AUD JPY 3 120
CADCHF.a Retail MT4, MT5 Canadian Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 CAD CHF 5 120
CADJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Canadian Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 CAD JPY 3 120
CHFJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Swiss Franc vs Japanese Yen 100000 CHF JPY 3 120
EURAUD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Australian Dollar 100000 EUR AUD 5 120
EURCAD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Canadian Dollar 100000 EUR CAD 5 120
EURCHF.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Swiss Franc 100000 EUR CHF 5 120
EURGBP.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Great Britain Pound 100000 EUR GBP 5 120
EURJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Japanese Yen 100000 EUR JPY 3 120
GBPAUD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Australian Dollar 100000 GBP AUD 5 120
GBPCAD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Canadian Dollar 100000 GBP CAD 5 120
GBPCHF.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Swiss Franc 100000 GBP CHF 5 120
GBPJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Japanese Yen 100000 GBP JPY 3 120
AUDDKK Retail MT5 Australian Dollar vs Danish Krone 100000 AUD DKK 5
AUDDKK.a Retail MT5 Australian Dollar vs Danish Krone 100000 AUD DKK 5
AUDHUF Retail MT5 Australian Dollar vs Hungarian Forint 100000 AUD HUF 3
AUDHUF.a Retail MT5 Australian Dollar vs Hungarian Forint 100000 AUD HUF 3
AUDNOK Retail MT5 Australian Dollar vs Norwegian Krone 100000 AUD NOK 5
AUDNOK.a Retail MT5 Australian Dollar vs Norwegian Krone 100000 AUD NOK 5
AUDPLN Retail MT5 Australian Dollar vs Polish Zloty 100000 AUD PLN 5
AUDPLN.a Retail MT5 Australian Dollar vs Polish Zloty 100000 AUD PLN 5
AUDSGD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 AUD SGD 5 120
CADMXN Retail MT5 Candian Dollar vs Mexican Peso 100000 CAD MXN 5
CADMXN.a Retail MT5 Candian Dollar vs Mexican Peso 100000 CAD MXN 5
CADSGD Retail MT5 Canadian Dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 CAD SGD 5
CADSGD.a Retail MT5 Canadian Dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 CAD SGD 5
CHFDKK Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Danish Krone 100000 CHF DKK 5
CHFDKK.a Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Danish Krone 100000 CHF DKK 5
CHFHUF Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Hungarian Forint 100000 HUF HUF 3
CHFHUF.a Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Hungarian Forint 100000 HUF HUF 3
CHFNOK Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Norwegian Krone 100000 CHF NOK 5
CHFNOK.a Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Norwegian Krone 100000 CHF NOK 5
CHFPLN Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Polish Zloty 100000 CHF PLN 5
CHFPLN.a Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Polish Zloty 100000 CHF PLN 5
CHFSEK Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Swedish Krona 100000 CHF SEK 5
CHFSEK.a Retail MT5 Swiss Franc vs Swedish Krona 100000 CHF SEK 5
CHFSGD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Swiss Franc vs Singapore Dollar 100000 CHF SGD 5 120
EURCNH Retail MT5 Euro Dollar vs Chinese Yuan 100000 EUR CNH 5
EURCNH.a Retail MT5 Euro Dollar vs Chinese Yuan 100000 EUR CNH 5
EURCZK.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Czech Republic Koruna 100000 EUR CZK 5 80
EURDKK Retail MT5 Euro Dollar vs Danish Krone 100000 EUR DKK 5
EURDKK.a Retail MT5 Euro Dollar vs Danish Krone 100000 EUR DKK 5
EURHUF.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Hungarian Forint 100000 EUR HUF 3 120
EURILS Retail MT5 Euro Dollar vs Israeli New Shekel 100000 EUR ILS 5
EURILS.a Retail MT5 Euro Dollar vs Israeli New Shekel 100000 EUR ILS 5
EURMXN.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Mexican Peso 100000 EUR MXN 5 120
EURNOK.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Norwegian Krone 100000 EUR NOK 5 120
EURPLN.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Polish Zloty 100000 EUR PLN 5 120
EURSEK.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Swedish Krona 100000 EUR SEK 5 120
EURSGD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Singapore Dollar 100000 EUR SGD 5 120
EURTRY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs Turkish Lira 100000 EUR TRY 5 120
EURZAR.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs South African Rand 100000 EUR ZAR 5 120
GBPCNH Retail MT5 Great British Pound vs Chinese Yuan 100000 GBP CNH 5
GBPCNH.a Retail MT5 Great British Pound vs Chinese Yuan 100000 GBP CNH 5
GBPDKK Retail MT5 Great British Pound vs Danish Krone 100000 GBP DKK 5
GBPDKK.a Retail MT5 Great British Pound vs Danish Krone 100000 GBP DKK 5
GBPHUF Retail MT5 Great British Pound vs Hungarian Forint 100000 GBP HUF 3
GBPHUF.a Retail MT5 Great British Pound vs Hungarian Forint 100000 GBP HUF 3
GBPMXN.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Mexican Peso 100000 GBP MXN 5 120
GBPNOK.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Norwegian Krone 100000 GBP NOK 5 120
GBPSEK.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Swedish Krona 100000 GBP SEK 5 120
GBPSGD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Singapore Dollar 100000 GBP SGD 5 120
GBPTRY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Turkish Lira 100000 GBP TRY 5 120
MXNJPY Retail MT5 Mexican Peso vs Japanese Yen 100000 MXN JPY 5
MXNJPY.a Retail MT5 Mexican Peso vs Japanese Yen 100000 MXN JPY 5
NOKJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Norwegian Krone vs Japanese Yen 100000 NOK JPY 3 120
NOKSEK.a Retail MT4, MT5 Norwegian Krone vs Swedish Krona 100000 NOK SEK 5 120
NZDCNH Retail MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Chinese Yuan 100000 NZD CNH 5
NZDCNH.a Retail MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Chinese Yuan 100000 NZD CNH 5
NZDHUF Retail MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Hungarian Forint 100000 NZD HUF 3
NZDHUF.a Retail MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Hungarian Forint 100000 NZD HUF 3
NZDSGD Retail MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 NZD SGD 5
NZDSGD.a Retail MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 NZD SGD 5
PLNJPY Retail MT5 Polish Zloty vs Japanese Yen 100000 PLN JPY 3
PLNJPY.a Retail MT5 Polish Zloty vs Japanese Yen 100000 PLN JPY 3
SEKJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Swedish Krona vs Japanese Yen 100000 SEK JPY 3 120
SGDJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 Singapore Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 SGD JPY 3 120
USDCNH.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Chinese Yuan 100000 USD CNH 5 120
USDCZK.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Czech Republic Koruna 100000 USD CZK 5 80
USDDKK Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Danish Krone 100000 USD DKK 5
USDDKK.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Danish Krone 100000 USD DKK 5
USDHKD.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Hong Kong Dollar 100000 USD HKD 5 120
USDHUF.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Hungarian Forint 100000 USD HUF 3 120
USDILS Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Israeli New Shekel 100000 USD ILS 5
USDILS.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Israeli New Shekel 100000 USD ILS 5
USDMXN.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Mexican Peso 100000 USD MXN 5 120
USDNOK.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Norwegian Krone 100000 USD NOK 5 120
USDPLN.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Polish Zloty 100000 USD PLN 5 120
USDRON Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Romanian Leu 100000 USD RON 5
USDRON.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Romanian Leu 100000 USD RON 5
USDSEK.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Swedish Krona 100000 USD SEK 5 120
USDSGD.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Singapore Dollar 100000 USD SGD 5 120
USDTHB.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Thai Baht 100000 USD THB 5 120
USDTRY.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Turkish Lira 100000 USD TRY 5 120
USDZAR.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs South African Rand 100000 USD ZAR 5 120
ZARJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 South African Rand vs Japanese Yen 100000 ZAR JPY 3 120
AUDUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs US Dollar 100000 AUD USD 5 120
EURUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs US Dollar 100000 EUR USD 5 120
GBPUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar 100000 GBP USD 5 120
USDCAD.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 USD CAD 5 120
USDCHF.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 USD CHF 5 120
USDJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 USD JPY 3 120
AUDNZD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 AUD NZD 5 120
EURNZD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 EUR NZD 5 120
GBPNZD.a Retail MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs New Zealand Dollar 100000 GBP NZD 5 120
NZDCAD.a Retail MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Canadian Dollar 100000 NZD CAD 5 120
NZDCHF.a Retail MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Swiss Franc 100000 NZD CHF 5 120
NZDJPY.a Retail MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Japanese Yen 100000 NZD JPY 3 120
NZDUSD.a Retail MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar 100000 NZD USD 5 120
USDBRL Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Brazilian Real 100000 USD BRL 5
USDBRL.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Brazilian Real 100000 USD BRL 5
USDCLP Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Chile Peso 100000 USD CLP 2
USDCLP.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Chile Peso 100000 USD CLP 2
USDCOP Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Colombia Peso 100000 USD COP 2
USDCOP.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Colombia Peso 100000 USD COP 2
USDIDR Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Indonesian Rupiah 100000 USD IDR 1
USDIDR.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Indonesian Rupiah 100000 USD IDR 1
USDINR Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Indian Rupee 100000 USD INR 3
USDINR.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Indian Rupee 100000 USD INR 3
USDKRW Retail MT5 US Dollar vs South Korean won 100000 USD KRW 2
USDKRW.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs South Korean won 100000 USD KRW 2
USDTWD Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Taiwan Dollar 100000 USD TWD 3
USDTWD.a Retail MT5 US Dollar vs Taiwan Dollar 100000 USD TWD 3
Brent-F Retail MT5 Crude Oil Brent - (26 Jun - 26 Jul) 100 USD USD 3
Brent-F.a Retail MT5 Crude Oil Brent - (26 Jun - 26 Jul) 100 USD USD 3
Crude-F Retail MT5 Crude WTI - (18 Jun - 17 Jul) 100 USD USD 3
Crude-F.a Retail MT5 Crude WTI - (18 Jun - 17 Jul) 100 USD USD 3
XAGUSD-F Retail MT5 Silver - (21 Jun - 22 Aug) 5000 USD USD 3
XAGUSD-F.a Retail MT5 Silver - (21 Jun - 22 Aug) 5000 XAG USD 3
XAUUSD-F Retail MT5 Gold - (24 May - 24 Jul) 100 USD USD 2
XAUUSD-F.a Retail MT5 Gold - (24 May - 24 Jul) 100 XAU USD 2
AUS200-F Retail MT5 Australia 200 - (19 Jun - 17 Sep) 1 AUD AUD 1
AUS200-F.a Retail MT5 Australia 200 - (19 Jun - 17 Sep) 1 AUD AUD 1
GER40-F Retail MT5 Germany 40 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 EUR EUR 1
GER40-F.a Retail MT5 Germany 40 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 EUR EUR 1
JPN225-F Retail MT5 Japan 225 - (13 Jun - 10 Sep) 1 JPY JPY 1
JPN225-F.a Retail MT5 Japan 225 - (13 Jun - 10 Sep) 1 JPY JPY 1
NAS100-F Retail MT5 US NDAQ 100 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 USD USD 1
NAS100-F.a Retail MT5 US NDAQ 100 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 USD USD 1
UK100-F Retail MT5 UK 100 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 GBP GBP 1
UK100-F.a Retail MT5 UK 100 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 GBP GBP 1
US30-F Retail MT5 US 30 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 USD USD 1
US30-F.a Retail MT5 US 30 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 USD USD 1
US500-F Retail MT5 US SPX 500 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 USD USD 1
US500-F.a Retail MT5 US SPX 500 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep) 1 USD USD 1
HK50-F Retail MT5 Hong Kong 50 - (26 Jun - 26 Jul) 1 HKD HKD 1
HK50-F.a Retail MT5 Hong Kong 50 - (26 Jun - 26 Jul) 1 HKD HKD 1
EURX.a Retail MT4, MT5 Euro Currency Index 100 EUR EUR 1 115
JPYX.a Retail MT4, MT5 Japanese Yen Currency Index 100 JPY JPY 1 115
USDX.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Dollar Index 100 USD USD 3 107
AUS200.a Retail MT4, MT5 Australia 200 Index 1 AUD AUD 1 34
EUSTX50.a Retail MT4, MT5 EU 50 Index 1 EUR EUR 1 10
FRA40.a Retail MT4, MT5 France 40 Index 1 EUR EUR 1 70
GER40.a Retail MT4, MT5 Germany DAX 40 Index 1 EUR EUR 1 10
JPN225.a Retail MT4, MT5 Japan 225 Index 100 JPY JPY 1 115
NAS100.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Tech 100 Index 1 USD USD 1 115
UK100.a Retail MT4, MT5 UK 100 Index 1 GBP GBP 1 114
US30.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Wall Street 30 Index 1 USD USD 1 115
US500.a Retail MT4, MT5 US 500 Index 1 USD USD 1 115
CA60.a Retail MT4, MT5 Canada 60 Index 1 CAD CAD 2 34
CHINAH.a Retail MT4, MT5 Hong Kong China H-shares Index 1 HKD HKD 2 14
CN50.a Retail MT4, MT5 China 50 Index 1 USD USD 1 38
GERTEC30.a Retail MT4, MT5 Germany Tech 30 Index 1 EUR EUR 2 43
HK50.a Retail MT4, MT5 Hong Kong 50 Index 1 HKD HKD 1 14
MidDE50.a Retail MT4, MT5 Germany Mid 50 Index 1 EUR EUR 2 43
NETH25.a Retail MT4, MT5 Netherlands 25 Index 1 EUR EUR 2 70
NOR25.a Retail MT4, MT5 Norway 25 Index 1 NOK NOK 2 37
SA40.a Retail MT4, MT5 South Africa 40 Index 1 ZAR ZAR 2 45
SCI25.a Retail MT4, MT5 Singapore 25 Index Cash 1 SGD SGD 1 45
SPA35.a Retail MT4, MT5 Spain 35 Index 1 EUR EUR 1 60
SWI20.a Retail MT4, MT5 Switzerland 20 Index 1 CHF CHF 2 70
US2000.a Retail MT4, MT5 US 2000 Index 1 USD USD 1 115
VIX.a Retail MT4, MT5 US Volatility Index 1 USD USD 2 115
A2M.AU Retail MT5 A2 Milk Company Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
A2M.AU.a Retail MT5 A2 Milk Company Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ABC.AU Retail MT5 Adelaide Brighton 1 AUD AUD 3
ABC.AU.a Retail MT5 Adelaide Brighton 1 AUD AUD 3
AGL.AU Retail MT5 AGL Energy Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
AGL.AU.a Retail MT5 AGL Energy Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ALD.AU Retail MT5 Ampol Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
ALD.AU.a Retail MT5 Ampol Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
ALL.AU Retail MT5 Aristocrat Leisure Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
ALL.AU.a Retail MT5 Aristocrat Leisure Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
ALQ.AU Retail MT5 ALS Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
ALQ.AU.a Retail MT5 ALS Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
ALU.AU Retail MT5 Altium Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ALU.AU.a Retail MT5 Altium Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ALX.AU Retail MT5 Atlas Arteria 1 AUD AUD 3
ALX.AU.a Retail MT5 Atlas Arteria 1 AUD AUD 3
AMC.AU Retail MT5 Amcor Plc 1 AUD AUD 3
AMC.AU.a Retail MT5 Amcor Plc 1 AUD AUD 3
AMP.AU Retail MT5 AMP Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
AMP.AU.a Retail MT5 AMP Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ANN.AU Retail MT5 Ansell Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ANN.AU.a Retail MT5 Ansell Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ANZ.AU Retail MT5 ANZ Group Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ANZ.AU.a Retail MT5 ANZ Group Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
APA.AU Retail MT5 APA Group 1 AUD AUD 3
APA.AU.a Retail MT5 APA Group 1 AUD AUD 3
APE.AU Retail MT5 AP Eagers Pty Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
APE.AU.a Retail MT5 AP Eagers Pty Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
Appen_Limited_(APX.AX) Retail MT5 Appen Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
ARB.AU Retail MT5 ARB Corporation 1 AUD AUD 3
ARB.AU.a Retail MT5 ARB Corporation 1 AUD AUD 3
ASX.AU Retail MT5 ASX Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ASX.AU.a Retail MT5 ASX Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
Austal_Ltd_(ASB.AX) Retail MT5 Austal Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
Austal_Ltd_(ASB.AX).a Retail MT5 Austal Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
AWC.AU Retail MT5 Alumina Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
AWC.AU.a Retail MT5 Alumina Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
AZJ.AU Retail MT5 Aurizon Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
AZJ.AU.a Retail MT5 Aurizon Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BAP.AU Retail MT5 Bapcor Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BAP.AU.a Retail MT5 Bapcor Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BEN.AU Retail MT5 Bendigo and Adelaide Bank 1 AUD AUD 3
BEN.AU.a Retail MT5 Bendigo and Adelaide Bank 1 AUD AUD 3
BGA.AU Retail MT5 Bega Cheese Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BGA.AU.a Retail MT5 Bega Cheese Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BHP.AU Retail MT5 BHP Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BHP.AU.a Retail MT5 BHP Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BKW.AU Retail MT5 Brickworks Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BKW.AU.a Retail MT5 Brickworks Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BLD.AU Retail MT5 Boral Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BLD.AU.a Retail MT5 Boral Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BOQ.AU Retail MT5 Bank of Queensland 1 AUD AUD 3
BOQ.AU.a Retail MT5 Bank of Queensland 1 AUD AUD 3
BPT.AU Retail MT5 Beach Energy Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BPT.AU.a Retail MT5 Beach Energy Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BRG.AU Retail MT5 Breville Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BRG.AU.a Retail MT5 Breville Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BSL.AU Retail MT5 BlueScope Steel Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BSL.AU.a Retail MT5 BlueScope Steel Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BWP.AU Retail MT5 BWP Trust 1 AUD AUD 3
BWP.AU.a Retail MT5 BWP Trust 1 AUD AUD 3
BXB.AU Retail MT5 Brambles Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
BXB.AU.a Retail MT5 Brambles Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CAR.AU Retail MT5 CAR Group Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
CAR.AU.a Retail MT5 CAR Group Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
CBA.AU Retail MT5 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1 AUD AUD 3
CBA.AU.a Retail MT5 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1 AUD AUD 3
CGF.AU Retail MT5 Challenger Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CGF.AU.a Retail MT5 Challenger Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CHC.AU Retail MT5 Charter Hall Group 1 AUD AUD 3
CHC.AU.a Retail MT5 Charter Hall Group 1 AUD AUD 3
CKF.AU Retail MT5 Collins Food Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CKF.AU.a Retail MT5 Collins Food Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CLW.AU Retail MT5 Charter Hall Long WALE REIT 1 AUD AUD 3
CLW.AU.a Retail MT5 Charter Hall Long WALE REIT 1 AUD AUD 3
CNU.AU Retail MT5 Chorus Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CNU.AU.a Retail MT5 Chorus Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
COH.AU Retail MT5 Cochlear Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
COH.AU.a Retail MT5 Cochlear Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
COL.AU Retail MT5 Coles Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
COL.AU.a Retail MT5 Coles Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CPU.AU Retail MT5 Computershare Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CPU.AU.a Retail MT5 Computershare Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CQR.AU Retail MT5 Charter Hall Retail REIT 1 AUD AUD 3
CQR.AU.a Retail MT5 Charter Hall Retail REIT 1 AUD AUD 3
CRYP.AU Retail MT5 Betashares Crypto Innovators ETF 1 AUD AUD 2
CRYP.AU.a Retail MT5 Betashares Crypto Innovators ETF 1 AUD AUD 2
CSL.AU Retail MT5 CSL Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CSL.AU.a Retail MT5 CSL Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CSR.AU Retail MT5 CSR Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CSR.AU.a Retail MT5 CSR Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CTD.AU Retail MT5 Corporate Travel Management Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CTD.AU.a Retail MT5 Corporate Travel Management Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CWY.AU Retail MT5 Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
CWY.AU.a Retail MT5 Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
DHG.AU Retail MT5 Domain Holdings Australia 1 AUD AUD 3
DHG.AU.a Retail MT5 Domain Holdings Australia 1 AUD AUD 3
DMP.AU Retail MT5 Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
DMP.AU.a Retail MT5 Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
DOW.AU Retail MT5 Downer EDI Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
DOW.AU.a Retail MT5 Downer EDI Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
DXS.AU Retail MT5 Dexus 1 AUD AUD 3
DXS.AU.a Retail MT5 Dexus 1 AUD AUD 3
ELD.AU Retail MT5 Elders Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ELD.AU.a Retail MT5 Elders Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
EVN.AU Retail MT5 Evolution Mining Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
EVN.AU.a Retail MT5 Evolution Mining Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
FBU.AU Retail MT5 Fletcher Building Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
FBU.AU.a Retail MT5 Fletcher Building Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
Flight_Centre_Trav._(FLT.AX) Retail MT5 Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
FLT.AU Retail MT5 Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
FLT.AU.a Retail MT5 Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
FMG.AU Retail MT5 Fortescue Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
FMG.AU.a Retail MT5 Fortescue Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
FPH.AU Retail MT5 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
FPH.AU.a Retail MT5 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
GEM.AU Retail MT5 G8 Education Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
GEM.AU.a Retail MT5 G8 Education Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
GMG.AU Retail MT5 Goodman Group 1 AUD AUD 3
GMG.AU.a Retail MT5 Goodman Group 1 AUD AUD 3
GNC.AU Retail MT5 GrainCorp Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
GNC.AU.a Retail MT5 GrainCorp Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
GOR.AU Retail MT5 Gold Road Resources Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
GOR.AU.a Retail MT5 Gold Road Resources Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
GPT.AU Retail MT5 GPT Group 1 AUD AUD 3
GPT.AU.a Retail MT5 GPT Group 1 AUD AUD 3
GUD.AU Retail MT5 G.U.D. Holdings 1 AUD AUD 3
GUD.AU.a Retail MT5 G.U.D. Holdings 1 AUD AUD 3
GYG.AU Retail MT5 Guzman Y Gomez Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
GYG.AU.a Retail MT5 Guzman Y Gomez Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
HVN.AU Retail MT5 Harvey Norman 1 AUD AUD 3
HVN.AU.a Retail MT5 Harvey Norman 1 AUD AUD 3
IAG.AU Retail MT5 Insurance Australia Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
IAG.AU.a Retail MT5 Insurance Australia Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
IEL.AU Retail MT5 Idp Education Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
IEL.AU.a Retail MT5 Idp Education Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
IFL.AU Retail MT5 Insignia Financial Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
IFL.AU.a Retail MT5 Insignia Financial Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
IGO.AU Retail MT5 IGO Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
IGO.AU.a Retail MT5 IGO Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ILU.AU Retail MT5 Iluka Resources 1 AUD AUD 3
ILU.AU.a Retail MT5 Iluka Resources 1 AUD AUD 3
IPH.AU Retail MT5 IPH Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
IPH.AU.a Retail MT5 IPH Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
IPL.AU Retail MT5 Incitec Pivot 1 AUD AUD 3
IPL.AU.a Retail MT5 Incitec Pivot 1 AUD AUD 3
IRE.AU Retail MT5 Iress Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
IRE.AU.a Retail MT5 Iress Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
JBH.AU Retail MT5 JB Hi-Fi Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
JBH.AU.a Retail MT5 JB Hi-Fi Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
JHX.AU Retail MT5 James Hardie Industries Plc 1 AUD AUD 3
JHX.AU.a Retail MT5 James Hardie Industries Plc 1 AUD AUD 3
Jumbo_Interactive_(JIN.AX) Retail MT5 Jumbo Interactive 1 AUD AUD 3
KGN.AU Retail MT5 Kogan.com Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
KGN.AU.a Retail MT5 Kogan.com Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
Kogan_(KGN.AX) Retail MT5 Kogan.com Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
LLC.AU Retail MT5 Lendlease Group 1 AUD AUD 3
LLC.AU.a Retail MT5 Lendlease Group 1 AUD AUD 3
LYC.AU Retail MT5 Lynas Rare Earths Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
LYC.AU.a Retail MT5 Lynas Rare Earths Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
MFG.AU Retail MT5 Magellan Fin Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
MFG.AU.a Retail MT5 Magellan Fin Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
MGR.AU Retail MT5 Mirvac Group 1 AUD AUD 3
MGR.AU.a Retail MT5 Mirvac Group 1 AUD AUD 3
MIN.AU Retail MT5 Mineral Resources 1 AUD AUD 3
MIN.AU.a Retail MT5 Mineral Resources 1 AUD AUD 3
MND.AU Retail MT5 Monadelphous Group 1 AUD AUD 3
MND.AU.a Retail MT5 Monadelphous Group 1 AUD AUD 3
MPL.AU Retail MT5 Medibank Private Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
MPL.AU.a Retail MT5 Medibank Private Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
MQG.AU Retail MT5 Macquarie Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
MQG.AU.a Retail MT5 Macquarie Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
MTS.AU Retail MT5 Metcash Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
MTS.AU.a Retail MT5 Metcash Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NAB.AU Retail MT5 National Australia Bank Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NAB.AU.a Retail MT5 National Australia Bank Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NAN.AU Retail MT5 Nanosonics Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NAN.AU.a Retail MT5 Nanosonics Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NEC.AU Retail MT5 Nine Entertainment Co Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NEC.AU.a Retail MT5 Nine Entertainment Co Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
News_Corp_Class_B_(NWS.AX) Retail MT5 News Corp Class B 1 AUD AUD 3
NHC.AU Retail MT5 New Hope Corporation Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NHC.AU.a Retail MT5 New Hope Corporation Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NHF.AU Retail MT5 Nib Holdings Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
NHF.AU.a Retail MT5 Nib Holdings Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
NSR.AU Retail MT5 National Storage REIT 1 AUD AUD 3
NSR.AU.a Retail MT5 National Storage REIT 1 AUD AUD 3
NST.AU Retail MT5 Northern Star Resources Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NST.AU.a Retail MT5 Northern Star Resources Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NUF.AU Retail MT5 Nufarm Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NUF.AU.a Retail MT5 Nufarm Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NWL.AU Retail MT5 Netwealth Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NWL.AU.a Retail MT5 Netwealth Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NWS.AU Retail MT5 News Corp Class B 1 AUD AUD 3
NWS.AU.a Retail MT5 News Corp Class B 1 AUD AUD 3
NXT.AU Retail MT5 Nextdc Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
NXT.AU.a Retail MT5 Nextdc Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ORA.AU Retail MT5 Orora Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ORA.AU.a Retail MT5 Orora Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ORG.AU Retail MT5 Origin Energy Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ORG.AU.a Retail MT5 Origin Energy Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ORI.AU Retail MT5 Orica Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ORI.AU.a Retail MT5 Orica Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
Orora_Ltd_(ORA.AX) Retail MT5 Orora Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
Perenti_Global_Ltd_(PRN.AX) Retail MT5 Perenti Global Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PLS.AU Retail MT5 Pilbara Minerals Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PLS.AU.a Retail MT5 Pilbara Minerals Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PME.AU Retail MT5 Pro Medicus Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PME.AU.a Retail MT5 Pro Medicus Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PMV.AU Retail MT5 Premier Investments 1 AUD AUD 3
PMV.AU.a Retail MT5 Premier Investments 1 AUD AUD 3
PNV.AU Retail MT5 Polynovo Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PNV.AU.a Retail MT5 Polynovo Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PPT.AU Retail MT5 Perpetual Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PPT.AU.a Retail MT5 Perpetual Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PRN.AU Retail MT5 Perenti Global Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PRN.AU.a Retail MT5 Perenti Global Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
PTM.AU Retail MT5 Platinum Asset Management 1 AUD AUD 3
PTM.AU.a Retail MT5 Platinum Asset Management 1 AUD AUD 3
QAN.AU Retail MT5 Qantas Airways Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
QAN.AU.a Retail MT5 Qantas Airways Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
QBE.AU Retail MT5 QBE Insurance Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
QBE.AU.a Retail MT5 QBE Insurance Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
QUB.AU Retail MT5 QUBE Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
QUB.AU.a Retail MT5 QUBE Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
REA.AU Retail MT5 REA Group 1 AUD AUD 3
REA.AU.a Retail MT5 REA Group 1 AUD AUD 3
RGN.AU Retail MT5 Region Group 1 AUD AUD 3
RGN.AU.a Retail MT5 Region Group 1 AUD AUD 3
RGN_Region_Group_(RGN.AX) Retail MT5 Region Group 1 AUD AUD 3
RHC.AU Retail MT5 Ramsay Health Care Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
RHC.AU.a Retail MT5 Ramsay Health Care Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
RIO.AU Retail MT5 Rio Tinto Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
RIO.AU.a Retail MT5 Rio Tinto Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
RMD.AU Retail MT5 Resmed Inc 1 AUD AUD 3
RMD.AU.a Retail MT5 Resmed Inc 1 AUD AUD 3
RRL.AU Retail MT5 Regis Resources 1 AUD AUD 3
RRL.AU.a Retail MT5 Regis Resources 1 AUD AUD 3
RSG.AU Retail MT5 Resolute Mining 1 AUD AUD 3
RSG.AU.a Retail MT5 Resolute Mining 1 AUD AUD 3
RWC.AU Retail MT5 Reliance Worldwide 1 AUD AUD 3
RWC.AU.a Retail MT5 Reliance Worldwide 1 AUD AUD 3
S32.AU Retail MT5 SOUTH32 Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
S32.AU.a Retail MT5 SOUTH32 Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SCG.AU Retail MT5 Scentre Group 1 AUD AUD 3
SCG.AU.a Retail MT5 Scentre Group 1 AUD AUD 3
SDF.AU Retail MT5 Steadfast Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SDF.AU.a Retail MT5 Steadfast Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SEK.AU Retail MT5 Seek Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SEK.AU.a Retail MT5 Seek Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SFR.AU Retail MT5 Sandfire Resources 1 AUD AUD 3
SFR.AU.a Retail MT5 Sandfire Resources 1 AUD AUD 3
SGM.AU Retail MT5 Sims Metal Management Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SGM.AU.a Retail MT5 Sims Metal Management Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SGP.AU Retail MT5 Stockland 1 AUD AUD 3
SGP.AU.a Retail MT5 Stockland 1 AUD AUD 3
SGR.AU Retail MT5 Star Entertainment Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SGR.AU.a Retail MT5 Star Entertainment Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SHL.AU Retail MT5 Sonic Healthcare Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SHL.AU.a Retail MT5 Sonic Healthcare Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SIQ.AU Retail MT5 Smartgroup Corporation 1 AUD AUD 3
SIQ.AU.a Retail MT5 Smartgroup Corporation 1 AUD AUD 3
SKC.AU Retail MT5 Skycity Entertainment Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SKC.AU.a Retail MT5 Skycity Entertainment Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SOL.AU Retail MT5 Washington H. Soul Pattinson 1 AUD AUD 3
SOL.AU.a Retail MT5 Washington H. Soul Pattinson 1 AUD AUD 3
SPK.AU Retail MT5 Spark New Zealand 1 AUD AUD 3
SPK.AU.a Retail MT5 Spark New Zealand 1 AUD AUD 3
SQ2.AU Retail MT5 Block Inc CDI 1 AUD AUD 3
SQ2.AU.a Retail MT5 Block Inc CDI 1 AUD AUD 3
ST_Barbara_Ltd_(SBM.AX) Retail MT5 ST Barbara Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
STHN_Cross_Media_(SXL.AX) Retail MT5 Southern Cross Media Group 1 AUD AUD 3
STO.AU Retail MT5 Santos Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
STO.AU.a Retail MT5 Santos Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SUL.AU Retail MT5 Super Retail Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SUL.AU.a Retail MT5 Super Retail Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SUN.AU Retail MT5 Suncorp Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SUN.AU.a Retail MT5 Suncorp Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
SVW.AU Retail MT5 Seven Group Holdings 1 AUD AUD 3
SVW.AU.a Retail MT5 Seven Group Holdings 1 AUD AUD 3
SXL.AU Retail MT5 Southern Cross Media Group 1 AUD AUD 3
SXL.AU.a Retail MT5 Southern Cross Media Group 1 AUD AUD 3
TAH.AU Retail MT5 Tabcorp Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
TAH.AU.a Retail MT5 Tabcorp Holdings Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
TLS.AU Retail MT5 Telstra Corporation Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
TLS.AU.a Retail MT5 Telstra Corporation Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
TNE.AU Retail MT5 Technology One 1 AUD AUD 3
TNE.AU.a Retail MT5 Technology One 1 AUD AUD 3
TPG.AU Retail MT5 TPG Telecom Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
TPG.AU.a Retail MT5 TPG Telecom Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
TWE.AU Retail MT5 Treasury Wine Estates Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
TWE.AU.a Retail MT5 Treasury Wine Estates Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
URW.AU Retail MT5 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 1 AUD AUD 3
URW.AU.a Retail MT5 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 1 AUD AUD 3
VCX.AU Retail MT5 Vicinity Centres 1 AUD AUD 3
VCX.AU.a Retail MT5 Vicinity Centres 1 AUD AUD 3
VEA.AU Retail MT5 Viva Energy Group 1 AUD AUD 3
VEA.AU.a Retail MT5 Viva Energy Group 1 AUD AUD 3
VUK.AU Retail MT5 Virgin Money UK PLC 1 AUD AUD 3
VUK.AU.a Retail MT5 Virgin Money UK PLC 1 AUD AUD 3
WBC.AU Retail MT5 Westpac Banking Corporation 1 AUD AUD 3
WBC.AU.a Retail MT5 Westpac Banking Corporation 1 AUD AUD 3
WEB.AU Retail MT5 Webjet Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
WEB.AU.a Retail MT5 Webjet Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
WES.AU Retail MT5 Wesfarmers Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
WES.AU.a Retail MT5 Wesfarmers Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
WHC.AU Retail MT5 Whitehaven Coal 1 AUD AUD 3
WHC.AU.a Retail MT5 Whitehaven Coal 1 AUD AUD 3
WOR.AU Retail MT5 Worley Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
WOR.AU.a Retail MT5 Worley Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
WOW.AU Retail MT5 Woolworths Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
WOW.AU.a Retail MT5 Woolworths Group Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
WPR.AU Retail MT5 Waypoint 1 AUD AUD 3
WPR.AU.a Retail MT5 Waypoint 1 AUD AUD 3
WTC.AU Retail MT5 Wisetech Global Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
WTC.AU.a Retail MT5 Wisetech Global Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
XRO.AU Retail MT5 Xero Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
XRO.AU.a Retail MT5 Xero Ltd 1 AUD AUD 3
ZipMoney_Limited_(Z1P.AX) Retail MT5 ZipMoney Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
ZipMoney_Limited_(Z1P.AX).a Retail MT5 ZipMoney Limited 1 AUD AUD 3
EBS.AT Retail MT5 Erste Group Bank AG 1 EUR EUR 4
EBS.AT.a Retail MT5 Erste Group Bank AG 1 EUR EUR 4
OMV.AT.a Retail MT5 OMV AG 1 EUR EUR 4
VER.AT Retail MT5 Verbund AG 1 EUR EUR 4
VER.AT.a Retail MT5 Verbund AG 1 EUR EUR 4
ABI.BE Retail MT5 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV 1 EUR EUR 4
ABI.BE.a Retail MT5 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV 1 EUR EUR 4
AGS.BE Retail MT5 Ageas SA/NV 1 EUR EUR 4
AGS.BE.a Retail MT5 Ageas SA/NV 1 EUR EUR 4
ARGX.BE Retail MT5 Argenx SE 1 EUR EUR 4
ARGX.BE.a Retail MT5 Argenx SE 1 EUR EUR 4
DIE.BE Retail MT5 D'ieteren Group 1 EUR EUR 4
DIE.BE.a Retail MT5 D'ieteren Group 1 EUR EUR 4
ELI.BE Retail MT5 Elia Group SA/NV 1 EUR EUR 4
ELI.BE.a Retail MT5 Elia Group SA/NV 1 EUR EUR 4
GBLB.BE Retail MT5 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert NV 1 EUR EUR 4
GBLB.BE.a Retail MT5 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert NV 1 EUR EUR 4
KBC.BE Retail MT5 KBC Group NV 1 EUR EUR 4
KBC.BE.a Retail MT5 KBC Group NV 1 EUR EUR 4
SOF.BE Retail MT5 Sofina SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SOF.BE.a Retail MT5 Sofina SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SOLB.BE Retail MT5 Solvay SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SOLB.BE.a Retail MT5 Solvay SA 1 EUR EUR 4
UCB.BE.a Retail MT5 UCB SA 1 EUR EUR 4
UMI.BE Retail MT5 Umicore SA 1 EUR EUR 4
UMI.BE.a Retail MT5 Umicore SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CARLB.DK Retail MT5 Carlsberg AS 1 DKK DKK 4
CARLB.DK.a Retail MT5 Carlsberg AS 1 DKK DKK 4
COLOB.DK Retail MT5 Coloplast A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
COLOB.DK.a Retail MT5 Coloplast A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
DANSKE.DK Retail MT5 Danske Bank A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
DANSKE.DK.a Retail MT5 Danske Bank A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
DSV.DK.a Retail MT5 DSV A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
GMAB.DK Retail MT5 Genmab A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
GMAB.DK.a Retail MT5 Genmab A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
MAERSKB.DK Retail MT5 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
MAERSKB.DK.a Retail MT5 AP Moller - Maersk A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
NOVOB.DK Retail MT5 Novo Nordisk A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
NOVOB.DK.a Retail MT5 Novo Nordisk A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
ORSTED.DK Retail MT5 Orsted AS 1 DKK DKK 4
ORSTED.DK.a Retail MT5 Orsted AS 1 DKK DKK 4
VWS.DK Retail MT5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
VWS.DK.a Retail MT5 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 1 DKK DKK 4
FORTUM.FI Retail MT5 Fortum Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
FORTUM.FI.a Retail MT5 Fortum Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
KNEBV.FI Retail MT5 Kone Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
KNEBV.FI.a Retail MT5 Kone Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
NDA.FI Retail MT5 Nordea Bank Abp 1 EUR EUR 4
NDA.FI.a Retail MT5 Nordea Bank Abp 1 EUR EUR 4
NESTE.FI Retail MT5 Neste Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
NESTE.FI.a Retail MT5 Neste Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
NOKIA.FI Retail MT5 Nokia Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
NOKIA.FI.a Retail MT5 Nokia Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
SAMPO.FI Retail MT5 Sampo Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
SAMPO.FI.a Retail MT5 Sampo Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
UPM.FI Retail MT5 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
UPM.FI.a Retail MT5 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 1 EUR EUR 4
ACA.FR Retail MT5 Credit Agricole SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ACA.FR.a Retail MT5 Credit Agricole SA 1 EUR EUR 4
AF.FR Retail MT5 AIR France-KLM 1 EUR EUR 4
AF.FR.a Retail MT5 AIR France-KLM 1 EUR EUR 4
AI.FR Retail MT5 Air Liquide SA 1 EUR EUR 4
AI.FR.a Retail MT5 Air Liquide SA 1 EUR EUR 4
AIR.FR Retail MT5 Airbus SE 1 EUR EUR 4
AIR.FR.a Retail MT5 Airbus SE 1 EUR EUR 4
ALO.FR Retail MT5 Alstom SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ALO.FR.a Retail MT5 Alstom SA 1 EUR EUR 4
BN.FR Retail MT5 Danone SA 1 EUR EUR 4
BN.FR.a Retail MT5 Danone SA 1 EUR EUR 4
BNP.FR Retail MT5 BNP Paribas SA 1 EUR EUR 4
BNP.FR.a Retail MT5 BNP Paribas SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CA.FR Retail MT5 Carrefour SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CA.FR.a Retail MT5 Carrefour SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CAP.FR Retail MT5 Capgemini SE 1 EUR EUR 4
CAP.FR.a Retail MT5 Capgemini SE 1 EUR EUR 4
CDI.FR Retail MT5 Christian Dior SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CDI.FR.a Retail MT5 Christian Dior SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CS.FR.a Retail MT5 AXA SA 1 EUR EUR 4
DEC.FR Retail MT5 JCDecaux 1 EUR EUR 4
DEC.FR.a Retail MT5 JCDecaux 1 EUR EUR 4
DG.FR Retail MT5 Vinci SA 1 EUR EUR 4
DG.FR.a Retail MT5 Vinci SA 1 EUR EUR 4
DSY.FR Retail MT5 Dassault Systemes SE 1 EUR EUR 4
DSY.FR.a Retail MT5 Dassault Systemes SE 1 EUR EUR 4
EDEN.FR Retail MT5 Edenred 1 EUR EUR 4
EDEN.FR.a Retail MT5 Edenred 1 EUR EUR 4
EL.FR Retail MT5 EssilorLuxottica SA 1 EUR EUR 4
EL.FR.a Retail MT5 EssilorLuxottica SA 1 EUR EUR 4
EN.FR Retail MT5 Bouygues SA 1 EUR EUR 4
EN.FR.a Retail MT5 Bouygues SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ENGI.FR Retail MT5 Engie SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ENGI.FR.a Retail MT5 Engie SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ERF.FR Retail MT5 Eurofins Scientific SE 1 EUR EUR 4
ERF.FR.a Retail MT5 Eurofins Scientific SE 1 EUR EUR 4
GLE.FR Retail MT5 Societe Generale SA 1 EUR EUR 4
GLE.FR.a Retail MT5 Societe Generale SA 1 EUR EUR 4
HO.FR Retail MT5 Thales SA 1 EUR EUR 4
HO.FR.a Retail MT5 Thales SA 1 EUR EUR 4
KER.FR Retail MT5 Kering SA 1 EUR EUR 4
KER.FR.a Retail MT5 Kering SA 1 EUR EUR 4
LR.FR Retail MT5 Legrand SA 1 EUR EUR 4
LR.FR.a Retail MT5 Legrand SA 1 EUR EUR 4
MC.FR Retail MT5 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 1 EUR EUR 4
MC.FR.a Retail MT5 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE 1 EUR EUR 4
ML.FR Retail MT5 Michelin SCA 1 EUR EUR 4
ML.FR.a Retail MT5 Michelin SCA 1 EUR EUR 4
OR.FR Retail MT5 L'Oreal SA 1 EUR EUR 4
OR.FR.a Retail MT5 L'Oreal SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ORA.FR Retail MT5 Orange SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ORA.FR.a Retail MT5 Orange SA 1 EUR EUR 4
PUB.FR Retail MT5 Publicis Groupe SA 1 EUR EUR 4
PUB.FR.a Retail MT5 Publicis Groupe SA 1 EUR EUR 4
RCO.FR Retail MT5 Remy Cointreau 1 EUR EUR 4
RCO.FR.a Retail MT5 Remy Cointreau 1 EUR EUR 4
RI.FR Retail MT5 Pernod Ricard SA 1 EUR EUR 4
RI.FR.a Retail MT5 Pernod Ricard SA 1 EUR EUR 4
RMS.FR Retail MT5 Hermes International SCA 1 EUR EUR 4
RMS.FR.a Retail MT5 Hermes International SCA 1 EUR EUR 4
RNO.FR Retail MT5 Renault SA 1 EUR EUR 4
RNO.FR.a Retail MT5 Renault SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SAF.FR Retail MT5 Safran SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SAF.FR.a Retail MT5 Safran SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SAN.FR Retail MT5 Sanofi 1 EUR EUR 4
SAN.FR.a Retail MT5 Sanofi 1 EUR EUR 4
SGO.FR Retail MT5 Cie de Saint-Gobain SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SGO.FR.a Retail MT5 Cie de Saint-Gobain SA 1 EUR EUR 4
STLAP.FR Retail MT5 Stellantis NV 1 EUR EUR 4
STLAP.FR.a Retail MT5 Stellantis NV 1 EUR EUR 4
STMPA.FR Retail MT5 STMicroelectronics NV 1 EUR EUR 4
STMPA.FR.a Retail MT5 STMicroelectronics NV 1 EUR EUR 4
SU.FR Retail MT5 Schneider Electric SE 1 EUR EUR 4
SU.FR.a Retail MT5 Schneider Electric SE 1 EUR EUR 4
TTE.FR Retail MT5 TotalEnergies SE 1 EUR EUR 4
TTE.FR.a Retail MT5 TotalEnergies SE 1 EUR EUR 4
UBI.FR Retail MT5 Ubisoft Entertainment 1 EUR EUR 4
UBI.FR.a Retail MT5 Ubisoft Entertainment 1 EUR EUR 4
VIE.FR Retail MT5 Veolia Environnement SA 1 EUR EUR 4
VIE.FR.a Retail MT5 Veolia Environnement SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ADSd.DE Retail MT5 Adidas 1 EUR EUR 2
ADSd.DE.a Retail MT5 Adidas 1 EUR EUR 2
AFXd.DE Retail MT5 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 1 EUR EUR 2
AFXd.DE.a Retail MT5 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 1 EUR EUR 2
AIXAd.DE Retail MT5 Aixtron SE 1 EUR EUR 2
AIXAd.DE.a Retail MT5 Aixtron SE 1 EUR EUR 2
ALVd.DE Retail MT5 Allianz SE 1 EUR EUR 2
ALVd.DE.a Retail MT5 Allianz SE 1 EUR EUR 2
AT1d.DE Retail MT5 Aroundtown S.A. 1 EUR EUR 2
AT1d.DE.a Retail MT5 Aroundtown S.A. 1 EUR EUR 2
B4Bd.DE Retail MT5 Metro AG 1 EUR EUR 2
B4Bd.DE.a Retail MT5 Metro AG 1 EUR EUR 2
BASd.DE.a Retail MT5 BASF SE 1 EUR EUR 2
BAYNd.DE Retail MT5 Bayer AG 1 EUR EUR 2
BAYNd.DE.a Retail MT5 Bayer AG 1 EUR EUR 2
BC8d.DE Retail MT5 Bechtle AG 1 EUR EUR 2
BC8d.DE.a Retail MT5 Bechtle AG 1 EUR EUR 2
BEId.DE Retail MT5 Beiersdorf 1 EUR EUR 2
BEId.DE.a Retail MT5 Beiersdorf 1 EUR EUR 2
BMWd.DE Retail MT5 BMW AG Preffered shares 1 EUR EUR 2
BMWd.DE.a Retail MT5 BMW AG Preffered shares 1 EUR EUR 2
BNRd.DE Retail MT5 Brenntag AG 1 EUR EUR 2
BNRd.DE.a Retail MT5 Brenntag AG 1 EUR EUR 2
BOSSd.DE Retail MT5 Hugo Boss AG 1 EUR EUR 2
BOSSd.DE.a Retail MT5 Hugo Boss AG 1 EUR EUR 2
CBKd.DE Retail MT5 Commerzbank AG 1 EUR EUR 2
CBKd.DE.a Retail MT5 Commerzbank AG 1 EUR EUR 2
CONd.DE Retail MT5 Continental AG 1 EUR EUR 2
CONd.DE.a Retail MT5 Continental AG 1 EUR EUR 2
COPd.DE Retail MT5 CompuGroup Medical SE 1 EUR EUR 2
COPd.DE.a Retail MT5 CompuGroup Medical SE 1 EUR EUR 2
COVd.DE Retail MT5 Covestro AG 1 EUR EUR 2
COVd.DE.a Retail MT5 Covestro AG 1 EUR EUR 2
DB1d.DE Retail MT5 Deutsche Boerse 1 EUR EUR 2
DB1d.DE.a Retail MT5 Deutsche Boerse 1 EUR EUR 2
DBKd.DE Retail MT5 Deutsche Bank AG 1 EUR EUR 2
DBKd.DE.a Retail MT5 Deutsche Bank AG 1 EUR EUR 2
DHRd.DE Retail MT5 Delivery Hero SE 1 EUR EUR 2
DHRd.DE.a Retail MT5 Delivery Hero SE 1 EUR EUR 2
DTEd.DE Retail MT5 Deutsche Telekom AG 1 EUR EUR 2
DTEd.DE.a Retail MT5 Deutsche Telekom AG 1 EUR EUR 2
DUEd.DE Retail MT5 Durr AG 1 EUR EUR 2
DUEd.DE.a Retail MT5 Durr AG 1 EUR EUR 2
EONd.DE Retail MT5 E.ON SE 1 EUR EUR 2
EONd.DE.a Retail MT5 E.ON SE 1 EUR EUR 2
EVDd.DE Retail MT5 CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA 1 EUR EUR 2
EVDd.DE.a Retail MT5 CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA 1 EUR EUR 2
EVKd.DE Retail MT5 Evonik Industries AG 1 EUR EUR 2
EVKd.DE.a Retail MT5 Evonik Industries AG 1 EUR EUR 2
EVTd.DE Retail MT5 Evotec SE 1 EUR EUR 2
EVTd.DE.a Retail MT5 Evotec SE 1 EUR EUR 2
FMEd.DE Retail MT5 Fresenius Medical Care AG 1 EUR EUR 2
FMEd.DE.a Retail MT5 Fresenius Medical Care AG 1 EUR EUR 2
FNTNd.DE Retail MT5 Freenet AG 1 EUR EUR 2
FNTNd.DE.a Retail MT5 Freenet AG 1 EUR EUR 2
FPEd.DE Retail MT5 Fuchs Petrolub SE ordinary share 1 EUR EUR 2
FPEd.DE.a Retail MT5 Fuchs Petrolub SE ordinary share 1 EUR EUR 2
FRAd.DE Retail MT5 Fraport AG 1 EUR EUR 2
FRAd.DE.a Retail MT5 Fraport AG 1 EUR EUR 2
FREd.DE Retail MT5 Fresenius 1 EUR EUR 2
FREd.DE.a Retail MT5 Fresenius 1 EUR EUR 2
G1Ad.DE Retail MT5 GEA Group AG 1 EUR EUR 2
G1Ad.DE.a Retail MT5 GEA Group AG 1 EUR EUR 2
G24d.DE Retail MT5 Scout24 AG 1 EUR EUR 2
G24d.DE.a Retail MT5 Scout24 AG 1 EUR EUR 2
GXId.DE Retail MT5 Gerresheimer AG 1 EUR EUR 2
GXId.DE.a Retail MT5 Gerresheimer AG 1 EUR EUR 2
GYCd.DE Retail MT5 Grand City Properties SA 1 EUR EUR 2
GYCd.DE.a Retail MT5 Grand City Properties SA 1 EUR EUR 2
HEId.DE Retail MT5 HeidelbergCement 1 EUR EUR 2
HEId.DE.a Retail MT5 HeidelbergCement 1 EUR EUR 2
HFGd.DE Retail MT5 HelloFresh SE 1 EUR EUR 2
HFGd.DE.a Retail MT5 HelloFresh SE 1 EUR EUR 2
HLEd.DE Retail MT5 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co 1 EUR EUR 2
HLEd.DE.a Retail MT5 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co 1 EUR EUR 2
HNKd.DE Retail MT5 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 1 EUR EUR 2
HNKd.DE.a Retail MT5 Henkel AG & Co KGaA 1 EUR EUR 2
HNR1d.DE Retail MT5 Hannover Rockversicherung AG 1 EUR EUR 2
HNR1d.DE.a Retail MT5 Hannover Rockversicherung AG 1 EUR EUR 2
HOTd.DE Retail MT5 Hochtief AG 1 EUR EUR 2
HOTd.DE.a Retail MT5 Hochtief AG 1 EUR EUR 2
IFXd.DE Retail MT5 Infineon 1 EUR EUR 2
IFXd.DE.a Retail MT5 Infineon 1 EUR EUR 2
KBXd.DE Retail MT5 Knorr-Bremse AG 1 EUR EUR 2
KBXd.DE.a Retail MT5 Knorr-Bremse AG 1 EUR EUR 2
KGXd.DE Retail MT5 Kion Group AG 1 EUR EUR 2
KGXd.DE.a Retail MT5 Kion Group AG 1 EUR EUR 2
LEGd.DE Retail MT5 LEG Immobilien AG 1 EUR EUR 2
LEGd.DE.a Retail MT5 LEG Immobilien AG 1 EUR EUR 2
LHAd.DE Retail MT5 Lufthansa 1 EUR EUR 2
LHAd.DE.a Retail MT5 Lufthansa 1 EUR EUR 2
LXSd.DE Retail MT5 Lanxess AG 1 EUR EUR 2
LXSd.DE.a Retail MT5 Lanxess AG 1 EUR EUR 2
MBGd.DE Retail MT5 Mercedes-Benz Group AG 1 EUR EUR 2
MBGd.DE.a Retail MT5 Mercedes Benz 1 EUR EUR 2
MORd.DE Retail MT5 Morphosys AG 1 EUR EUR 2
MORd.DE.a Retail MT5 Morphosys AG 1 EUR EUR 2
MRKd.DE Retail MT5 Merck 1 EUR EUR 2
MRKd.DE.a Retail MT5 Merck 1 EUR EUR 2
MTXd.DE Retail MT5 MTU Aero 1 EUR EUR 2
MTXd.DE.a Retail MT5 MTU Aero 1 EUR EUR 2
MUVd.DE Retail MT5 Muenchener Rueck AG 1 EUR EUR 2
MUVd.DE.a Retail MT5 Muenchener Rueck AG 1 EUR EUR 2
NDAd.DE Retail MT5 Aurubis AG 1 EUR EUR 2
NDAd.DE.a Retail MT5 Aurubis AG 1 EUR EUR 2
NEMd.DE Retail MT5 Nemetschek SE 1 EUR EUR 2
NEMd.DE.a Retail MT5 Nemetschek SE 1 EUR EUR 2
P911d.DE Retail MT5 Porsche AG Vz 1 EUR EUR 2
P911d.DE.a Retail MT5 Porsche AG Vz 1 EUR EUR 2
PUMd.DE Retail MT5 Puma SE 1 EUR EUR 2
PUMd.DE.a Retail MT5 Puma SE 1 EUR EUR 2
QIAd.DE Retail MT5 Qiagen NV 1 EUR EUR 2
QIAd.DE.a Retail MT5 Qiagen NV 1 EUR EUR 2
RAAd.DE Retail MT5 Rational AG 1 EUR EUR 2
RAAd.DE.a Retail MT5 Rational AG 1 EUR EUR 2
RHMd.DE Retail MT5 Rheinmetall AG 1 EUR EUR 2
RHMd.DE.a Retail MT5 Rheinmetall AG 1 EUR EUR 2
RTLd.DE Retail MT5 RTL Group SA 1 EUR EUR 2
RTLd.DE.a Retail MT5 RTL Group SA 1 EUR EUR 2
RWEd.DE.a Retail MT5 RWE AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SAPd.DE Retail MT5 SAP 1 EUR EUR 2
SAPd.DE.a Retail MT5 SAP 1 EUR EUR 2
SAXd.DE Retail MT5 Stroeer SE & Co KGaA 1 EUR EUR 2
SAXd.DE.a Retail MT5 Stroeer SE & Co KGaA 1 EUR EUR 2
SDFd.DE Retail MT5 K+S AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SDFd.DE.a Retail MT5 K+S AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SHLd.DE Retail MT5 Siemens Healthineers AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SHLd.DE.a Retail MT5 Siemens Healthineers AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SIEd.DE Retail MT5 Siemens AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SIEd.DE.a Retail MT5 Siemens AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SRTd.DE Retail MT5 Sartorius AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SRTd.DE.a Retail MT5 Sartorius AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SY1d.DE Retail MT5 Symrise AG 1 EUR EUR 2
SY1d.DE.a Retail MT5 Symrise AG 1 EUR EUR 2
TKAd.DE Retail MT5 Thyssenkrupp AG 1 EUR EUR 2
TKAd.DE.a Retail MT5 Thyssenkrupp AG 1 EUR EUR 2
TMVd.DE Retail MT5 TeamViewer AG 1 EUR EUR 2
TMVd.DE.a Retail MT5 TeamViewer AG 1 EUR EUR 2
UN01d.DE Retail MT5 Uniper SE 1 EUR EUR 2
UN01d.DE.a Retail MT5 Uniper SE 1 EUR EUR 2
UTDId.DE Retail MT5 United Internet AG 1 EUR EUR 2
UTDId.DE.a Retail MT5 United Internet AG 1 EUR EUR 2
VNAd.DE Retail MT5 Vonovia SE 1 EUR EUR 2
VNAd.DE.a Retail MT5 Vonovia SE 1 EUR EUR 2
VOWd.DE Retail MT5 Volkswagen AG 1 EUR EUR 2
VOWd.DE.a Retail MT5 Volkswagen AG 1 EUR EUR 2
WAFd.DE Retail MT5 Siltronic AG 1 EUR EUR 2
WAFd.DE.a Retail MT5 Siltronic AG 1 EUR EUR 2
ZALd.DE Retail MT5 Zalando SE 1 EUR EUR 2
ZALd.DE.a Retail MT5 Zalando SE 1 EUR EUR 2
0001.HK Retail MT5 CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0001.HK.a Retail MT5 CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0002.HK Retail MT5 CLP Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0002.HK.a Retail MT5 CLP Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0003.HK Retail MT5 Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0003.HK.a Retail MT5 Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0005.HK Retail MT5 HSBC Holdings Plc 1 HKD HKD 3
0005.HK.a Retail MT5 HSBC Holdings Plc 1 HKD HKD 3
0006.HK Retail MT5 Power Assets Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0006.HK.a Retail MT5 Power Assets Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0011.HK Retail MT5 Hang Seng Bank Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0011.HK.a Retail MT5 Hang Seng Bank Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0016.HK Retail MT5 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0016.HK.a Retail MT5 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0027.HK Retail MT5 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0027.HK.a Retail MT5 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0066.HK Retail MT5 MTR Corp 1 HKD HKD 3
0066.HK.a Retail MT5 MTR Corp 1 HKD HKD 3
0175.HK Retail MT5 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0175.HK.a Retail MT5 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0267.HK Retail MT5 CITIC Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0267.HK.a Retail MT5 CITIC Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0291.HK Retail MT5 China Resources Beer Holding Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0291.HK.a Retail MT5 China Resources Beer Holding Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0386.HK Retail MT5 China Petroleum & Chemical / Sinopec 1 HKD HKD 3
0386.HK.a Retail MT5 China Petroleum & Chemical / Sinopec 1 HKD HKD 3
0388.HK Retail MT5 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0388.HK.a Retail MT5 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0669.HK Retail MT5 Techtronic Industries Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0669.HK.a Retail MT5 Techtronic Industries Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0688.HK Retail MT5 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0688.HK.a Retail MT5 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0700.HK Retail MT5 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0700.HK.a Retail MT5 Tencent Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0823.HK Retail MT5 Link Real Estate Investment Trust 1 HKD HKD 3
0823.HK.a Retail MT5 Link Real Estate Investment Trust 1 HKD HKD 3
0857.HK Retail MT5 PetroChina Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0857.HK.a Retail MT5 PetroChina Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0883.HK Retail MT5 CNOOC Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0883.HK.a Retail MT5 CNOOC Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0939.HK Retail MT5 China Construction Bank Corp 1 HKD HKD 3
0939.HK.a Retail MT5 China Construction Bank Corp 1 HKD HKD 3
0941.HK Retail MT5 China Mobile Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0941.HK.a Retail MT5 China Mobile Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0960.HK Retail MT5 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
0960.HK.a Retail MT5 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1093.HK Retail MT5 CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1093.HK.a Retail MT5 CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1109.HK Retail MT5 China Resources Land Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1109.HK.a Retail MT5 China Resources Land Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1113.HK Retail MT5 CK Asset Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1113.HK.a Retail MT5 CK Asset Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1211.HK Retail MT5 BYD Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1211.HK.a Retail MT5 BYD Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1299.HK Retail MT5 AIA Group Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1299.HK.a Retail MT5 AIA Group Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1398.HK Retail MT5 Ind Comm Bank of China Ltd / ICBC 1 HKD HKD 3
1398.HK.a Retail MT5 Ind Comm Bank of China Ltd / ICBC 1 HKD HKD 3
1810.HK Retail MT5 Xiaomi Corp 1 HKD HKD 3
1810.HK.a Retail MT5 Xiaomi Corp 1 HKD HKD 3
1997.HK Retail MT5 Wharf Real Estate Investment Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
1997.HK.a Retail MT5 Wharf Real Estate Investment Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2020.HK Retail MT5 Anta Sports Products Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2020.HK.a Retail MT5 Anta Sports Products Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2269.HK Retail MT5 WuXi Biologics Cayman Inc 1 HKD HKD 3
2269.HK.a Retail MT5 WuXi Biologics Cayman Inc 1 HKD HKD 3
2313.HK Retail MT5 Shenzhou International Group Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2313.HK.a Retail MT5 Shenzhou International Group Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2318.HK Retail MT5 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2318.HK.a Retail MT5 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2319.HK Retail MT5 China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2319.HK.a Retail MT5 China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2382.HK Retail MT5 Sunny Optical Technology Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2382.HK.a Retail MT5 Sunny Optical Technology Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2388.HK Retail MT5 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2388.HK.a Retail MT5 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2628.HK Retail MT5 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2628.HK.a Retail MT5 China Life Insurance Co Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2688.HK Retail MT5 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
2688.HK.a Retail MT5 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
3690.HK Retail MT5 Meituan Dianping - Class B 1 HKD HKD 3
3690.HK.a Retail MT5 Meituan Dianping - Class B 1 HKD HKD 3
3968.HK Retail MT5 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class H 1 HKD HKD 3
3968.HK.a Retail MT5 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class H 1 HKD HKD 3
3988.HK Retail MT5 Bank of China Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
3988.HK.a Retail MT5 Bank of China Ltd 1 HKD HKD 3
9618.HK Retail MT5 JD.com Inc 1 HKD HKD 3
9618.HK.a Retail MT5 JD.com Inc 1 HKD HKD 3
9988.HK Retail MT5 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd [HKG] 1 HKD HKD 3
9988.HK.a Retail MT5 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd [HKG] 1 HKD HKD 3
9999.HK Retail MT5 NetEase Inc Ordinary Shares 1 HKD HKD 3
9999.HK.a Retail MT5 NetEase Inc Ordinary Shares 1 HKD HKD 3
BIRG.IE Retail MT5 Bank of Ireland Group PLC 1 EUR EUR 4
BIRG.IE.a Retail MT5 Bank of Ireland Group PLC 1 EUR EUR 4
KSP.IE Retail MT5 Kingspan Group PLC 1 EUR EUR 4
KSP.IE.a Retail MT5 Kingspan Group PLC 1 EUR EUR 4
RYA.IE Retail MT5 Ryanair Holdings PLC 1 EUR EUR 4
RYA.IE.a Retail MT5 Ryanair Holdings PLC 1 EUR EUR 4
HEIA.NL Retail MT5 Heineken NV 1 EUR EUR 4
HEIA.NL.a Retail MT5 Heineken NV 1 EUR EUR 4
INGA.NL Retail MT5 ING Groep NV 1 EUR EUR 4
INGA.NL.a Retail MT5 ING Groep NV 1 EUR EUR 4
PHIA.NL Retail MT5 Koninklijke Philips NV 1 EUR EUR 4
PHIA.NL.a Retail MT5 Koninklijke Philips NV 1 EUR EUR 4
UMG.NL Retail MT5 Universal Music Group NV 1 EUR EUR 4
UMG.NL.a Retail MT5 Universal Music Group NV 1 EUR EUR 4
WKL.NL Retail MT5 Wolters Kluwer NV 1 EUR EUR 4
WKL.NL.a Retail MT5 Wolters Kluwer NV 1 EUR EUR 4
AKRBP.NO.a Retail MT5 Aker BP ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
DNB.NO Retail MT5 DNB Bank ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
DNB.NO.a Retail MT5 DNB Bank ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
EQNR.NO Retail MT5 Equinor ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
EQNR.NO.a Retail MT5 Equinor ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
MOWI.NO Retail MT5 Mowi ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
MOWI.NO.a Retail MT5 Mowi ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
NHY.NO Retail MT5 Norsk Hydro ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
NHY.NO.a Retail MT5 Norsk Hydro ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
TEL.NO Retail MT5 Telenor ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
TEL.NO.a Retail MT5 Telenor ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
YAR.NO Retail MT5 Yara International ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
YAR.NO.a Retail MT5 Yara International ASA 1 NOK NOK 4
BCP.PT Retail MT5 Banco Comercial Portugues SA 1 EUR EUR 4
BCP.PT.a Retail MT5 Banco Comercial Portugues SA 1 EUR EUR 4
EDP.PT Retail MT5 EDP - Energias de Portugal SA 1 EUR EUR 4
EDP.PT.a Retail MT5 EDP - Energias de Portugal SA 1 EUR EUR 4
GALP.PT Retail MT5 Galp Energia SGPS SA 1 EUR EUR 4
GALP.PT.a Retail MT5 Galp Energia SGPS SA 1 EUR EUR 4
JMT.PT Retail MT5 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 1 EUR EUR 4
JMT.PT.a Retail MT5 Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 1 EUR EUR 4
NVG.PT Retail MT5 Navigator Co SA/The 1 EUR EUR 4
NVG.PT.a Retail MT5 Navigator Co SA/The 1 EUR EUR 4
SON.PT Retail MT5 Sonae SGPS SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SON.PT.a Retail MT5 Sonae SGPS SA 1 EUR EUR 4
AENA.ES Retail MT5 Aena SME SA 1 EUR EUR 4
AENA.ES.a Retail MT5 Aena SME SA 1 EUR EUR 4
AMS.ES Retail MT5 Amadeus IT Group SA 1 EUR EUR 4
AMS.ES.a Retail MT5 Amadeus IT Group SA 1 EUR EUR 4
BBVA.ES Retail MT5 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 1 EUR EUR 4
BBVA.ES.a Retail MT5 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CABK.ES Retail MT5 CaixaBank SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CABK.ES.a Retail MT5 CaixaBank SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CLNX.ES Retail MT5 Cellnex Telecom SA 1 EUR EUR 4
CLNX.ES.a Retail MT5 Cellnex Telecom SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ELE.ES Retail MT5 Endesa SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ELE.ES.a Retail MT5 Endesa SA 1 EUR EUR 4
FER.ES Retail MT5 Ferrovial SE 1 EUR EUR 4
FER.ES.a Retail MT5 Ferrovial SE 1 EUR EUR 4
IBE.ES Retail MT5 Iberdrola SA 1 EUR EUR 4
IBE.ES.a Retail MT5 Iberdrola SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ITX.ES Retail MT5 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ITX.ES.a Retail MT5 Industria de Diseno Textil SA 1 EUR EUR 4
MTS.ES Retail MT5 ArcelorMittal SA 1 EUR EUR 4
MTS.ES.a Retail MT5 ArcelorMittal SA 1 EUR EUR 4
NTGY.ES Retail MT5 Naturgy Energy Group SA 1 EUR EUR 4
NTGY.ES.a Retail MT5 Naturgy Energy Group SA 1 EUR EUR 4
REP.ES Retail MT5 Repsol SA 1 EUR EUR 4
REP.ES.a Retail MT5 Repsol SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SAN.ES Retail MT5 Banco Santander SA 1 EUR EUR 4
SAN.ES.a Retail MT5 Banco Santander SA 1 EUR EUR 4
TEF.ES Retail MT5 Telefonica SA 1 EUR EUR 4
TEF.ES.a Retail MT5 Telefonica SA 1 EUR EUR 4
ASSAB.SE Retail MT5 Assa Abloy AB 1 SEK SEK 4
ASSAB.SE.a Retail MT5 Assa Abloy AB 1 SEK SEK 4
ATCOA.SE Retail MT5 Atlas Copco AB 1 SEK SEK 4
ATCOA.SE.a Retail MT5 Atlas Copco AB 1 SEK SEK 4
ERICB.SE Retail MT5 Ericsson 1 SEK SEK 4
ERICB.SE.a Retail MT5 Ericsson 1 SEK SEK 4
EVO.SE Retail MT5 Evolution AB 1 SEK SEK 4
EVO.SE.a Retail MT5 Evolution AB 1 SEK SEK 4
HEXAB.SE Retail MT5 Hexagon AB 1 SEK SEK 4
HEXAB.SE.a Retail MT5 Hexagon AB 1 SEK SEK 4
HMB.SE Retail MT5 H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB 1 SEK SEK 4
HMB.SE.a Retail MT5 H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB 1 SEK SEK 4
INVEB.SE Retail MT5 Investor AB 1 SEK SEK 4
INVEB.SE.a Retail MT5 Investor AB 1 SEK SEK 4
SAND.SE Retail MT5 Sandvik AB 1 SEK SEK 4
SAND.SE.a Retail MT5 Sandvik AB 1 SEK SEK 4
SEBA.SE Retail MT5 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 1 SEK SEK 4
SEBA.SE.a Retail MT5 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 1 SEK SEK 4
SHBA.SE Retail MT5 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 1 SEK SEK 4
SHBA.SE.a Retail MT5 Svenska Handelsbanken AB 1 SEK SEK 4
SWEDA.SE Retail MT5 Swedbank AB 1 SEK SEK 4
SWEDA.SE.a Retail MT5 Swedbank AB 1 SEK SEK 4
VOLVB.SE Retail MT5 Volvo AB 1 SEK SEK 4
VOLVB.SE.a Retail MT5 Volvo AB 1 SEK SEK 4
ABBN.CH Retail MT5 ABB Ltd 1 CHF CHF 4
ABBN.CH.a Retail MT5 ABB Ltd 1 CHF CHF 4
ALC.CH Retail MT5 Alcon Inc 1 CHF CHF 4
ALC.CH.a Retail MT5 Alcon Inc 1 CHF CHF 4
CFR.CH Retail MT5 Cie Financiere Richemont SA 1 CHF CHF 4
CFR.CH.a Retail MT5 Cie Financiere Richemont SA 1 CHF CHF 4
GEBN.CH Retail MT5 Geberit AG 1 CHF CHF 4
GEBN.CH.a Retail MT5 Geberit AG 1 CHF CHF 4
GIVN.CH Retail MT5 Givaudan SA 1 CHF CHF 4
GIVN.CH.a Retail MT5 Givaudan SA 1 CHF CHF 4
KNIN.CH Retail MT5 Kuehne + Nagel International AG 1 CHF CHF 4
KNIN.CH.a Retail MT5 Kuehne + Nagel International AG 1 CHF CHF 4
LOGN.CH Retail MT5 Logitech International SA 1 CHF CHF 4
LOGN.CH.a Retail MT5 Logitech International SA 1 CHF CHF 4
LONN.CH Retail MT5 Lonza Group AG 1 CHF CHF 4
LONN.CH.a Retail MT5 Lonza Group AG 1 CHF CHF 4
NESN.CH Retail MT5 Nestle SA 1 CHF CHF 4
NESN.CH.a Retail MT5 Nestle SA 1 CHF CHF 4
NOVN.CH Retail MT5 Novartis AG 1 CHF CHF 4
NOVN.CH.a Retail MT5 Novartis AG 1 CHF CHF 4
PGHN.CH Retail MT5 Partners Group Holding AG 1 CHF CHF 4
PGHN.CH.a Retail MT5 Partners Group Holding AG 1 CHF CHF 4
ROG.CH Retail MT5 Roche Holding AG 1 CHF CHF 4
ROG.CH.a Retail MT5 Roche Holding AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SCMN.CH Retail MT5 Swisscom AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SCMN.CH.a Retail MT5 Swisscom AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SIKA.CH Retail MT5 Sika AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SIKA.CH.a Retail MT5 Sika AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SLHN.CH Retail MT5 Swiss Life Holding AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SLHN.CH.a Retail MT5 Swiss Life Holding AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SOON.CH Retail MT5 Sonova Holding AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SOON.CH.a Retail MT5 Sonova Holding AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SREN.CH Retail MT5 Swiss Re AG 1 CHF CHF 4
SREN.CH.a Retail MT5 Swiss Re AG 1 CHF CHF 4
UBSG.CH Retail MT5 UBS Group AG 1 CHF CHF 4
UBSG.CH.a Retail MT5 UBS Group AG 1 CHF CHF 4
ZURN.CH Retail MT5 Zurich Insurance Group AG 1 CHF CHF 4
ZURN.CH.a Retail MT5 Zurich Insurance Group AG 1 CHF CHF 4
AAL.GB Retail MT5 Anglo American 1 GBP GBP 4
AAL.GB.a Retail MT5 Anglo American 1 GBP GBP 4
ABF.GB Retail MT5 Associated British Foods 1 GBP GBP 4
ABF.GB.a Retail MT5 Associated British Foods 1 GBP GBP 4
ADM.GB Retail MT5 Admiral Group 1 GBP GBP 4
ADM.GB.a Retail MT5 Admiral Group 1 GBP GBP 4
AGR.GB Retail MT5 Assura PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
AGR.GB.a Retail MT5 Assura PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
AHT.GB Retail MT5 Ashtead Group 1 GBP GBP 4
AHT.GB.a Retail MT5 Ashtead Group 1 GBP GBP 4
AJB.GB Retail MT5 AJ Bell PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
AJB.GB.a Retail MT5 AJ Bell PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
ANTO.GB Retail MT5 Antofagasta 1 GBP GBP 4
ANTO.GB.a Retail MT5 Antofagasta 1 GBP GBP 4
ASHM.GB Retail MT5 Ashmore Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
ASHM.GB.a Retail MT5 Ashmore Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
ATST.GB Retail MT5 Alliance Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
ATST.GB.a Retail MT5 Alliance Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
AUTO.GB Retail MT5 Auto Trader Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
AUTO.GB.a Retail MT5 Auto Trader Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
AV.GB Retail MT5 Aviva 1 GBP GBP 4
AV.GB.a Retail MT5 Aviva 1 GBP GBP 4
AZN.GB Retail MT5 AstraZeneca 1 GBP GBP 4
AZN.GB.a Retail MT5 AstraZeneca 1 GBP GBP 4
BA.GB Retail MT5 BAE Systems 1 GBP GBP 4
BA.GB.a Retail MT5 BAE Systems 1 GBP GBP 4
BAB.GB Retail MT5 Babcock International Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BAB.GB.a Retail MT5 Babcock International Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
Bank_of_Ireland_(BIRG.L) Retail MT5 Bank of Ireland Group 1 GBP GBP 4
BARC.GB Retail MT5 Barclays 1 GBP GBP 4
BARC.GB.a Retail MT5 Barclays 1 GBP GBP 4
BATS.GB Retail MT5 British American Tobacco 1 GBP GBP 4
BATS.GB.a Retail MT5 British American Tobacco 1 GBP GBP 4
BBY.GB Retail MT5 Balfour Beatty PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BBY.GB.a Retail MT5 Balfour Beatty PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BDEV.GB Retail MT5 Barratt Developments 1 GBP GBP 4
BDEV.GB.a Retail MT5 Barratt Developments 1 GBP GBP 4
BEZ.GB Retail MT5 Beazley PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BEZ.GB.a Retail MT5 Beazley PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BKG.GB Retail MT5 Berkeley Group 1 GBP GBP 4
BKG.GB.a Retail MT5 Berkeley Group 1 GBP GBP 4
BLND.GB Retail MT5 British Land 1 GBP GBP 4
BLND.GB.a Retail MT5 British Land 1 GBP GBP 4
BNZL.GB Retail MT5 Bunzl 1 GBP GBP 4
BNZL.GB.a Retail MT5 Bunzl 1 GBP GBP 4
BOY.GB Retail MT5 Bodycote PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BOY.GB.a Retail MT5 Bodycote PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BP.GB.a Retail MT5 BP PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BRBY.GB Retail MT5 Burberry Group 1 GBP GBP 4
BRBY.GB.a Retail MT5 Burberry Group 1 GBP GBP 4
BT.A.GB Retail MT5 BT Group 1 GBP GBP 4
BT.A.GB.a Retail MT5 BT Group 1 GBP GBP 4
BVIC.GB Retail MT5 Britvic PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BVIC.GB.a Retail MT5 Britvic PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BWY.GB Retail MT5 Bellway PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BWY.GB.a Retail MT5 Bellway PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BYG.GB Retail MT5 Big Yellow Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
BYG.GB.a Retail MT5 Big Yellow Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
CCC.GB Retail MT5 Computacenter PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
CCC.GB.a Retail MT5 Computacenter PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
CCH.GB Retail MT5 Coca-Cola HBC 1 GBP GBP 4
CCH.GB.a Retail MT5 Coca-Cola HBC 1 GBP GBP 4
CCL.GB Retail MT5 Carnival 1 GBP GBP 4
CCL.GB.a Retail MT5 Carnival 1 GBP GBP 4
CNA.GB Retail MT5 Centrica 1 GBP GBP 4
CNA.GB.a Retail MT5 Centrica 1 GBP GBP 4
CPG.GB Retail MT5 Compass Group 1 GBP GBP 4
CPG.GB.a Retail MT5 Compass Group 1 GBP GBP 4
CRDA.GB Retail MT5 Croda 1 GBP GBP 4
CRDA.GB.a Retail MT5 Croda 1 GBP GBP 4
CTEC.GB Retail MT5 Convatec Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
CTEC.GB.a Retail MT5 Convatec Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
CWK.GB Retail MT5 Cranswick PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
CWK.GB.a Retail MT5 Cranswick PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DCC.GB.a Retail MT5 DCC 1 GBP GBP 4
DGE.GB Retail MT5 Diageo 1 GBP GBP 4
DGE.GB.a Retail MT5 Diageo 1 GBP GBP 4
DLG.GB Retail MT5 Direct Line Insurance Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DLG.GB.a Retail MT5 Direct Line Insurance Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DLN.GB Retail MT5 Derwent London PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DLN.GB.a Retail MT5 Derwent London PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DNLM.GB Retail MT5 Dunelm Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DNLM.GB.a Retail MT5 Dunelm Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DOM.GB Retail MT5 Domino's Pizza Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DOM.GB.a Retail MT5 Domino's Pizza Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DPLM.GB Retail MT5 Diploma PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DPLM.GB.a Retail MT5 Diploma PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DRX.GB Retail MT5 Drax Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
DRX.GB.a Retail MT5 Drax Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
EXPN.GB Retail MT5 Experian 1 GBP GBP 4
EXPN.GB.a Retail MT5 Experian 1 GBP GBP 4
EZJ.GB Retail MT5 EasyJet 1 GBP GBP 4
EZJ.GB.a Retail MT5 EasyJet 1 GBP GBP 4
FCIT.GB Retail MT5 F&C Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FCIT.GB.a Retail MT5 F&C Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FCSS.GB Retail MT5 Fidelity China Special Situations PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FCSS.GB.a Retail MT5 Fidelity China Special Situations PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FGP.GB Retail MT5 Firstgroup PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FGP.GB.a Retail MT5 Firstgroup PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FGT.GB Retail MT5 Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FGT.GB.a Retail MT5 Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FLTR.GB Retail MT5 Flutter Entertainment 1 GBP GBP 4
FLTR.GB.a Retail MT5 Flutter Entertainment 1 GBP GBP 4
FRAS.GB Retail MT5 Frasers Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FRAS.GB.a Retail MT5 Frasers Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FRES.GB Retail MT5 Fresnillo 1 GBP GBP 4
FRES.GB.a Retail MT5 Fresnillo 1 GBP GBP 4
FUTR.GB Retail MT5 Future PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FUTR.GB.a Retail MT5 Future PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FXPO.GB Retail MT5 Ferrexpo PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
FXPO.GB.a Retail MT5 Ferrexpo PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GAW.GB Retail MT5 Games Workshop Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GAW.GB.a Retail MT5 Games Workshop Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GFTU.GB Retail MT5 Grafton Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GFTU.GB.a Retail MT5 Grafton Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GLEN.GB Retail MT5 Glencore Xstrata 1 GBP GBP 4
GLEN.GB.a Retail MT5 Glencore Xstrata 1 GBP GBP 4
GNS.GB Retail MT5 Genus PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GNS.GB.a Retail MT5 Genus PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GRG.GB Retail MT5 Greggs PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GRG.GB.a Retail MT5 Greggs PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GRI.GB Retail MT5 Grainger PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GRI.GB.a Retail MT5 Grainger PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
GSK.GB Retail MT5 GlaxoSmithKline 1 GBP GBP 4
GSK.GB.a Retail MT5 GlaxoSmithKline 1 GBP GBP 4
HAS.GB Retail MT5 Hays PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
HAS.GB.a Retail MT5 Hays PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
HIK.GB Retail MT5 Hikma Pharma 1 GBP GBP 4
HIK.GB.a Retail MT5 Hikma Pharma 1 GBP GBP 4
HL.GB Retail MT5 Hargreaves Lansdown 1 GBP GBP 4
HL.GB.a Retail MT5 Hargreaves Lansdown 1 GBP GBP 4
HLMA.GB Retail MT5 Halma 1 GBP GBP 4
HLMA.GB.a Retail MT5 Halma 1 GBP GBP 4
HVPE.GB Retail MT5 HarbourVest Global Private Equity Limited 1 GBP GBP 4
HVPE.GB.a Retail MT5 HarbourVest Global Private Equity Limited 1 GBP GBP 4
HWDN.GB Retail MT5 Howden Joinery Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
HWDN.GB.a Retail MT5 Howden Joinery Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
IAG.GB Retail MT5 International Airlines Group 1 GBP GBP 4
IAG.GB.a Retail MT5 International Airlines Group 1 GBP GBP 4
ICG.GB Retail MT5 Intermediate Cap 1 GBP GBP 4
ICG.GB.a Retail MT5 Intermediate Cap 1 GBP GBP 4
IGG.GB Retail MT5 IG Group Holdings PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
IGG.GB.a Retail MT5 IG Group Holdings PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
IHG.GB Retail MT5 Intercontinental Hotels 1 GBP GBP 4
IHG.GB.a Retail MT5 Intercontinental Hotels 1 GBP GBP 4
III.GB Retail MT5 3i Group 1 GBP GBP 4
III.GB.a Retail MT5 3i Group 1 GBP GBP 4
IMB.GB Retail MT5 Imperial Brands 1 GBP GBP 4
IMB.GB.a Retail MT5 Imperial Brands 1 GBP GBP 4
INCH.GB Retail MT5 Inchcape PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
INCH.GB.a Retail MT5 Inchcape PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
INF.GB Retail MT5 Informa PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
INF.GB.a Retail MT5 Informa PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
Intermediate_Cap_(ICP.L) Retail MT5 Intermediate Cap 1 GBP GBP 4
ITRK.GB Retail MT5 Intertek Group 1 GBP GBP 4
ITRK.GB.a Retail MT5 Intertek Group 1 GBP GBP 4
ITV.GB.a Retail MT5 ITV 1 GBP GBP 4
JD.GB Retail MT5 JD Sports 1 GBP GBP 4
JD.GB.a Retail MT5 JD Sports 1 GBP GBP 4
JDW.GB Retail MT5 J D Wetherspoon PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
JDW.GB.a Retail MT5 J D Wetherspoon PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
JMAT.GB Retail MT5 Johnson Matthey 1 GBP GBP 4
JMAT.GB.a Retail MT5 Johnson Matthey 1 GBP GBP 4
KNOS.GB Retail MT5 Kainos Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
KNOS.GB.a Retail MT5 Kainos Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
LAND.GB Retail MT5 Land Securities 1 GBP GBP 4
LAND.GB.a Retail MT5 Land Securities 1 GBP GBP 4
LGEN.GB Retail MT5 Legal & General 1 GBP GBP 4
LGEN.GB.a Retail MT5 Legal & General 1 GBP GBP 4
LLOY.GB Retail MT5 Lloyds Banking 1 GBP GBP 4
LLOY.GB.a Retail MT5 Lloyds Banking 1 GBP GBP 4
LMP.GB Retail MT5 LondonMetric Property PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
LMP.GB.a Retail MT5 LondonMetric Property PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
LSEG.GB Retail MT5 London Stock Exchange 1 GBP GBP 4
LSEG.GB.a Retail MT5 London Stock Exchange 1 GBP GBP 4
Marshalls_PLC_(MSLH.L) Retail MT5 Marshalls PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MCG.GB Retail MT5 National Express Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MCG.GB.a Retail MT5 National Express Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MKS.GB Retail MT5 Marks and Spencer Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MKS.GB.a Retail MT5 Marks and Spencer Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MNDI.GB Retail MT5 Mondi 1 GBP GBP 4
MNDI.GB.a Retail MT5 Mondi 1 GBP GBP 4
MNG.GB Retail MT5 M&G 1 GBP GBP 4
MNG.GB.a Retail MT5 M&G 1 GBP GBP 4
MNKS.GB Retail MT5 The Monks Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MNKS.GB.a Retail MT5 The Monks Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
Mondi_(MNDI.L) Retail MT5 Mondi 1 GBP GBP 4
MONY.GB Retail MT5 Moneysupermarket.com Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MONY.GB.a Retail MT5 Moneysupermarket.com Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MRC.GB Retail MT5 The Mercantile Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MRC.GB.a Retail MT5 The Mercantile Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MRO.GB Retail MT5 Melrose 1 GBP GBP 4
MRO.GB.a Retail MT5 Melrose 1 GBP GBP 4
MSLH.GB Retail MT5 Marshalls PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
MSLH.GB.a Retail MT5 Marshalls PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
National_Express_(NEX.L) Retail MT5 National Express Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
NG.GB Retail MT5 National Grid 1 GBP GBP 4
NG.GB.a Retail MT5 National Grid 1 GBP GBP 4
NWG.GB Retail MT5 Royal Bank of Scotland 1 GBP GBP 4
NWG.GB.a Retail MT5 Natwest Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
NXT.GB Retail MT5 Next 1 GBP GBP 4
NXT.GB.a Retail MT5 Next 1 GBP GBP 4
OCDO.GB Retail MT5 Ocado Group 1 GBP GBP 4
OCDO.GB.a Retail MT5 Ocado Group 1 GBP GBP 4
PCT.GB Retail MT5 Polar Capital Technology Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
PCT.GB.a Retail MT5 Polar Capital Technology Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
PETS.GB Retail MT5 Pets at Home Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
PETS.GB.a Retail MT5 Pets at Home Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
PHNX.GB Retail MT5 Phoenix Group Holdings 1 GBP GBP 4
PHNX.GB.a Retail MT5 Phoenix Group Holdings 1 GBP GBP 4
PLUS.GB Retail MT5 Plus500 Ltd 1 GBP GBP 4
PLUS.GB.a Retail MT5 Plus500 Ltd 1 GBP GBP 4
PNN.GB Retail MT5 Pennon Group 1 GBP GBP 4
PNN.GB.a Retail MT5 Pennon Group 1 GBP GBP 4
PRU.GB Retail MT5 Prudential 1 GBP GBP 4
PRU.GB.a Retail MT5 Prudential 1 GBP GBP 4
PSN.GB Retail MT5 Persimmon 1 GBP GBP 4
PSN.GB.a Retail MT5 Persimmon 1 GBP GBP 4
PSON.GB Retail MT5 Pearson 1 GBP GBP 4
PSON.GB.a Retail MT5 Pearson 1 GBP GBP 4
QLT.GB Retail MT5 Quilter PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
QLT.GB.a Retail MT5 Quilter PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
QQ.GB Retail MT5 QinetiQ Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
QQ.GB.a Retail MT5 QinetiQ Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
RCP.GB Retail MT5 RIT Capital Partners PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
RCP.GB.a Retail MT5 RIT Capital Partners PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
RDW.GB Retail MT5 Redrow 1 GBP GBP 4
RDW.GB.a Retail MT5 Redrow 1 GBP GBP 4
RIO.GB Retail MT5 Rio Tinto PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
RIO.GB.a Retail MT5 Rio Tinto PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
RKT.GB Retail MT5 Reckitt Benckiser 1 GBP GBP 4
RKT.GB.a Retail MT5 Reckitt Benckiser 1 GBP GBP 4
RMV.GB Retail MT5 Rightmove 1 GBP GBP 4
RMV.GB.a Retail MT5 Rightmove 1 GBP GBP 4
ROR.GB Retail MT5 Rotork PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
ROR.GB.a Retail MT5 Rotork PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
RR.GB Retail MT5 Rolls-Royce 1 GBP GBP 4
RR.GB.a Retail MT5 Rolls-Royce 1 GBP GBP 4
RTO.GB Retail MT5 Rentokil Initial 1 GBP GBP 4
RTO.GB.a Retail MT5 Rentokil Initial 1 GBP GBP 4
SAFE.GB Retail MT5 Safestore Holdings PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SAFE.GB.a Retail MT5 Safestore Holdings PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SBRY.GB Retail MT5 Sainsbury 1 GBP GBP 4
SBRY.GB.a Retail MT5 Sainsbury 1 GBP GBP 4
SCT.GB Retail MT5 Softcat PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SCT.GB.a Retail MT5 Softcat PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SDR.GB Retail MT5 Schroders 1 GBP GBP 4
SDR.GB.a Retail MT5 Schroders 1 GBP GBP 4
SEQI.GB Retail MT5 Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Income Fund Limited 1 GBP GBP 4
SEQI.GB.a Retail MT5 Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Income Fund Limited 1 GBP GBP 4
SGE.GB Retail MT5 Sage Group 1 GBP GBP 4
SGE.GB.a Retail MT5 Sage Group 1 GBP GBP 4
SKG.GB Retail MT5 Smurfit Kappa Group 1 GBP GBP 4
SKG.GB.a Retail MT5 Smurfit Kappa Group 1 GBP GBP 4
SMDS.GB Retail MT5 DS Smith 1 GBP GBP 4
SMDS.GB.a Retail MT5 DS Smith 1 GBP GBP 4
SMIN.GB Retail MT5 Smiths Group 1 GBP GBP 4
SMIN.GB.a Retail MT5 Smiths Group 1 GBP GBP 4
SMT.GB Retail MT5 Scottish Mortgage IT 1 GBP GBP 4
SMT.GB.a Retail MT5 Scottish Mortgage IT 1 GBP GBP 4
SMWH.GB Retail MT5 WH Smith PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SMWH.GB.a Retail MT5 WH Smith PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SN.GB Retail MT5 Smith & Nephew 1 GBP GBP 4
SN.GB.a Retail MT5 Smith & Nephew 1 GBP GBP 4
SPX.GB Retail MT5 Spirax Sarco 1 GBP GBP 4
SPX.GB.a Retail MT5 Spirax Sarco 1 GBP GBP 4
SRP.GB Retail MT5 Serco Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SRP.GB.a Retail MT5 Serco Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SSE.GB Retail MT5 Scottish Southern Energy 1 GBP GBP 4
SSE.GB.a Retail MT5 Scottish Southern Energy 1 GBP GBP 4
SSON.GB Retail MT5 Smithson Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SSON.GB.a Retail MT5 Smithson Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
STAN.GB Retail MT5 Standard Chartered 1 GBP GBP 4
STAN.GB.a Retail MT5 Standard Chartered 1 GBP GBP 4
STJ.GB Retail MT5 St James's Place 1 GBP GBP 4
STJ.GB.a Retail MT5 St James's Place 1 GBP GBP 4
SVS.GB Retail MT5 Savills PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SVS.GB.a Retail MT5 Savills PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SVT.GB Retail MT5 Severn Trent 1 GBP GBP 4
SVT.GB.a Retail MT5 Severn Trent 1 GBP GBP 4
SXS.GB Retail MT5 Spectris PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SXS.GB.a Retail MT5 Spectris PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
SYNC.GB Retail MT5 Syncona Limited 1 GBP GBP 4
SYNC.GB.a Retail MT5 Syncona Limited 1 GBP GBP 4
Synthomer_PLC_(SYNT.L) Retail MT5 Synthomer PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
TATE.GB Retail MT5 Tate & Lyle PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
TATE.GB.a Retail MT5 Tate & Lyle PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
TCAP.GB Retail MT5 TP ICAP Group plc 1 GBP GBP 4
TCAP.GB.a Retail MT5 TP ICAP Group plc 1 GBP GBP 4
TEM.GB Retail MT5 Templeton Emerging Markets Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
TEM.GB.a Retail MT5 Templeton Emerging Markets Investment Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
THG.GB Retail MT5 THG Holdings PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
THG.GB.a Retail MT5 THG Holdings PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
TIFS.GB Retail MT5 TI Fluid Systems PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
TIFS.GB.a Retail MT5 TI Fluid Systems PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
TPK.GB Retail MT5 Travis Perkins PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
TPK.GB.a Retail MT5 Travis Perkins PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
TRIG.GB Retail MT5 The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited 1 GBP GBP 4
TRIG.GB.a Retail MT5 The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited 1 GBP GBP 4
TSCO.GB Retail MT5 Tesco 1 GBP GBP 4
TSCO.GB.a Retail MT5 Tesco 1 GBP GBP 4
TW.GB Retail MT5 Taylor Wimpey 1 GBP GBP 4
TW.GB.a Retail MT5 Taylor Wimpey 1 GBP GBP 4
UKW.GB Retail MT5 Greencoat UK Wind PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
UKW.GB.a Retail MT5 Greencoat UK Wind PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
ULVR.GB Retail MT5 Unilever PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
ULVR.GB.a Retail MT5 Unilever PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
UTG.GB Retail MT5 The Unite Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
UTG.GB.a Retail MT5 The Unite Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
UU.GB Retail MT5 United Utilities 1 GBP GBP 4
UU.GB.a Retail MT5 United Utilities 1 GBP GBP 4
VCT.GB Retail MT5 Victrex PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
VCT.GB.a Retail MT5 Victrex PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
VMUK.GB Retail MT5 Virgin Money UK PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
VMUK.GB.a Retail MT5 Virgin Money UK PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
VOD.GB Retail MT5 Vodafone 1 GBP GBP 4
VOD.GB.a Retail MT5 Vodafone 1 GBP GBP 4
VTY.GB Retail MT5 Vistry Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
VTY.GB.a Retail MT5 Vistry Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
WG.GB Retail MT5 John Wood Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
WG.GB.a Retail MT5 John Wood Group PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
WIZZ.GB Retail MT5 Wizz Air Holdings PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
WIZZ.GB.a Retail MT5 Wizz Air Holdings PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
WPP.GB.a Retail MT5 WPP 1 GBP GBP 4
WTB.GB Retail MT5 Whitbread 1 GBP GBP 4
WTB.GB.a Retail MT5 Whitbread 1 GBP GBP 4
WWH.GB Retail MT5 Worldwide Healthcare Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
WWH.GB.a Retail MT5 Worldwide Healthcare Trust PLC 1 GBP GBP 4
AAPL.US-24 Retail MT5 Apple Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
AAPL.US-24.a Retail MT5 Apple Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
AMD.US-24 Retail MT5 Advanced Micro Devices Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
AMD.US-24.a Retail MT5 Adv. Micro Devices (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
AMZN.US-24 Retail MT5 Amazon.com Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
AMZN.US-24.a Retail MT5 Amazon.com Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
BA.US-24 Retail MT5 Boeing Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
BA.US-24.a Retail MT5 Boeing Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
BABA.US-24 Retail MT5 Alibaba Group (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
BABA.US-24.a Retail MT5 Alibaba (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
BAC.US-24 Retail MT5 Bank of America Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
BAC.US-24.a Retail MT5 Bank of America Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
C.US-24 Retail MT5 Citigroup Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
C.US-24.a Retail MT5 Citigroup Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
CAT.US-24 Retail MT5 Caterpillar Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
CAT.US-24.a Retail MT5 Caterpillar (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
CVX.US-24 Retail MT5 Chevron Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
CVX.US-24.a Retail MT5 Chevron Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
DIS.US-24 Retail MT5 Walt Disney Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
DIS.US-24.a Retail MT5 Walt Disney Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
F.US-24 Retail MT5 Ford Motor Company (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
F.US-24.a Retail MT5 Ford Motor Company (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
GM.US-24 Retail MT5 General Motors Company (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
GM.US-24.a Retail MT5 General Motors Company (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
GOOG.US-24 Retail MT5 Alphabet Inc Class C (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
GOOG.US-24.a Retail MT5 Alphabet Inc Class C (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
HPQ.US-24 Retail MT5 Hewlett-Packard Inc. (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
HPQ.US-24.a Retail MT5 Hewlett-Packard Inc. (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
IBM.US-24 Retail MT5 International Business Machines Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
IBM.US-24.a Retail MT5 International Business Machines Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
INTC.US-24 Retail MT5 Intel Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
INTC.US-24.a Retail MT5 Intel Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
JNJ.US-24 Retail MT5 Johnson & Johnson (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
JNJ.US-24.a Retail MT5 Johnson & Johnson (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
JPM.US-24 Retail MT5 JPMorgan Chase & Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
JPM.US-24.a Retail MT5 JPMorgan Chase & Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
KO.US-24 Retail MT5 Coca-Cola Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
KO.US-24.a Retail MT5 Coca-Cola Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
MCD.US-24 Retail MT5 McDonalds Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
MCD.US-24.a Retail MT5 McDonalds Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
META.US-24 Retail MT5 Meta Platforms Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
META.US-24.a Retail MT5 Meta Platforms Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
MSFT.US-24 Retail MT5 Microsoft Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
MSFT.US-24.a Retail MT5 Microsoft Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
NFLX.US-24 Retail MT5 Netflix Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
NFLX.US-24.a Retail MT5 Netflix Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
NKE.US-24 Retail MT5 Nike Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
NKE.US-24.a Retail MT5 Nike Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
NVDA.US-24 Retail MT5 NVIDIA Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
NVDA.US-24.a Retail MT5 NVIDIA Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
ORCL.US-24 Retail MT5 Oracle Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
ORCL.US-24.a Retail MT5 Oracle Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
PFE.US-24 Retail MT5 Pfizer Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
PFE.US-24.a Retail MT5 Pfizer Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
PG.US-24 Retail MT5 Procter & Gamble Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
PG.US-24.a Retail MT5 Procter & Gamble Co (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
RTX.US-24 Retail MT5 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
RTX.US-24.a Retail MT5 RTX Corporation (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
SLB.US-24 Retail MT5 Schlumberger Limited (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
SLB.US-24.a Retail MT5 Schlumberger Limited (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
SNAP.US-24 Retail MT5 Snap Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
SNAP.US-24.a Retail MT5 Snap Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
TSLA.US-24 Retail MT5 Tesla Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
TSLA.US-24.a Retail MT5 Tesla (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
UNH.US-24 Retail MT5 UnitedHealth Group Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
UNH.US-24.a Retail MT5 UnitedHealth Group Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
V.US-24 Retail MT5 Visa Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
V.US-24.a Retail MT5 Visa Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
VZ.US-24 Retail MT5 Verizon Communications Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
VZ.US-24.a Retail MT5 Verizon Communications Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
WMT.US-24 Retail MT5 Wal-Mart Stores Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
WMT.US-24.a Retail MT5 Wal-Mart Stores Inc (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
XOM.US-24 Retail MT5 Exxon Mobil Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
XOM.US-24.a Retail MT5 Exxon Mobil Corp (24 Hours) 1 USD USD 2
A.US Retail MT5 Agilent Technologies Inc 1 USD USD 2
A.US.a Retail MT5 Agilent Technologies Inc 1 USD USD 2
AA.US Retail MT5 Alcoa Corporation 1 USD USD 2
AA.US.a Retail MT5 Alcoa 1 USD USD 2
AAL.US Retail MT5 American Airlines Group 1 USD USD 2
AAL.US.a Retail MT5 American Airlines 1 USD USD 2
AAP.US Retail MT5 Advance Auto Parts Inc 1 USD USD 2
AAP.US.a Retail MT5 Advance Auto Parts Inc 1 USD USD 2
AAPL.US Retail MT5 Apple Inc 1 USD USD 2
AAPL.US.a Retail MT5 Apple Inc 1 USD USD 2
ABBV.US Retail MT5 AbbVie Inc 1 USD USD 2
ABBV.US.a Retail MT5 AbbVie Inc 1 USD USD 2
ABNB.US Retail MT5 Airbnb Inc 1 USD USD 2
ABNB.US.a Retail MT5 Airbnb Inc 1 USD USD 2
ABT.US Retail MT5 Abbott Laboratories 1 USD USD 2
ABT.US.a Retail MT5 Abbott Laboratories 1 USD USD 2
ACN.US Retail MT5 Accenture PLC 1 USD USD 2
ACN.US.a Retail MT5 Accenture PLC 1 USD USD 2
ADBE.US Retail MT5 Adobe Systems Inc 1 USD USD 2
ADBE.US.a Retail MT5 Adobe Systems Inc 1 USD USD 2
ADI.US Retail MT5 Analog Devices Inc 1 USD USD 2
ADI.US.a Retail MT5 Analog Devices 1 USD USD 2
ADM.US Retail MT5 Archer-Daniels-Midland Company 1 USD USD 2
ADM.US.a Retail MT5 Archer-Daniels-Midland Company 1 USD USD 2
ADP.US Retail MT5 Automatic Data Processing Inc 1 USD USD 2
ADP.US.a Retail MT5 Automatic Data Proc. 1 USD USD 2
ADSK.US Retail MT5 Autodesk Inc. 1 USD USD 2
ADSK.US.a Retail MT5 Autodesk Inc. 1 USD USD 2
AEE.US Retail MT5 Ameren Corporation 1 USD USD 2
AEE.US.a Retail MT5 Ameren Corporation 1 USD USD 2
AEP.US Retail MT5 American Electric Power Company 1 USD USD 2
AEP.US.a Retail MT5 American Electric 1 USD USD 2
AES.US Retail MT5 The AES Corporation 1 USD USD 2
AES.US.a Retail MT5 The AES Corporation 1 USD USD 2
AFL.US Retail MT5 Aflac Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
AFL.US.a Retail MT5 Aflac Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
AIG.US Retail MT5 American International Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
AIG.US.a Retail MT5 American International Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
AIZ.US Retail MT5 Assurant Inc 1 USD USD 2
AIZ.US.a Retail MT5 Assurant Inc 1 USD USD 2
AJG.US Retail MT5 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 1 USD USD 2
AJG.US.a Retail MT5 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 1 USD USD 2
AKAM.US Retail MT5 Akamai Technologies Inc 1 USD USD 2
AKAM.US.a Retail MT5 Akamai Technologies 1 USD USD 2
ALB.US Retail MT5 Albemarle Corporation 1 USD USD 2
ALB.US.a Retail MT5 Albemarle Corporation 1 USD USD 2
ALGN.US Retail MT5 Align Technology Inc 1 USD USD 2
ALGN.US.a Retail MT5 Align Technology 1 USD USD 2
ALK.US Retail MT5 Alaska Air Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
ALK.US.a Retail MT5 Alaska Air Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
ALL.US Retail MT5 The Allstate Corporation 1 USD USD 2
ALL.US.a Retail MT5 The Allstate Corporation 1 USD USD 2
ALLE.US Retail MT5 Allegion plc 1 USD USD 2
ALLE.US.a Retail MT5 Allegion plc 1 USD USD 2
AMAT.US Retail MT5 Applied Materials Inc 1 USD USD 2
AMAT.US.a Retail MT5 Applied Materials 1 USD USD 2
AMC.US Retail MT5 AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. Cl A 1 USD USD 2
AMC.US.a Retail MT5 AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. Cl A 1 USD USD 2
AMCR.US Retail MT5 Amcor plc 1 USD USD 2
AMCR.US.a Retail MT5 Amcor plc 1 USD USD 2
AMD.US Retail MT5 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 1 USD USD 2
AMD.US.a Retail MT5 Adv. Micro Devices 1 USD USD 2
AME.US.a Retail MT5 AMETEK Inc. 1 USD USD 2
AMGN.US Retail MT5 Amgen Inc 1 USD USD 2
AMGN.US.a Retail MT5 Amgen Inc 1 USD USD 2
AMP.US Retail MT5 Ameriprise Financial Inc 1 USD USD 2
AMP.US.a Retail MT5 Ameriprise Financial Inc 1 USD USD 2
AMT.US Retail MT5 American Tower Corporation (REIT) 1 USD USD 2
AMT.US.a Retail MT5 American Tower Corporation (REIT) 1 USD USD 2
AMZN.US Retail MT5 Amazon.com Inc 1 USD USD 2
AMZN.US.a Retail MT5 Amazon.com Inc 1 USD USD 2
ANET.US Retail MT5 Arista Networks Inc 1 USD USD 2
ANET.US.a Retail MT5 Arista Networks Inc 1 USD USD 2
ANSS.US Retail MT5 ANSYS, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
ANSS.US.a Retail MT5 ANSYS, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
AON.US Retail MT5 Aon plc 1 USD USD 2
AON.US.a Retail MT5 Aon plc 1 USD USD 2
AOS.US Retail MT5 A.O. Smith Corp 1 USD USD 2
AOS.US.a Retail MT5 A.O. Smith Corp 1 USD USD 2
APA.US Retail MT5 APA Corporation 1 USD USD 2
APA.US.a Retail MT5 APA Corporation 1 USD USD 2
APD.US Retail MT5 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 1 USD USD 2
APD.US.a Retail MT5 Air Products & Chemicals Inc 1 USD USD 2
APH.US Retail MT5 Amphenol Corporation 1 USD USD 2
APH.US.a Retail MT5 Amphenol Corporation 1 USD USD 2
APTV.US Retail MT5 Aptiv PLC 1 USD USD 2
APTV.US.a Retail MT5 Aptiv PLC 1 USD USD 2
ARE.US Retail MT5 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 1 USD USD 2
ARE.US.a Retail MT5 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc 1 USD USD 2
ASML.US Retail MT5 ASML Holding NV ADR 1 USD USD 2
ASML.US.a Retail MT5 ASML Holding NV ADR 1 USD USD 2
ATO.US Retail MT5 Atmos Energy Corporation 1 USD USD 2
ATO.US.a Retail MT5 Atmos Energy Corporation 1 USD USD 2
AUPH.US Retail MT5 Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc 1 USD USD 2
AUPH.US.a Retail MT5 Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc 1 USD USD 2
AVB.US Retail MT5 AvalonBay Communities Inc 1 USD USD 2
AVB.US.a Retail MT5 AvalonBay Communities Inc 1 USD USD 2
AVGO.US Retail MT5 Broadcom Ltd 1 USD USD 2
AVGO.US.a Retail MT5 Broadcom Ltd 1 USD USD 2
AVY.US Retail MT5 Avery Dennison Corporation 1 USD USD 2
AVY.US.a Retail MT5 Avery Dennison Corporation 1 USD USD 2
AWK.US Retail MT5 American Water Works Company Inc 1 USD USD 2
AWK.US.a Retail MT5 American Water Works Company Inc 1 USD USD 2
AXP.US Retail MT5 American Express Company 1 USD USD 2
AXP.US.a Retail MT5 American Express Company 1 USD USD 2
AZO.US Retail MT5 AutoZone Inc 1 USD USD 2
AZO.US.a Retail MT5 AutoZone Inc 1 USD USD 2
BA.US Retail MT5 Boeing Co 1 USD USD 2
BA.US.a Retail MT5 Boeing Co 1 USD USD 2
BABA.US Retail MT5 Alibaba Group 1 USD USD 2
BABA.US.a Retail MT5 Alibaba 1 USD USD 2
BAC.US Retail MT5 Bank of America Corp 1 USD USD 2
BAC.US.a Retail MT5 Bank of America Corp 1 USD USD 2
BALL.US Retail MT5 Ball Corporation 1 USD USD 2
BALL.US.a Retail MT5 Ball Corporation 1 USD USD 2
BAX.US Retail MT5 Baxter International Inc. 1 USD USD 2
BAX.US.a Retail MT5 Baxter International Inc. 1 USD USD 2
BB.US Retail MT5 Blackberry Ltd. 1 USD USD 2
BB.US.a Retail MT5 Blackberry Ltd. 1 USD USD 2
BBY.US Retail MT5 Best Buy Co. Inc. 1 USD USD 2
BBY.US.a Retail MT5 Best Buy Co. Inc. 1 USD USD 2
BCTX.US Retail MT5 BriaCell Therapeutics Corp. 1 USD USD 2
BCTX.US.a Retail MT5 BriaCell Therapeutics Corp. 1 USD USD 2
BDX.US Retail MT5 Becton Dickinson and Company 1 USD USD 2
BDX.US.a Retail MT5 Becton Dickinson and Company 1 USD USD 2
BEN.US Retail MT5 Franklin Resources Inc 1 USD USD 2
BEN.US.a Retail MT5 Franklin Resources Inc 1 USD USD 2
BF-B.US Retail MT5 Brown-Forman Corporation Class B 1 USD USD 2
BF-B.US.a Retail MT5 Brown-Forman Corporation Class B 1 USD USD 2
BIDU.US Retail MT5 Baidu Inc 1 USD USD 2
BIDU.US.a Retail MT5 Baidu 1 USD USD 2
BIIB.US Retail MT5 Biogen Inc 1 USD USD 2
BIIB.US.a Retail MT5 Biogen Inc 1 USD USD 2
BIO.US Retail MT5 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 1 USD USD 2
BIO.US.a Retail MT5 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 1 USD USD 2
BIRD.US Retail MT5 Allbirds Inc 1 USD USD 2
BK.US Retail MT5 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 1 USD USD 2
BK.US.a Retail MT5 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 1 USD USD 2
BKNG.US Retail MT5 Booking Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
BKNG.US.a Retail MT5 Booking Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
BKR.US Retail MT5 Baker Hughes Company 1 USD USD 2
BKR.US.a Retail MT5 Baker Hughes Company 1 USD USD 2
BLK.US Retail MT5 Blackrock Inc 1 USD USD 2
BLK.US.a Retail MT5 Blackrock Inc 1 USD USD 2
BMBL.US Retail MT5 Bumble Inc 1 USD USD 2
BMBL.US.a Retail MT5 Bumble Inc 1 USD USD 2
BMY.US Retail MT5 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 1 USD USD 2
BMY.US.a Retail MT5 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 1 USD USD 2
BNTX.US Retail MT5 BioNTech SE - ADR 1 USD USD 2
BNTX.US.a Retail MT5 BioNTech SE - ADR 1 USD USD 2
BR.US Retail MT5 Broadridge Financial Solutions 1 USD USD 2
BR.US.a Retail MT5 Broadridge Financial Solutions 1 USD USD 2
BRK.B.US Retail MT5 Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class B 1 USD USD 2
BRK.B.US.a Retail MT5 Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class B 1 USD USD 2
BSX.US Retail MT5 Boston Scientific Corporation 1 USD USD 2
BSX.US.a Retail MT5 Boston Scientific Corporation 1 USD USD 2
BWA.US Retail MT5 BorgWarner Inc 1 USD USD 2
BWA.US.a Retail MT5 BorgWarner Inc 1 USD USD 2
BXP.US Retail MT5 Boston Properties Inc 1 USD USD 2
BXP.US.a Retail MT5 Boston Properties Inc 1 USD USD 2
BYND.US Retail MT5 Beyond Meat Inc 1 USD USD 2
BYND.US.a Retail MT5 Beyond Meat Inc 1 USD USD 2
C.US Retail MT5 Citigroup Inc 1 USD USD 2
C.US.a Retail MT5 Citigroup Inc 1 USD USD 2
CAG.US Retail MT5 Conagra Brands Inc 1 USD USD 2
CAG.US.a Retail MT5 Conagra Brands Inc 1 USD USD 2
CAH.US Retail MT5 Cardinal Health Inc. 1 USD USD 2
CAH.US.a Retail MT5 Cardinal Health Inc. 1 USD USD 2
CAR.US Retail MT5 Avis Budget Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
CAR.US.a Retail MT5 Avis Budget Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
CARR.US Retail MT5 Carrier Global Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CARR.US.a Retail MT5 Carrier Global Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CAT.US Retail MT5 Caterpillar Inc 1 USD USD 2
CAT.US.a Retail MT5 Caterpillar 1 USD USD 2
CB.US Retail MT5 Chubb Ltd 1 USD USD 2
CB.US.a Retail MT5 Chubb Ltd 1 USD USD 2
CBRE.US Retail MT5 CBRE Group 1 USD USD 2
CBRE.US.a Retail MT5 CBRE Group 1 USD USD 2
CCI.US Retail MT5 Crown Castle International Corp. 1 USD USD 2
CCI.US.a Retail MT5 Crown Castle International Corp. 1 USD USD 2
CCL.US Retail MT5 Carnival Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CCL.US.a Retail MT5 Carnival Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CDNS.US Retail MT5 Cadence Design Systems Inc 1 USD USD 2
CDNS.US.a Retail MT5 Cadence Design 1 USD USD 2
CDW.US Retail MT5 CDW Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CDW.US.a Retail MT5 CDW Corp 1 USD USD 2
CE.US Retail MT5 Celanese Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CE.US.a Retail MT5 Celanese Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CF.US Retail MT5 CF Industries Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
CF.US.a Retail MT5 CF Industries Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
CFG.US Retail MT5 Citizens Financial Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
CFG.US.a Retail MT5 Citizens Financial Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
CGC.US Retail MT5 Canopy Growth Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CGC.US.a Retail MT5 Canopy Growth Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CHD.US Retail MT5 Church & Dwight 1 USD USD 2
CHD.US.a Retail MT5 Church & Dwight 1 USD USD 2
CHRW.US Retail MT5 C. H. Robinson Worldwide Inc 1 USD USD 2
CHRW.US.a Retail MT5 C.H.Robinson WW 1 USD USD 2
CHTR.US Retail MT5 Charter Communications Inc 1 USD USD 2
CHTR.US.a Retail MT5 Charter Comm. 1 USD USD 2
CHWY.US Retail MT5 Chewy Inc 1 USD USD 2
CHWY.US.a Retail MT5 Chewy Inc 1 USD USD 2
CI.US Retail MT5 Cigna Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CI.US.a Retail MT5 Cigna Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CINF.US Retail MT5 Cincinnati Financial Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CINF.US.a Retail MT5 Cincinnati Fin. 1 USD USD 2
CL.US Retail MT5 Colgate-Palmolive Company 1 USD USD 2
CL.US.a Retail MT5 Colgate-Palmolive Company 1 USD USD 2
CLX.US Retail MT5 The Clorox Company 1 USD USD 2
CLX.US.a Retail MT5 The Clorox Company 1 USD USD 2
CMA.US Retail MT5 Comerica Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
CMA.US.a Retail MT5 Comerica Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
CMCSA.US Retail MT5 Comcast Corp 1 USD USD 2
CMCSA.US.a Retail MT5 Comcast Corp 1 USD USD 2
CME.US Retail MT5 CME Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
CME.US.a Retail MT5 CME Group 1 USD USD 2
CMG.US Retail MT5 Chipotle Mexican Grill 1 USD USD 2
CMG.US.a Retail MT5 Chipotle Mexican Grill 1 USD USD 2
CMI.US Retail MT5 Cummins Inc. 1 USD USD 2
CMI.US.a Retail MT5 Cummins Inc. 1 USD USD 2
CMS.US Retail MT5 CMS Energy Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CMS.US.a Retail MT5 CMS Energy Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CNC.US Retail MT5 Centene Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CNC.US.a Retail MT5 Centene Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CNP.US Retail MT5 CenterPoint Energy Inc 1 USD USD 2
CNP.US.a Retail MT5 CenterPoint Energy Inc 1 USD USD 2
COF.US Retail MT5 Capital One Financial Corporation 1 USD USD 2
COF.US.a Retail MT5 Capital One Financial Corporation 1 USD USD 2
COIN.US Retail MT5 Coinbase Global Inc 1 USD USD 2
COIN.US.a Retail MT5 Coinbase Global Inc 1 USD USD 2
COO.US Retail MT5 The Cooper Companies Inc 1 USD USD 2
COO.US.a Retail MT5 The Cooper Companies Inc 1 USD USD 2
COP.US Retail MT5 ConocoPhillips 1 USD USD 2
COP.US.a Retail MT5 ConocoPhillips 1 USD USD 2
COST.US Retail MT5 Costco Wholesale Corporation 1 USD USD 2
COST.US.a Retail MT5 Costco Wholesale 1 USD USD 2
CPB.US Retail MT5 Campbell Soup Company 1 USD USD 2
CPB.US.a Retail MT5 Campbell Soup Company 1 USD USD 2
CPRT.US Retail MT5 Copart Inc 1 USD USD 2
CPRT.US.a Retail MT5 Copart Inc 1 USD USD 2
CRM.US Retail MT5 salesforce.com Inc 1 USD USD 2
CRM.US.a Retail MT5 salesforce.com Inc 1 USD USD 2
CRON.US Retail MT5 Cronos Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
CRON.US.a Retail MT5 Cronos Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
CROX.US Retail MT5 Crocs Inc 1 USD USD 2
CROX.US.a Retail MT5 Crocs Inc 1 USD USD 2
CSCO.US Retail MT5 Cisco Systems Inc 1 USD USD 2
CSCO.US.a Retail MT5 Cisco Systems Inc 1 USD USD 2
CSX.US Retail MT5 CSX Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CSX.US.a Retail MT5 CSX Corp 1 USD USD 2
CTAS.US Retail MT5 Cintas Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CTAS.US.a Retail MT5 Cintas Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CTLT.US Retail MT5 Catalent Inc 1 USD USD 2
CTLT.US.a Retail MT5 Catalent Inc 1 USD USD 2
CTSH.US Retail MT5 Cognizant Technology Solutions 1 USD USD 2
CTSH.US.a Retail MT5 Cognizant Tech Sol. 1 USD USD 2
CTVA.US Retail MT5 Corteva Inc 1 USD USD 2
CTVA.US.a Retail MT5 Corteva Inc 1 USD USD 2
CVS.US Retail MT5 CVS Health Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CVS.US.a Retail MT5 CVS Health Corporation 1 USD USD 2
CVX.US Retail MT5 Chevron Corp 1 USD USD 2
CVX.US.a Retail MT5 Chevron Corp 1 USD USD 2
D.US Retail MT5 Dominion Energy 1 USD USD 2
D.US.a Retail MT5 Dominion Energy 1 USD USD 2
DAL.US Retail MT5 Delta Air Lines Inc. 1 USD USD 2
DAL.US.a Retail MT5 Delta Air Lines Inc. 1 USD USD 2
DASH.US Retail MT5 DoorDash Inc Ordinary Shares 1 USD USD 2
DASH.US.a Retail MT5 DoorDash Inc Ordinary Shares 1 USD USD 2
DBX.US Retail MT5 Dropbox Inc 1 USD USD 2
DBX.US.a Retail MT5 Dropbox Inc 1 USD USD 2
DE.US Retail MT5 Deere & Company 1 USD USD 2
DE.US.a Retail MT5 Deere & Company 1 USD USD 2
DEO.US Retail MT5 Diageo plc 1 USD USD 2
DEO.US.a Retail MT5 Diageo plc 1 USD USD 2
DFS.US Retail MT5 Discover Financial Services 1 USD USD 2
DFS.US.a Retail MT5 Discover Financial Services 1 USD USD 2
DG.US Retail MT5 Dollar General Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DG.US.a Retail MT5 Dollar General Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DHI.US Retail MT5 D. R. Horton Inc 1 USD USD 2
DHI.US.a Retail MT5 D. R. Horton Inc 1 USD USD 2
DHR.US Retail MT5 Danaher Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DHR.US.a Retail MT5 Danaher Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DIS.US Retail MT5 Walt Disney Co 1 USD USD 2
DIS.US.a Retail MT5 Walt Disney Co 1 USD USD 2
DLR.US Retail MT5 Digital Realty Trust Inc 1 USD USD 2
DLR.US.a Retail MT5 Digital Realty Trust Inc 1 USD USD 2
DLTR.US Retail MT5 Dollar Tree Inc 1 USD USD 2
DLTR.US.a Retail MT5 Dollar Tree 1 USD USD 2
DMTK.US Retail MT5 DermTech Inc 1 USD USD 2
DMTK.US.a Retail MT5 DermTech Inc 1 USD USD 2
DOCU.US Retail MT5 Docusign Inc 1 USD USD 2
DOCU.US.a Retail MT5 Docusign Inc 1 USD USD 2
DOV.US Retail MT5 Dover Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DOV.US.a Retail MT5 Dover Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DOW.US Retail MT5 Dow Inc. 1 USD USD 2
DOW.US.a Retail MT5 Dow Inc. 1 USD USD 2
DPZ.US Retail MT5 Domino's Pizza 1 USD USD 2
DPZ.US.a Retail MT5 Domino's Pizza 1 USD USD 2
DRI.US Retail MT5 Darden Restaurants 1 USD USD 2
DRI.US.a Retail MT5 Darden Restaurants 1 USD USD 2
DTE.US Retail MT5 DTE Energy Co. 1 USD USD 2
DTE.US.a Retail MT5 DTE Energy Co. 1 USD USD 2
DUK.US Retail MT5 Duke Energy Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DUK.US.a Retail MT5 Duke Energy Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DVA.US Retail MT5 DaVita Inc. 1 USD USD 2
DVA.US.a Retail MT5 DaVita Inc. 1 USD USD 2
DVN.US Retail MT5 Devon Energy Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DVN.US.a Retail MT5 Devon Energy Corporation 1 USD USD 2
DXC.US Retail MT5 DXC Technology Company 1 USD USD 2
DXC.US.a Retail MT5 DXC Technology Company 1 USD USD 2
DXCM.US Retail MT5 DexCom Inc 1 USD USD 2
DXCM.US.a Retail MT5 DexCom 1 USD USD 2
EA.US Retail MT5 Electronic Arts Inc 1 USD USD 2
EA.US.a Retail MT5 Electronic Arts 1 USD USD 2
EBAY.US Retail MT5 Ebay Inc 1 USD USD 2
EBAY.US.a Retail MT5 Ebay 1 USD USD 2
ECL.US Retail MT5 Ecolab Inc. 1 USD USD 2
ECL.US.a Retail MT5 Ecolab Inc. 1 USD USD 2
ED.US Retail MT5 Consolidated Edison 1 USD USD 2
ED.US.a Retail MT5 Consolidated Edison 1 USD USD 2
EFX.US Retail MT5 Equifax Inc. 1 USD USD 2
EFX.US.a Retail MT5 Equifax Inc. 1 USD USD 2
EIX.US Retail MT5 Edison International 1 USD USD 2
EIX.US.a Retail MT5 Edison International 1 USD USD 2
EL.US Retail MT5 Estee Lauder Companies 1 USD USD 2
EL.US.a Retail MT5 Estee Lauder Companies 1 USD USD 2
EMN.US Retail MT5 Eastman Chemical Company 1 USD USD 2
EMN.US.a Retail MT5 Eastman Chemical Company 1 USD USD 2
EMR.US Retail MT5 Emerson Electric Co. 1 USD USD 2
EMR.US.a Retail MT5 Emerson Electric Co. 1 USD USD 2
ENPH.US Retail MT5 Enphase Energy Inc 1 USD USD 2
ENPH.US.a Retail MT5 Enphase Energy 1 USD USD 2
EOG.US Retail MT5 EOG Resources Inc 1 USD USD 2
EOG.US.a Retail MT5 EOG Resources Inc 1 USD USD 2
EQIX.US Retail MT5 Equinix Inc 1 USD USD 2
EQIX.US.a Retail MT5 Equinix 1 USD USD 2
EQR.US Retail MT5 Equity Residential 1 USD USD 2
EQR.US.a Retail MT5 Equity Residential 1 USD USD 2
ES.US Retail MT5 Eversource Energy 1 USD USD 2
ES.US.a Retail MT5 Eversource Energy 1 USD USD 2
ESS.US Retail MT5 Essex Property Trust, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
ESS.US.a Retail MT5 Essex Property Trust, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
ETN.US Retail MT5 Eaton Corporation plc 1 USD USD 2
ETN.US.a Retail MT5 Eaton Corporation plc 1 USD USD 2
ETR.US Retail MT5 Entergy Corporations 1 USD USD 2
ETR.US.a Retail MT5 Entergy Corporations 1 USD USD 2
ETSY.US Retail MT5 Etsy Inc 1 USD USD 2
ETSY.US.a Retail MT5 Etsy 1 USD USD 2
EVRG.US Retail MT5 Evergy Inc 1 USD USD 2
EVRG.US.a Retail MT5 Evergy Inc 1 USD USD 2
EW.US Retail MT5 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation 1 USD USD 2
EW.US.a Retail MT5 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation 1 USD USD 2
EXC.US Retail MT5 Exelon Corporation 1 USD USD 2
EXC.US.a Retail MT5 Exelon Corp. 1 USD USD 2
EXPD.US Retail MT5 Expeditors International of Washington Inc 1 USD USD 2
EXPD.US.a Retail MT5 Expeditors 1 USD USD 2
EXPE.US Retail MT5 Expedia Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
EXPE.US.a Retail MT5 Expedia Group 1 USD USD 2
EXR.US Retail MT5 Extra Space Storage Inc 1 USD USD 2
EXR.US.a Retail MT5 Extra Space Storage Inc 1 USD USD 2
F.US Retail MT5 Ford Motor Company 1 USD USD 2
F.US.a Retail MT5 Ford Motor Company 1 USD USD 2
FANG.US Retail MT5 Diamondback Energy Inc 1 USD USD 2
FANG.US.a Retail MT5 Diamondback Energy 1 USD USD 2
FAST.US Retail MT5 Fastenal Company 1 USD USD 2
FAST.US.a Retail MT5 Fastenal Co 1 USD USD 2
FCX.US Retail MT5 Freeport-McMoRan Inc. 1 USD USD 2
FCX.US.a Retail MT5 Freeport-McMoRan Inc. 1 USD USD 2
FDX.US Retail MT5 FedEx Corporation 1 USD USD 2
FDX.US.a Retail MT5 FedEx Corporation 1 USD USD 2
FE.US Retail MT5 FirstEnergy Corp 1 USD USD 2
FE.US.a Retail MT5 FirstEnergy Corp 1 USD USD 2
FFIV.US Retail MT5 F5 Networks Inc 1 USD USD 2
FFIV.US.a Retail MT5 F5 Networks 1 USD USD 2
FIS.US Retail MT5 Fidelity National Information Services 1 USD USD 2
FIS.US.a Retail MT5 Fidelity National Information Services 1 USD USD 2
FITB.US Retail MT5 Fifth Third Bancorp 1 USD USD 2
FITB.US.a Retail MT5 Fifth Third Bancorp 1 USD USD 2
FLS.US Retail MT5 Flowserve Corporation 1 USD USD 2
FLS.US.a Retail MT5 Flowserve Corporation 1 USD USD 2
FMC.US Retail MT5 FMC Corporation 1 USD USD 2
FMC.US.a Retail MT5 FMC Corporation 1 USD USD 2
FOX.US Retail MT5 Twenty-First Century Fox (Class B ) 1 USD USD 2
FOX.US.a Retail MT5 21st Century Fox B 1 USD USD 2
FOXA.US Retail MT5 Twenty-First Century Fox (Class A) 1 USD USD 2
FOXA.US.a Retail MT5 21st Century Fox A 1 USD USD 2
FRT.US Retail MT5 Federal Realty Investment Trust 1 USD USD 2
FRT.US.a Retail MT5 Federal Realty Investment Trust 1 USD USD 2
FTNT.US Retail MT5 Fortinet Inc 1 USD USD 2
FTNT.US.a Retail MT5 Fortinet 1 USD USD 2
FTV.US Retail MT5 Fortive Corp 1 USD USD 2
FTV.US.a Retail MT5 Fortive Corp 1 USD USD 2
GD.US Retail MT5 General Dynamics 1 USD USD 2
GD.US.a Retail MT5 General Dynamics 1 USD USD 2
GE.US Retail MT5 General Electric Aerospace Co 1 USD USD 2
GE.US.a Retail MT5 General Electric Aerospace Co 1 USD USD 2
GILD.US Retail MT5 Gilead Sciences Inc 1 USD USD 2
GILD.US.a Retail MT5 Gilead Sciences 1 USD USD 2
GIS.US Retail MT5 General Mills Inc 1 USD USD 2
GIS.US.a Retail MT5 General Mills Inc 1 USD USD 2
GL.US Retail MT5 Globe Life Inc. 1 USD USD 2
GL.US.a Retail MT5 Globe Life Inc. 1 USD USD 2
GLW.US Retail MT5 Corning Inc. 1 USD USD 2
GLW.US.a Retail MT5 Corning Inc. 1 USD USD 2
GM.US Retail MT5 General Motors Company 1 USD USD 2
GM.US.a Retail MT5 General Motors Company 1 USD USD 2
GME.US Retail MT5 Gamestop Corp 1 USD USD 2
GME.US.a Retail MT5 GameStop Corp 1 USD USD 2
GOOG.US Retail MT5 Alphabet Inc Class C 1 USD USD 2
GOOG.US.a Retail MT5 Alphabet Inc Class C 1 USD USD 2
GOOGL.US Retail MT5 Alphabet Inc Class A 1 USD USD 2
GOOGL.US.a Retail MT5 Alphabet Inc Class A 1 USD USD 2
GPC.US Retail MT5 Genuine Parts Company 1 USD USD 2
GPC.US.a Retail MT5 Genuine Parts 1 USD USD 2
GPN.US Retail MT5 Global Payments Inc. 1 USD USD 2
GPN.US.a Retail MT5 Global Payments Inc. 1 USD USD 2
GPRO.US Retail MT5 GoPro Inc 1 USD USD 2
GPRO.US.a Retail MT5 GoPro Inc 1 USD USD 2
GPS.US Retail MT5 Gap Inc. 1 USD USD 2
GPS.US.a Retail MT5 Gap Inc. 1 USD USD 2
GRMN.US Retail MT5 Garmin Ltd. 1 USD USD 2
GRMN.US.a Retail MT5 Garmin Ltd. 1 USD USD 2
GS.US Retail MT5 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
GS.US.a Retail MT5 Goldman Sachs 1 USD USD 2
GTLB.US Retail MT5 Gitlab Inc 1 USD USD 2
GTLB.US.a Retail MT5 Gitlab Inc 1 USD USD 2
GWW.US Retail MT5 W.W Grainger Inc. 1 USD USD 2
GWW.US.a Retail MT5 W.W Grainger Inc. 1 USD USD 2
HAL.US Retail MT5 Halliburton Co. 1 USD USD 2
HAL.US.a Retail MT5 Halliburton Co. 1 USD USD 2
HAS.US Retail MT5 Hasbro Inc. 1 USD USD 2
HAS.US.a Retail MT5 Hasbro Inc. 1 USD USD 2
HBAN.US Retail MT5 Huntington Bancshares Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
HBAN.US.a Retail MT5 Huntington Banc. 1 USD USD 2
HBI.US Retail MT5 Hanesbrands Inc 1 USD USD 2
HBI.US.a Retail MT5 Hanesbrands Inc 1 USD USD 2
HCA.US Retail MT5 HCA Healthcare 1 USD USD 2
HCA.US.a Retail MT5 HCA Healthcare 1 USD USD 2
HD.US Retail MT5 Home Depot Inc 1 USD USD 2
HD.US.a Retail MT5 Home Depot Inc 1 USD USD 2
HES.US Retail MT5 Hess Corporation 1 USD USD 2
HES.US.a Retail MT5 Hess Corporation 1 USD USD 2
HIG.US Retail MT5 Hartford Financial Services Group 1 USD USD 2
HIG.US.a Retail MT5 Hartford Financial Services Group 1 USD USD 2
HII.US Retail MT5 Huntington Ingalls Industries 1 USD USD 2
HII.US.a Retail MT5 Huntington Ingalls Industries 1 USD USD 2
HLT.US Retail MT5 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
HLT.US.a Retail MT5 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
HOLX.US Retail MT5 Hologic Inc 1 USD USD 2
HOLX.US.a Retail MT5 Hologic 1 USD USD 2
HON.US Retail MT5 Honeywell International Inc 1 USD USD 2
HON.US.a Retail MT5 Honeywell International Inc 1 USD USD 2
HOOD.US Retail MT5 Robinhood Markets, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
HOOD.US.a Retail MT5 Robinhood Markets, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
HPE.US Retail MT5 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 1 USD USD 2
HPE.US.a Retail MT5 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 1 USD USD 2
HPQ.US Retail MT5 Hewlett-Packard Inc. 1 USD USD 2
HPQ.US.a Retail MT5 Hewlett-Packard Inc. 1 USD USD 2
HRL.US Retail MT5 Hormel Foods Corporation 1 USD USD 2
HRL.US.a Retail MT5 Hormel Foods Corporation 1 USD USD 2
HSIC.US Retail MT5 Henry Schein Inc 1 USD USD 2
HSIC.US.a Retail MT5 Henry Schein 1 USD USD 2
HST.US Retail MT5 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 1 USD USD 2
HST.US.a Retail MT5 Host Hotels & Rsrts 1 USD USD 2
HSY.US Retail MT5 The Hershey Company 1 USD USD 2
HSY.US.a Retail MT5 The Hershey Company 1 USD USD 2
HUM.US Retail MT5 Humana Inc. 1 USD USD 2
HUM.US.a Retail MT5 Humana Inc. 1 USD USD 2
HWM.US Retail MT5 Howmet Aerospace Inc 1 USD USD 2
HWM.US.a Retail MT5 Howmet Aerospace Inc 1 USD USD 2
IBM.US Retail MT5 International Business Machines Corp 1 USD USD 2
IBM.US.a Retail MT5 International Business Machines Corp 1 USD USD 2
ICE.US Retail MT5 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 1 USD USD 2
ICE.US.a Retail MT5 Intercontinental Exchange Inc 1 USD USD 2
IDXX.US Retail MT5 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 1 USD USD 2
IDXX.US.a Retail MT5 IDEXX Laboratories Inc 1 USD USD 2
IEX.US Retail MT5 IDEX Corporation 1 USD USD 2
IEX.US.a Retail MT5 IDEX Corporation 1 USD USD 2
IFF.US Retail MT5 International Flavors & Fragrances 1 USD USD 2
IFF.US.a Retail MT5 International Flavors & Fragrances 1 USD USD 2
ILMN.US Retail MT5 Illumina Inc 1 USD USD 2
ILMN.US.a Retail MT5 Illumina Inc 1 USD USD 2
INCY.US Retail MT5 Incyte Corporation 1 USD USD 2
INCY.US.a Retail MT5 Incyte 1 USD USD 2
INTC.US Retail MT5 Intel Corp 1 USD USD 2
INTC.US.a Retail MT5 Intel Corp 1 USD USD 2
INTU.US Retail MT5 Intuit Inc 1 USD USD 2
INTU.US.a Retail MT5 Intuit 1 USD USD 2
IPG.US Retail MT5 The Interpublic Group of Companies 1 USD USD 2
IPG.US.a Retail MT5 The Interpublic Group of Companies 1 USD USD 2
IPGP.US Retail MT5 IPG Photonics Corporation 1 USD USD 2
IPGP.US.a Retail MT5 IPG Photonics Corp. 1 USD USD 2
IQV.US Retail MT5 IQVIA Holdings Inc. 1 USD USD 2
IQV.US.a Retail MT5 IQVIA Holdings Inc. 1 USD USD 2
IRM.US Retail MT5 Iron Mountain Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
IRM.US.a Retail MT5 Iron Mountain Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
ISRG.US Retail MT5 Intuitive Surgical Inc 1 USD USD 2
ISRG.US.a Retail MT5 Intuitive Surgical Inc 1 USD USD 2
IT.US Retail MT5 Gartner Inc 1 USD USD 2
IT.US.a Retail MT5 Gartner Inc 1 USD USD 2
ITW.US Retail MT5 Illinois Tool Works Inc 1 USD USD 2
ITW.US.a Retail MT5 Illinois Tool Works Inc 1 USD USD 2
IVZ.US Retail MT5 Invesco Ltd. 1 USD USD 2
IVZ.US.a Retail MT5 Invesco Ltd. 1 USD USD 2
J.US Retail MT5 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
J.US.a Retail MT5 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
JBHT.US Retail MT5 J. B. Hunt Transport Services Inc 1 USD USD 2
JBHT.US.a Retail MT5 J.B.Hunt Transport 1 USD USD 2
JCI.US Retail MT5 Johnson Controls International 1 USD USD 2
JCI.US.a Retail MT5 Johnson Controls International 1 USD USD 2
JEF.US Retail MT5 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
JEF.US.a Retail MT5 Jefferies Financial Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
JKHY.US Retail MT5 Jack Henry & Associates Inc 1 USD USD 2
JKHY.US.a Retail MT5 Jack Henry & Assoc. 1 USD USD 2
JNJ.US Retail MT5 Johnson & Johnson 1 USD USD 2
JNJ.US.a Retail MT5 Johnson & Johnson 1 USD USD 2
JNPR.US Retail MT5 Juniper Networks 1 USD USD 2
JNPR.US.a Retail MT5 Juniper Networks 1 USD USD 2
JPM.US Retail MT5 JPMorgan Chase & Co 1 USD USD 2
JPM.US.a Retail MT5 JPMorgan Chase & Co 1 USD USD 2
K.US Retail MT5 Kellogg Company 1 USD USD 2
K.US.a Retail MT5 Kellogg Company 1 USD USD 2
KEY.US Retail MT5 KeyCorp 1 USD USD 2
KEY.US.a Retail MT5 KeyCorp 1 USD USD 2
KEYS.US Retail MT5 Keysight Technologies Inc 1 USD USD 2
KEYS.US.a Retail MT5 Keysight Technologies Inc 1 USD USD 2
KHC.US Retail MT5 The Kraft Heinz Company 1 USD USD 2
KHC.US.a Retail MT5 Kraft Heinz Co 1 USD USD 2
KIM.US Retail MT5 Kimco Realty Corporation 1 USD USD 2
KIM.US.a Retail MT5 Kimco Realty Corporation 1 USD USD 2
KLAC.US Retail MT5 KLA Corporation 1 USD USD 2
KLAC.US.a Retail MT5 KLA Corporation 1 USD USD 2
KMB.US Retail MT5 Kimberly-Clark Corporation 1 USD USD 2
KMB.US.a Retail MT5 Kimberly-Clark Corporation 1 USD USD 2
KMI.US Retail MT5 Kinder Morgan Inc 1 USD USD 2
KMI.US.a Retail MT5 Kinder Morgan Inc 1 USD USD 2
KMX.US Retail MT5 Carmax Inc 1 USD USD 2
KMX.US.a Retail MT5 Carmax Inc 1 USD USD 2
KO.US Retail MT5 Coca-Cola Co 1 USD USD 2
KO.US.a Retail MT5 Coca-Cola Co 1 USD USD 2
KR.US Retail MT5 The Kroger Co. 1 USD USD 2
KR.US.a Retail MT5 The Kroger Co. 1 USD USD 2
L.US Retail MT5 Loews Corporation 1 USD USD 2
L.US.a Retail MT5 Loews Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LCID.US Retail MT5 Lucid Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
LCID.US.a Retail MT5 Lucid Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
LDOS.US Retail MT5 Leidos Holdings 1 USD USD 2
LDOS.US.a Retail MT5 Leidos Holdings 1 USD USD 2
LEG.US Retail MT5 Leggett & Platt Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
LEG.US.a Retail MT5 Leggett & Platt Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
LEN.US Retail MT5 Lennar Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LEN.US.a Retail MT5 Lennar Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LH.US Retail MT5 Laboratory Corp. of America Holding 1 USD USD 2
LH.US.a Retail MT5 Laboratory Corp. of America Holding 1 USD USD 2
LHX.US Retail MT5 L3Harris Technologies 1 USD USD 2
LHX.US.a Retail MT5 L3Harris Technologies 1 USD USD 2
LIN.US Retail MT5 Linde plc 1 USD USD 2
LIN.US.a Retail MT5 Linde plc 1 USD USD 2
LKQ.US Retail MT5 LKQ Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LKQ.US.a Retail MT5 LKQ Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LLY.US Retail MT5 Eli Lilly and Company 1 USD USD 2
LLY.US.a Retail MT5 Eli Lilly and Company 1 USD USD 2
LMT.US Retail MT5 Lockheed Martin Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LMT.US.a Retail MT5 Lockheed Martin Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LNC.US Retail MT5 Lincoln National Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LNC.US.a Retail MT5 Lincoln National Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LNT.US Retail MT5 Alliant Energy Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LNT.US.a Retail MT5 Alliant Energy Corp 1 USD USD 2
LOGI.US Retail MT5 Logitech International SA 1 USD USD 2
LOGI.US.a Retail MT5 Logitech International SA 1 USD USD 2
LOW.US Retail MT5 Lowe's Companies Inc 1 USD USD 2
LOW.US.a Retail MT5 Lowe's Companies Inc 1 USD USD 2
LRCX.US Retail MT5 Lam Research Corporation 1 USD USD 2
LRCX.US.a Retail MT5 Lam Research 1 USD USD 2
LRN.US Retail MT5 Stride Inc 1 USD USD 2
LRN.US.a Retail MT5 Stride Inc 1 USD USD 2
LULU.US Retail MT5 Lululemon Athletica Inc 1 USD USD 2
LULU.US.a Retail MT5 Lululemon Athletica Inc 1 USD USD 2
LUMN.US Retail MT5 Lumen Technologies 1 USD USD 2
LUMN.US.a Retail MT5 Lumen Technologies 1 USD USD 2
LVS.US Retail MT5 Las Vegas Sands Corp 1 USD USD 2
LVS.US.a Retail MT5 Las Vegas Sands Corp 1 USD USD 2
LW.US Retail MT5 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
LW.US.a Retail MT5 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
LYB.US Retail MT5 LyondellBasell Industries N.V. 1 USD USD 2
LYB.US.a Retail MT5 LyondellBasell Industries N.V. 1 USD USD 2
LYFT.US Retail MT5 Lyft, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
LYFT.US.a Retail MT5 Lyft, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
LYV.US Retail MT5 Live Nation Entertainment inc 1 USD USD 2
LYV.US.a Retail MT5 Live Nation Entertainment inc 1 USD USD 2
MA.US Retail MT5 MasterCard Inc 1 USD USD 2
MA.US.a Retail MT5 MasterCard Inc 1 USD USD 2
MAA.US Retail MT5 Mid-America Apartment Communities 1 USD USD 2
MAA.US.a Retail MT5 Mid-America Apartment Communities 1 USD USD 2
MAR.US Retail MT5 Marriott International Inc 1 USD USD 2
MAR.US.a Retail MT5 Marriott Intl 1 USD USD 2
MAS.US Retail MT5 Masco Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MAS.US.a Retail MT5 Masco Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MAT.US Retail MT5 Mattel Inc. 1 USD USD 2
MAT.US.a Retail MT5 Mattel Inc. 1 USD USD 2
MCD.US Retail MT5 McDonalds Corp 1 USD USD 2
MCD.US.a Retail MT5 McDonalds Corp 1 USD USD 2
MCHP.US Retail MT5 Microchip Technology Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
MCHP.US.a Retail MT5 Microchip Tech. 1 USD USD 2
MCK.US Retail MT5 McKesson Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MCK.US.a Retail MT5 McKesson Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MCO.US Retail MT5 Moody's Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MCO.US.a Retail MT5 Moody's Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MDLZ.US Retail MT5 Mondelez International Inc 1 USD USD 2
MDLZ.US.a Retail MT5 Mondelez Int. 1 USD USD 2
MDT.US Retail MT5 Medtronic PLC 1 USD USD 2
MDT.US.a Retail MT5 Medtronic PLC 1 USD USD 2
MELI.US Retail MT5 MercadoLibre Inc 1 USD USD 2
MELI.US.a Retail MT5 MercadoLibre Inc 1 USD USD 2
MET.US Retail MT5 MetLife Inc. 1 USD USD 2
MET.US.a Retail MT5 MetLife Inc. 1 USD USD 2
META.US Retail MT5 Meta Platforms Inc 1 USD USD 2
META.US.a Retail MT5 Meta Platforms Inc 1 USD USD 2
MGM.US Retail MT5 MGM Resorts International 1 USD USD 2
MGM.US.a Retail MT5 MGM Resorts International 1 USD USD 2
MHK.US Retail MT5 Mohawk Industries 1 USD USD 2
MHK.US.a Retail MT5 Mohawk Industries 1 USD USD 2
MKC.US Retail MT5 McCormick & Company Inc 1 USD USD 2
MKC.US.a Retail MT5 McCormick & Company Inc 1 USD USD 2
MKTX.US Retail MT5 MarketAxess Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
MKTX.US.a Retail MT5 MarketAxess 1 USD USD 2
MLM.US Retail MT5 Martin Marietta Materials Inc 1 USD USD 2
MLM.US.a Retail MT5 Martin Marietta Materials Inc 1 USD USD 2
MMC.US Retail MT5 Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc 1 USD USD 2
MMC.US.a Retail MT5 Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc 1 USD USD 2
MMM.US Retail MT5 3M Company 1 USD USD 2
MMM.US.a Retail MT5 3M Company 1 USD USD 2
MNST.US Retail MT5 Monster Beverage Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MNST.US.a Retail MT5 Monster Beverage 1 USD USD 2
MO.US Retail MT5 Altria Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
MO.US.a Retail MT5 Altria Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
MORN.US Retail MT5 Morningstar Inc. 1 USD USD 2
MORN.US.a Retail MT5 Morningstar Inc. 1 USD USD 2
MOS.US Retail MT5 The Mosaic Company 1 USD USD 2
MOS.US.a Retail MT5 The Mosaic Company 1 USD USD 2
MPC.US Retail MT5 Marathon Petroleum Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MPC.US.a Retail MT5 Marathon Petroleum Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MRK.US Retail MT5 Merck & Co Inc 1 USD USD 2
MRK.US.a Retail MT5 Merck & Co Inc 1 USD USD 2
MRNA.US Retail MT5 Moderna 1 USD USD 2
MRNA.US.a Retail MT5 Moderna 1 USD USD 2
MRO.US Retail MT5 Marathon Oil Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MRO.US.a Retail MT5 Marathon Oil Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MS.US Retail MT5 Morgan Stanley 1 USD USD 2
MS.US.a Retail MT5 Morgan Stanley 1 USD USD 2
MSCI.US.a Retail MT5 MSCI Inc 1 USD USD 2
MSFT.US Retail MT5 Microsoft Corp 1 USD USD 2
MSFT.US.a Retail MT5 Microsoft Corp 1 USD USD 2
MSI.US Retail MT5 Motorola Solutions Inc. 1 USD USD 2
MSI.US.a Retail MT5 Motorola Solutions Inc. 1 USD USD 2
MSTR.US Retail MT5 MicroStrategy Inc 1 USD USD 2
MSTR.US.a Retail MT5 MicroStrategy Inc 1 USD USD 2
MTB.US Retail MT5 M&T Bank Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MTB.US.a Retail MT5 M&T Bank Corporation 1 USD USD 2
MTD.US Retail MT5 Mettler Toledo International Inc 1 USD USD 2
MTD.US.a Retail MT5 Mettler Toledo International Inc 1 USD USD 2
MU.US Retail MT5 Micron Technology Inc 1 USD USD 2
MU.US.a Retail MT5 Micron Technology Inc 1 USD USD 2
NCLH.US Retail MT5 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings 1 USD USD 2
NCLH.US.a Retail MT5 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings 1 USD USD 2
NDAQ.US Retail MT5 Nasdaq, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NDAQ.US.a Retail MT5 Nasdaq, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NEE.US Retail MT5 NextEra Energy, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NEE.US.a Retail MT5 NextEra Energy, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NEM.US Retail MT5 Newmont Mining Corporation 1 USD USD 2
NEM.US.a Retail MT5 Newmont Mining Corporation 1 USD USD 2
NFLX.US Retail MT5 Netflix Inc 1 USD USD 2
NFLX.US.a Retail MT5 Netflix Inc 1 USD USD 2
NI.US Retail MT5 NiSource Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NI.US.a Retail MT5 NiSource Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NIO.US Retail MT5 Nio Limited 1 USD USD 2
NIO.US.a Retail MT5 Nio Limited 1 USD USD 2
NKE.US Retail MT5 Nike Inc 1 USD USD 2
NKE.US.a Retail MT5 Nike Inc 1 USD USD 2
NNOX.US Retail MT5 Nano X Imaging Limited 1 USD USD 2
NNOX.US.a Retail MT5 Nano X Imaging Limited 1 USD USD 2
NOC.US Retail MT5 Northrop Grumman 1 USD USD 2
NOC.US.a Retail MT5 Northrop Grumman 1 USD USD 2
NOK.US Retail MT5 Nokia Corp. ADR 1 USD USD 2
NOK.US.a Retail MT5 Nokia Corp. ADR 1 USD USD 2
NOV.US Retail MT5 NOV Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NOV.US.a Retail MT5 NOV Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NRG.US Retail MT5 NRG Energy 1 USD USD 2
NRG.US.a Retail MT5 NRG Energy 1 USD USD 2
NSC.US Retail MT5 Norfolk Southern Corporation 1 USD USD 2
NSC.US.a Retail MT5 Norfolk Southern Corporation 1 USD USD 2
NTAP.US Retail MT5 NetApp Inc 1 USD USD 2
NTAP.US.a Retail MT5 NetApp 1 USD USD 2
NTRS.US Retail MT5 Northern Trust Corporation 1 USD USD 2
NTRS.US.a Retail MT5 Northern Trust Corp 1 USD USD 2
NUE.US Retail MT5 Nucor Corp. 1 USD USD 2
NUE.US.a Retail MT5 Nucor Corp. 1 USD USD 2
NVAX.US Retail MT5 Novavax Inc 1 USD USD 2
NVAX.US.a Retail MT5 Novavax Inc 1 USD USD 2
NVDA.US.a Retail MT5 NVIDIA Corp 1 USD USD 2
NVR.US Retail MT5 NVR, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NVR.US.a Retail MT5 NVR, Inc. 1 USD USD 2
NWL.US Retail MT5 Newell Brands Inc 1 USD USD 2
NWL.US.a Retail MT5 Newell Brands 1 USD USD 2
NWS.US Retail MT5 News Corporation (Class B) 1 USD USD 2
NWS.US.a Retail MT5 News Corp. Class B 1 USD USD 2
NWSA.US Retail MT5 News Corporation (Class A) 1 USD USD 2
NWSA.US.a Retail MT5 News Corp. Class A 1 USD USD 2
ODFL.US Retail MT5 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 1 USD USD 2
ODFL.US.a Retail MT5 Old Dominion Frgt 1 USD USD 2
OKE.US.a Retail MT5 ONEOK Inc 1 USD USD 2
OKTA.US Retail MT5 Okta Inc Class A 1 USD USD 2
OKTA.US.a Retail MT5 Okta Inc Class A 1 USD USD 2
OMC.US Retail MT5 Omnicom Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
OMC.US.a Retail MT5 Omnicom Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
ORCL.US Retail MT5 Oracle Corp 1 USD USD 2
ORCL.US.a Retail MT5 Oracle Corp 1 USD USD 2
ORLY.US Retail MT5 O'Reilly Automotive Inc 1 USD USD 2
ORLY.US.a Retail MT5 O'Reilly Automotive 1 USD USD 2
OTIS.US Retail MT5 Otis Worldwide Corporation 1 USD USD 2
OTIS.US.a Retail MT5 Otis Worldwide Corporation 1 USD USD 2
OXY.US Retail MT5 Occidental Petroleum Corporation 1 USD USD 2
OXY.US.a Retail MT5 Occidental Petroleum Corporation 1 USD USD 2
PANW.US Retail MT5 Palo Alto Networks Inc 1 USD USD 2
PANW.US.a Retail MT5 Palo Alto Networks Inc 1 USD USD 2
PATH.US Retail MT5 UiPath Inc 1 USD USD 2
PATH.US.a Retail MT5 UiPath Inc 1 USD USD 2
PAYC.US Retail MT5 Paycom Software Inc 1 USD USD 2
PAYC.US.a Retail MT5 Paycom Software Inc 1 USD USD 2
PAYX.US Retail MT5 Paychex Inc. 1 USD USD 2
PAYX.US.a Retail MT5 Paychex Inc. 1 USD USD 2
PCAR.US.a Retail MT5 PACCAR Inc. 1 USD USD 2
PEG.US Retail MT5 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
PEG.US.a Retail MT5 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
PEP.US Retail MT5 PepsiCo Inc 1 USD USD 2
PEP.US.a Retail MT5 PepsiCo Inc 1 USD USD 2
PFE.US Retail MT5 Pfizer Inc 1 USD USD 2
PFE.US.a Retail MT5 Pfizer Inc 1 USD USD 2
PFG.US Retail MT5 Principal Financial Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
PFG.US.a Retail MT5 Principal Fin. Grp 1 USD USD 2
PG.US Retail MT5 Procter & Gamble Co 1 USD USD 2
PG.US.a Retail MT5 Procter & Gamble Co 1 USD USD 2
PGR.US Retail MT5 Progressive Corp. 1 USD USD 2
PGR.US.a Retail MT5 Progressive Corp. 1 USD USD 2
PH.US Retail MT5 Parker-Hannifin 1 USD USD 2
PH.US.a Retail MT5 Parker-Hannifin 1 USD USD 2
PINS.US Retail MT5 Pinterest Inc 1 USD USD 2
PINS.US.a Retail MT5 Pinterest Inc 1 USD USD 2
PKG.US Retail MT5 Packaging Corporation of America 1 USD USD 2
PKG.US.a Retail MT5 Packaging Corporation of America 1 USD USD 2
PLD.US Retail MT5 Prologis Inc 1 USD USD 2
PLD.US.a Retail MT5 Prologis Inc 1 USD USD 2
PLTR.US Retail MT5 Palantir Technologies Inc 1 USD USD 2
PLTR.US.a Retail MT5 Palantir Technologies Inc 1 USD USD 2
PM.US Retail MT5 Philip Morris International Inc 1 USD USD 2
PM.US.a Retail MT5 Philip Morris International Inc 1 USD USD 2
PNC.US Retail MT5 PNC Financial Services 1 USD USD 2
PNC.US.a Retail MT5 PNC Financial Services 1 USD USD 2
PNR.US Retail MT5 Pentair plc 1 USD USD 2
PNR.US.a Retail MT5 Pentair plc 1 USD USD 2
PNW.US Retail MT5 Pinnacle West Capital Corporation 1 USD USD 2
PNW.US.a Retail MT5 Pinnacle West Capital Corporation 1 USD USD 2
POOL.US Retail MT5 Pool Corporation 1 USD USD 2
POOL.US.a Retail MT5 Pool Corporation 1 USD USD 2
PPG.US Retail MT5 PPG Industries Inc 1 USD USD 2
PPG.US.a Retail MT5 PPG Industries Inc 1 USD USD 2
PPL.US Retail MT5 PPL Corporation 1 USD USD 2
PPL.US.a Retail MT5 PPL Corporation 1 USD USD 2
PRGO.US Retail MT5 Perrigo Company plc 1 USD USD 2
PRGO.US.a Retail MT5 Perrigo Company plc 1 USD USD 2
PRU.US Retail MT5 Prudential Financial 1 USD USD 2
PRU.US.a Retail MT5 Prudential Financial 1 USD USD 2
PSX.US Retail MT5 Phillips 66 1 USD USD 2
PSX.US.a Retail MT5 Phillips 66 1 USD USD 2
PTON.US Retail MT5 Peloton Interactive Inc 1 USD USD 2
PTON.US.a Retail MT5 Peloton Interactive Inc 1 USD USD 2
PYPL.US Retail MT5 PayPal Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
PYPL.US.a Retail MT5 PayPal Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
QCOM.US Retail MT5 Qualcomm Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
QCOM.US.a Retail MT5 Qualcomm 1 USD USD 2
QQQ.US Retail MT5 Invesco QQQ Trust 1 USD USD 2
QQQ.US.a Retail MT5 Invesco QQQ Trust 1 USD USD 2
RBLX.US Retail MT5 Roblox Corporation 1 USD USD 2
RBLX.US.a Retail MT5 Roblox Corporation 1 USD USD 2
RDDT.US Retail MT5 Reddit 1 USD USD 2
RDDT.US.a Retail MT5 Reddit 1 USD USD 2
RIVN.US Retail MT5 Rivian Automotive Inc 1 USD USD 2
RIVN.US.a Retail MT5 Rivian Automotive Inc 1 USD USD 2
RKLB.US Retail MT5 Rocket Lab USA Inc 1 USD USD 2
RKLB.US.a Retail MT5 Rocket Lab USA Inc 1 USD USD 2
ROKU.US Retail MT5 Roku Inc 1 USD USD 2
ROKU.US.a Retail MT5 Roku Inc 1 USD USD 2
RYAAY.US Retail MT5 Ryanair Holdings ADR 1 USD USD 2
RYAAY.US.a Retail MT5 Ryanair Holdings ADR 1 USD USD 2
SBUX.US Retail MT5 Starbucks Corporation 1 USD USD 2
SBUX.US.a Retail MT5 Starbucks Corp 1 USD USD 2
SCHW.US Retail MT5 The Charles Schwab Corporation 1 USD USD 2
SCHW.US.a Retail MT5 The Charles Schwab Corporation 1 USD USD 2
SE.US Retail MT5 Sea Limited 1 USD USD 2
SE.US.a Retail MT5 Sea Limited 1 USD USD 2
SHOP.US Retail MT5 Shopify Inc 1 USD USD 2
SHOP.US.a Retail MT5 Shopify Inc 1 USD USD 2
SJM.US Retail MT5 The J.M Smucker Company 1 USD USD 2
SJM.US.a Retail MT5 The J.M Smucker Company 1 USD USD 2
SLB.US Retail MT5 Schlumberger Limited 1 USD USD 2
SLB.US.a Retail MT5 Schlumberger Limited 1 USD USD 2
SMCI.US Retail MT5 Super Micro Computer 1 USD USD 2
SMCI.US.a Retail MT5 Super Micro Computer 1 USD USD 2
SNAP.US Retail MT5 Snap Inc 1 USD USD 2
SNAP.US.a Retail MT5 Snap Inc 1 USD USD 2
SNOW.US Retail MT5 Snowflake Inc 1 USD USD 2
SNOW.US.a Retail MT5 Snowflake Inc 1 USD USD 2
SPCE.US Retail MT5 Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
SPCE.US.a Retail MT5 Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
SPWR.US Retail MT5 SunPower Corp 1 USD USD 2
SPWR.US.a Retail MT5 SunPower Corp 1 USD USD 2
SQ.US Retail MT5 Block Inc 1 USD USD 2
SQ.US.a Retail MT5 Block Inc 1 USD USD 2
STNE.US Retail MT5 StoneCo Ltd 1 USD USD 2
STNE.US.a Retail MT5 StoneCo Ltd 1 USD USD 2
STZ.US Retail MT5 Constellation Brands Inc 1 USD USD 2
STZ.US.a Retail MT5 Constellation Brands Inc 1 USD USD 2
T.US Retail MT5 AT&T Inc 1 USD USD 2
T.US.a Retail MT5 AT&T Inc 1 USD USD 2
TAP.US Retail MT5 Molson Coors Beverage Company 1 USD USD 2
TAP.US.a Retail MT5 Molson Coors Beverage Company 1 USD USD 2
TDOC.US Retail MT5 Teladoc Health Inc 1 USD USD 2
TDOC.US.a Retail MT5 Teladoc Health Inc 1 USD USD 2
TLRY.US Retail MT5 Tilray Inc 1 USD USD 2
TLRY.US.a Retail MT5 Tilray Inc 1 USD USD 2
TMO.US Retail MT5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 1 USD USD 2
TMO.US.a Retail MT5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 1 USD USD 2
TMUS.US Retail MT5 T-Mobile US 1 USD USD 2
TMUS.US.a Retail MT5 T-Mobile US 1 USD USD 2
TRIP.US Retail MT5 TripAdvisor Inc 1 USD USD 2
TRIP.US.a Retail MT5 TripAdvisor Inc 1 USD USD 2
TSLA.US Retail MT5 Tesla Inc 1 USD USD 2
TSLA.US.a Retail MT5 Tesla 1 USD USD 2
TTE.US Retail MT5 TotalEnergies SE ADR 1 USD USD 2
TTE.US.a Retail MT5 TotalEnergies SE ADR 1 USD USD 2
TUP.US Retail MT5 Tupperware Brands Corp 1 USD USD 2
TUP.US.a Retail MT5 Tupperware Brands Corp 1 USD USD 2
TXN.US Retail MT5 Texas Instruments Inc 1 USD USD 2
TXN.US.a Retail MT5 Texas Instruments Inc 1 USD USD 2
UA.US Retail MT5 Under Armour (Class C) 1 USD USD 2
UA.US.a Retail MT5 Under Armour (Class C) 1 USD USD 2
UAA.US Retail MT5 Under Armour (Class A) 1 USD USD 2
UAA.US.a Retail MT5 Under Armour (Class A) 1 USD USD 2
UBER.US Retail MT5 Uber Technologies Inc 1 USD USD 2
UBER.US.a Retail MT5 Uber Technologies Inc 1 USD USD 2
UNG.US Retail MT5 United States Natural Gas 1 USD USD 2
UNG.US.a Retail MT5 United States Natural Gas 1 USD USD 2
UNH.US Retail MT5 UnitedHealth Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
UNH.US.a Retail MT5 UnitedHealth Group Inc 1 USD USD 2
UNP.US Retail MT5 Union Pacific Corp 1 USD USD 2
UNP.US.a Retail MT5 Union Pacific Corp 1 USD USD 2
UPS.US Retail MT5 United Parcel Services Inc 1 USD USD 2
UPS.US.a Retail MT5 United Parcel Services Inc 1 USD USD 2
UPST.US Retail MT5 Upstart Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
UPST.US.a Retail MT5 Upstart Holdings Inc 1 USD USD 2
USB.US Retail MT5 US Bancorp 1 USD USD 2
USB.US.a Retail MT5 US Bancorp 1 USD USD 2
USO.US Retail MT5 United States Oil 1 USD USD 2
USO.US.a Retail MT5 United States Oil 1 USD USD 2
V.US Retail MT5 Visa Inc 1 USD USD 2
V.US.a Retail MT5 Visa Inc 1 USD USD 2
VAC.US Retail MT5 Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corp 1 USD USD 2
VAC.US.a Retail MT5 Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corp 1 USD USD 2
VRTX.US Retail MT5 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated 1 USD USD 2
VRTX.US.a Retail MT5 Vertex Pharma 1 USD USD 2
VZ.US Retail MT5 Verizon Communications Inc 1 USD USD 2
VZ.US.a Retail MT5 Verizon Communications Inc 1 USD USD 2
WB.US Retail MT5 Weibo Corp ADR 1 USD USD 2
WB.US.a Retail MT5 Weibo Corp ADR 1 USD USD 2
WBA.US Retail MT5 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc 1 USD USD 2
WBA.US.a Retail MT5 Walgreens Boots 1 USD USD 2
WFC.US Retail MT5 Wells Fargo & Co 1 USD USD 2
WFC.US.a Retail MT5 Wells Fargo & Co 1 USD USD 2
WIX.US Retail MT5 Wix.com Ltd 1 USD USD 2
WIX.US.a Retail MT5 Wix.com Ltd 1 USD USD 2
WMT.US Retail MT5 Wal-Mart Stores Inc 1 USD USD 2
WMT.US.a Retail MT5 Wal-Mart Stores Inc 1 USD USD 2
X.US Retail MT5 United States Steel Corp 1 USD USD 2
X.US.a Retail MT5 United States Steel Corp 1 USD USD 2
XOM.US Retail MT5 Exxon Mobil Corp 1 USD USD 2
XOM.US.a Retail MT5 Exxon Mobil Corp 1 USD USD 2
XPEV.US Retail MT5 XPeng Inc 1 USD USD 2
XPEV.US.a Retail MT5 XPeng Inc 1 USD USD 2
XRAY.US Retail MT5 Dentsply Sirona 1 USD USD 2
XRAY.US.a Retail MT5 Dentsply Sirona 1 USD USD 2
XRX.US Retail MT5 Xerox Holdings Corp 1 USD USD 2
XRX.US.a Retail MT5 Xerox Holdings Corp 1 USD USD 2
YELP.US Retail MT5 Yelp Inc 1 USD USD 2
YELP.US.a Retail MT5 Yelp Inc 1 USD USD 2
YUM.US Retail MT5 Yum Brands Inc 1 USD USD 2
YUM.US.a Retail MT5 Yum Brands Inc 1 USD USD 2
ZI.US Retail MT5 ZoomInfo Technologies 1 USD USD 2
ZI.US.a Retail MT5 ZoomInfo Technologies 1 USD USD 2
ZM.US Retail MT5 Zoom Video Communications Inc 1 USD USD 2
ZM.US.a Retail MT5 Zoom Video Communications Inc 1 USD USD 2
ZTS.US Retail MT5 Zoetis Inc Class A 1 USD USD 2
ZTS.US.a Retail MT5 Zoetis Inc Class A 1 USD USD 2
EUBobl.a Retail MT5 Euro Bobl 1 EUR EUR 3
EUBund.a Retail MT5 Euro Bund 1 EUR EUR 3
EUBuxl.a Retail MT5 Euro Buxl 1 EUR EUR 3
Euribor.a Retail MT5 Euribor 1 EUR EUR 3
EUSchatz.a Retail MT5 Euro Schatz 1 EUR EUR 3
UKGILT.a Retail MT5 UK Gilt 1 GBP GBP 3
US_TBond.a Retail MT5 US T-Bond 1 USD USD 3
USTN10YR.a Retail MT5 US T-Note 10YR 1 USD USD 3
USTN2YR.a Retail MT5 US T-Note 2YR 1 USD USD 3
USTN5YR.a Retail MT5 US T-Note 5YR 1 USD USD 3
Brent_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Brent Crude vs US dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 27
Crude_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 WTI Cash (or Spot) Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 115
Gasoline_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Gasoline Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.001) 1000 GBP GBP 4 115
NatGas_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Natural Gas vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.001) 1000 GBP GBP 3 115
XAUAUD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Gold vs Australian Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 115
XAUCHF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Gold vs Swiss Franc, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 115
XAUCNH_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gold / Chinese Yuan,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
XAUEUR_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Gold vs GBPo, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 115
XAUGBP_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Gold vs Great Britain Pound, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 115
XAUJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gold vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XAUSGD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gold / Singapore dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
XAUTHB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gold / Thai Baht,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
XAUUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Gold vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 115
Aluminium_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aluminium / US Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 10 GBP GBP 3
Copper_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Copper Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.001) 1000 GBP GBP 4
Lead_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lead / US Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 10 GBP GBP 3
Nickel_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nickel / US Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 10 GBP GBP 3
XPDUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Palladium vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 115
XPTUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Platinum vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 115
Zinc_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Zinc / US Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 10 GBP GBP 3
XAGAUD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Silver vs Australian Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 115
XAGEUR_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Silver vs GBPo, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 115
XAGSGD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Silver / Singapore dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
XAGUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Silver vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 115
Cattle_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Live Cattle Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 23
Cocoa_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Cocoa Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 44
Coffee_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Coffee Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 2 47
Corn_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Corn Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 4 64
Cotton_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Cotton Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.001) 1000 GBP GBP 3 87
LDSugar_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 London Sugar Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 1
LeanHogs_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Lean Hogs Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 23
Lumber_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Lumber Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 2 31
Oats_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Oats Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.001) 1000 GBP GBP 4 64
OJ_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Orange Juice Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 2 30
RghRice_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Rough Rice Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 10
Soybeans_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Soybeans Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 1
SoyMeal_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Soybean Meal Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 2 64
SoyOil_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Soybean Oil Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 64
Sugar_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Sugar Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 48
Wheat_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Wheat Cash Contract, bet in 1 GBP per (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 1
Crypto10_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Global Top 10 Crypto Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Crypto20_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Global Top 20 Crypto Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Crypto30_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Global Top 30 Crypto Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BTCAUD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bitcoin vs Australian Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BTCEUR_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bitcoin Vs GBPo,bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BTCGBP_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bitcoin Vs British Pound,bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BTCUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bitcoin vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ETHAUD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ethereum Vs Australian Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ETHEUR_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ethereum Vs GBPo,bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ETHGBP_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ethereum Vs British Pound,bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ETHUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ethereum vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
LTCUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Litecoin vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ADAUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cardano vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 4
AVAXUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Avalanche vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 3
BCHUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bitcoin Cash vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BNBUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Binance Coin vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
COMPUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Compound vs US Dollarbet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 10 GBP GBP 3
DOGEUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dogecoin vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.001) 1000 GBP GBP 5
DOTUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Polkadot vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 3
EOSUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 EOS vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 4
ETCUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ethereum Classic VS US Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 10 GBP GBP 3
GLMRUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Glimmer Vs US Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 1000 GBP GBP 5
KSMUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Kusama Vs US Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 10 GBP GBP 3
LINKUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Chainlink vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 3
MATICUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Polygon vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 4
SOLUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Solana vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
UNIUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Uniswap vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 3
XLMUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Stellar Lumens vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 4
XRPUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ripple vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 4
XTZUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Tezos vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 4
AAXJ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI All Cntry Asia ex Japan ETF,bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ACWI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI ACWI ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ARKF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ARK Fintech Innovation ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ARKG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ARK Genomic Revolution ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ARKK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ARK ETF Trust ARK Innovation ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ARKW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ARK Web x.0 ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ARKX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ARK Space Exploration &Innovation ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BRF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Brazil Small-Cap, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BUZZ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 VanEck Vectors Social Sentiment ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CIBR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 First Trust Nasdaq Cybersecurity ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
COPX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Global X Funds Gbl X Copper Miners ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DBA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Invesco DB Agriculture Fund, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DIA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust,bet 1 GBP per Point 1 GBP GBP 0
DVY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Select Dividend ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ECH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Chile Capped ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EEM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MSCI Emerging Markets ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 100 GBP GBP 0
EFA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI EAFE ETF EFA, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EIDO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Indonesia ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ENZL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI New Zealand Capped ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EPHE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Philippines ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EPP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Pacific ex Japan ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EPU.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI All Peru Capped ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Australia ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Canada ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Sweden ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Germany ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Hong Kong ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Malaysia ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Spain ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWQ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI France ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Singapore ETF EWS, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Taiwan ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWU.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI United Kingdom ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Mexico Capped ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI South Korea ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EWZ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EXI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Global Industrials ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EZA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI South Africa ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FAN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Trust Global Wind Energy ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FXI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares China 25 ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GDX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GDXJ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ICLN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Global Clean Energy ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IEF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IEV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares GBPope ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IGE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares North Amer. Natural Resrc. ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IGF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Global Infrastructure ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ILF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Latin America 40 ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
INDY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares India 50 ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IUSG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Core US Growth ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IWM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Russell 2000 ETF (All Sessions), bet in 1 GBP per 1 GBP GBP 0
IWV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Russell 3000 ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IXC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Global Energy ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IXG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Global Financials ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IXP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Global Telecom ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IYR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares US Real Estate ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KBE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Bank ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KRBN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 KFA Global Carbon ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KRE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LIT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Global X Lithium ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MCHI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI China ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MDY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P MidCap 400 ETF Trust, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MOO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 VanEck Vectors Agribusiness ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NERD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Roundhill BITKRAFT Esports & Dig.Ent.ETF,bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NORW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Global X MSCI Norway ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PFF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares US Preferred Stock ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PRNT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The 3D Printing ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
QAT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Qatar Capped ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SDY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Dividend ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SGOL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ETFS Gold Trust, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SHV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Short Treasury Bond ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SHY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SIL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Global X Silver Miners ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SKYY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Trust ISE Cloud Computing Index Fund, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SMIN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI India Small-Cap ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SOXX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares PHLX Semiconductor ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SPY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P500 ETF Trust SPDR, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SVXY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF, bet 1 GBP per Point 1 GBP GBP 0
THD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares MSCI Thailand Capped ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TLT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
URA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Global X Uranium ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
VDC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Vanguard Consumer Staples Index Fund ETF,bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
VIXY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ProShares VIX Short-Term Futures ETF, bet in 1 GBP per Point 1 GBP GBP 0
VNM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Market Vectors Vietnam ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
VONG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Vanguard Russell 1000 Growth ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
WOOD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 iShares Global Timber & Forestry ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XBI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Biotech ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XHB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Homebuilders ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XLE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XLI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Industrial Select Sector SPDR ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XME.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Metals & Mining ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XOP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Explor & Prod. ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XPH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Pharmaceuticals ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XRT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SPDR S&P Retail ETF, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CADCHF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Canadian Dollar vs Swiss Franc, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
CADJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Canadian Dollar vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
CHFJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Swiss Franc vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
EURCAD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Canadian Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURCHF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Swiss Franc, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURGBP_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Great Britain Pound, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
GBPCAD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Canadian Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per(0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPCHF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Swiss Franc, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
AUDDKK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Australian Dollar vs DanishKrone,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
AUDHUF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AustralianDollarvsHungarianForint,bet in 1 GBP per point(0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
AUDNOK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AustralianDollarvsNorwegianKrone,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
AUDPLN_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Australian Dollar vs PolishZloty,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
AUDSGD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Singapore Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
CADMXN_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Candian Dollar vs Mexican Peso,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
CADSGD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CanadianDollarvsSingaporeDollar,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
CHFDKK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Swiss Franc vs Danish Krone,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
CHFHUF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Swiss Franc vs Hungarian Forint,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
CHFNOK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Swiss Franc vs Norwegian Krone,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
CHFPLN_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Swiss Franc vs Polish Zloty,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
CHFSEK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Swiss Franc vs Swedish Krona,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
CHFSGD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Swiss Franc vs Singapore Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURCNH_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GBPo Dollar vs Chinese Yuan,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
EURCZK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Czech Republic Koruna, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 80
EURDKK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GBPo Dollar vs Danish Krone,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
EURHUF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Hungarian Forint, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
EURMXN_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Mexican Peso, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURNOK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Norwegian Krone, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURPLN_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Polish Zloty, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURSEK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Swedish Krona, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURSGD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Singapore Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURTRY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Turkish Lira, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURZAR_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs South African Rand, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPCNH_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GreatBritishPoundvsChineseYuan,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
GBPDKK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GreatBritishPoundvsDanishKrone,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
GBPHUF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GreatBritishPoundvsHungarianForint,bet in 1 GBP per point(0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
GBPMXN_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Mexican Peso, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPNOK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Norwegian Krone,bet in 1 GBP per(0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPSEK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Swedish Krona, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPSGD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Singapore Dollar, bet 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPTRY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Turkish Lira, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
MXNJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mexican Peso vs Japanese Yen,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
USDBRL_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs Brazilian Real,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
USDCLP_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs Chile Peso,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 2
USDCOP_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs Colombia Peso,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 2
USDIDR_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs Indonesian Rupiah,bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
USDINR_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs Indian Rupee,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
USDKRW_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs South Korean won,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.1) 10 GBP GBP 2
USDTWD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs Taiwan Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
NOKJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Norwegian Krone vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
NOKSEK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Norwegian Krone vs Swedish Krona, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
NZDCNH_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Chinese Yuan,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
NZDHUF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NewZealandDollarvsHungarianForint,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
NZDSGD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Singapore Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per(0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
PLNJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Polish Zloty vs Japanese Yen,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
SEKJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Swedish Krona vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
SGDJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Singapore Dollar vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
USDCNH_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Chinese Yuan, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDCZK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Czech Republic Koruna, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 80
USDDKK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs Danish Krone,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
USDHUF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Hungarian Forint, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
USDILS_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs Israeli New Shekel,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
USDMXN_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Mexican Peso, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDNOK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Norwegian Krone, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDPLN_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Polish Zloty, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDRON_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Dollar vs Romanian Leu,bet in 1 GBP per point (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5
USDSEK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Swedish Krona, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDSGD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Singapore Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDTHB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Thai Baht, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDTRY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Turkish Lira, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDZAR_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs South African Rand, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
ZARJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 South African Rand vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
EURUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDCAD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDCHF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Swiss Franc, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
USDJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
AUDCAD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Canadian Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
AUDCHF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Swiss Franc, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
AUDJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
AUDNZD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs New Zealand Dollar, bet 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
AUDUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Australian Dollar vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURAUD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs Australian Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
EURNZD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Euro vs New Zealand Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPAUD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs Australian Dollar,bet 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
GBPNZD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Great Britain Pound vs New Zealand Dollar,bet 1 GBP per(0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
NZDCAD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Canadian Dollar,bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
NZDCHF_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Swiss Franc, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
NZDJPY_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs Japanese Yen, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 120
NZDUSD_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar, bet in 1 GBP per (0.0001) 10000 GBP GBP 5 120
Brent-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Crude Oil Brent - (26 Jun - 26 Jul), bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
Crude-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Crude WTI - (18 Jun - 17 Jul), bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
XAGUSD-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Silver - (21 Jun - 22 Aug), bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3
XAUUSD-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gold - (24 May - 24 Jul), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 2
AUS200-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Australia 200 - (19 Jun - 17 Sep), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
GER40-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Germany 40 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
JPN225-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Japan 225 - (13 Jun - 10 Sep), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NAS100-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US NDAQ 100 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
UK100-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 UK 100 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
US30-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US 30 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
US500-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US SPX 500 - (20 Jun - 18 Sep), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
HK50-F_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hong Kong 50 - (26 Jun - 26 Jul), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
EURX_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GBPX, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 100 GBP GBP 1
JPYX_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 JPYX, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 100 GBP GBP 1
USDX_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Dollar Index, bet in 1 GBP per (0.01) 100 GBP GBP 3 107
AUS200_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Australia 200 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 34
EUSTX50_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 EU 50 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 10
FRA40_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 France 40 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 70
GER40_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Germany DAX 40 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 10
JPN225_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Japan 225 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 115
NAS100_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US Tech 100 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 115
UK100_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 UK 100 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 114
US30_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US 30 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 115
US500_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US 500 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 115
CA60_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Canada 60 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 34
CHINAH_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Hong Kong China H-shares Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 14
CN50_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 China 50 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 38
GERTEC30_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Germany Tech 30 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 43
HK50_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Hong Kong 50 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 14
MidDE50_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Germany Mid 50 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 43
NETH25_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Netherlands 25 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 70
NOR25_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Norway 25 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 37
SA40_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 South Africa 40 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 45
SCI25_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Singapore 25 Index Cash, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 45
SPA35_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Spain 35 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 60
SWI20_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Switzerland 20 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 70
US2000_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 US 2000 Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1 115
VIX_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT4, MT5 Volatility Index, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2 115
A2M.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 A2 Milk Company Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ABC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Adelaide Brighton, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
AGL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AGL Energy Ltd,, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ALD.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ampol Limited, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ALL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aristocrat Leisure Limited, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ALQ.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ALS Limited, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ALU.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Altium Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ALX.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Atlas Arteria, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
AMC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Amcor Plc, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
AMP.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AMP Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ANN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ansell Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ANZ.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ANZ Group Holdings Ltd,, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
APA.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 APA Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
APE.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AP Eagers Pty Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Appen_Limited_(APX.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Appen Limited bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ARB.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ARB Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ASX.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ASX Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Austal_Ltd_(ASB.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Austal Ltd bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
AWC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alumina Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
AZJ.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aurizon Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BAP.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bapcor Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BEN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BGA.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bega Cheese Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BHP.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BHP Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BKW.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Brickworks Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BLD.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Boral Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BOQ.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bank of Queensland, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BPT.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Beach Energy Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BRG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Breville Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BSL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BlueScope Steel Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BWP.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BWP Trust, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
BXB.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Brambles Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CAR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CAR Group Limited, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CBA.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Commonwealth Bank of Australia, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CGF.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Challenger Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CHC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Charter Hall Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CKF.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Collins Food Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CLW.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Charter Hall Long WALE REIT, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CNU.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Chorus Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
COH.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cochlear Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
COL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Coles Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CPU.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Computershare Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CQR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Charter Hall Retail REIT, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CRYP.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Betashares Crypto Innovators ETF, bet in 1 GBP 1 GBP GBP 0
CSL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CSL Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CSR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CSR Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CTD.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Corporate Travel Management Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
CWY.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
DHG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Domain Holdings Australia, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
DMP.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
DOW.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Downer EDI Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
DXS.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dexus, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ELD.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Elders Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
EVN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Evolution Mining Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
FBU.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fletcher Building Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Flight_Centre_Trav._(FLT.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
FLT.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
FMG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fortescue Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
FPH.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Ltd bet in 1 GBP per (1. 1 GBP GBP 1
GEM.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 G8 Education Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
GMG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Goodman Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
GNC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GrainCorp Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
GOR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gold Road Resources Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
GPT.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GPT Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
GUD.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 G.U.D. Holdings, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
GYG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Guzman Y Gomez Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Harvey_Norman_(HVN.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Harvey Norman bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
HVN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Harvey Norman, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
IAG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Insurance Australia Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Idp_Education_Ltd_(IEL.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Idp Education Limited bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
IEL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Idp Education Limited, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
IFL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Insignia Financial Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
IGO.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 IGO Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ILU.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Iluka Resources, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
IPH.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 IPH Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
IPL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Incitec Pivot, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
IRE.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Iress Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
JBH.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 JB Hi-Fi Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
JHX.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 James Hardie Industries Plc, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Jumbo_Interactive_(JIN.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Jumbo Interactive bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
KGN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Kogan.com Ltd, bet in 1 GBP 1 GBP GBP 1
Kogan_(KGN.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Kogan.com Ltd, bet in 1 GBP 1 GBP GBP 1
LLC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lendlease Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
LYC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lynas Rare Earths Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
MFG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Magellan Fin Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
MGR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mirvac Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
MIN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mineral Resources, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
MND.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Monadelphous Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
MPL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Medibank Private Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
MQG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Macquarie Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
MTS.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Metcash Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NAB.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 National Australia Bank Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NAN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nanosonics Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NEC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nine Entertainment Co Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
News_Corp_Class_B_(NWS.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 News Corp Class B bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NHC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 New Hope Corporation Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NHF.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nib Holdings Limited, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NSR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 National Storage REIT,, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NST.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Northern Star Resources Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NUF.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nufarm Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NWL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Netwealth Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NWS.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 News Corp Class B, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
NXT.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nextdc Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ORA.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Orora Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ORG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Origin Energy Ltd,, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ORI.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Orica Ltd,, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Orora_Ltd_(ORA.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Orora Ltd bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Perenti_Global_Ltd_(PRN.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Perenti Global Ltd bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
Pilbara_Min_Limited_(PLS.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pilbara Minerals Ltd bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
PLS.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pilbara Minerals Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
PME.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pro Medicus Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
PMV.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Premier Investments, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
PNV.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Polynovo Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
PPT.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Perpetual Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
PRN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Perenti Global Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
PTM.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Platinum Asset Management, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
QAN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Qantas Airways Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
QBE.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 QBE Insurance Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
QUB.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 QUBE Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
REA.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 REA Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
RGN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Region Group,, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
RHC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ramsay Health Care Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
RIO.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rio Tinto Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
RMD.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Resmed Inc, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
RRL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Regis Resources, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
RSG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Resolute Mining, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
RWC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Reliance Worldwide, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
S32.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SOUTH32 Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SCG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Scentre Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SDF.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Steadfast Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SEK.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Seek Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SFR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sandfire Resources, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SGM.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sims Metal Management Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SGP.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Stockland, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SGR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Star Entertainment Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SHL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sonic Healthcare Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SIQ.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Smartgroup Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SKC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Skycity Entertainment Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SOL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Washington H. Soul Pattinson, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SPK.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Spark New Zealand, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SQ2.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Block Inc CDI, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ST_Barbara_Ltd_(SBM.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ST Barbara Ltd bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
STHN_Cross_Media_(SXL.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Southern Cross Media Group bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
STO.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Santos Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SUL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Super Retail Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SUN.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Suncorp Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SVW.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Seven Group Holdings, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
SXL.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Southern Cross Media Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
TAH.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Tabcorp Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
TLS.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Telstra Corporation Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
TNE.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Technology One, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
TPG.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 TPG Telecom Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
TWE.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Treasury Wine Estates Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
URW.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
VCX.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Vicinity Centres, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
VEA.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Viva Energy Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
VUK.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Virgin Money UK PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
W.H_Soul_Pattinson_(SOL.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Washington H. Soul Pattinson bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
WBC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Westpac Banking Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
WEB.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Webjet Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
WES.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Wesfarmers Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
WHC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Whitehaven Coal, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
WOR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Worley Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
WOW.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Woolworths Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
WPR.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Way(1.0), bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
WTC.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Wisetech Global Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
XRO.AU_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Xero Ltd bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ZipMoney_Limited_(Z1P.AX)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ZipMoney Limited bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
ADSd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Adidas, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AFXd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AIXAd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aixtron SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ALVd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Allianz SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AT1d.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aroundtown S.A., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
B4Bd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Metro AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BASd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BASF SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BAYNd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bayer AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BC8d.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bechtle AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BEId.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Beiersdorf, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BMWd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BMW AG Preffered shares, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BNRd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Brenntag AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BOSSd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hugo Boss AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CBKd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Commerzbank AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CONd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Continental AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
COPd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CompuGroup Medical SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
COVd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Covestro AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DB1d.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Deutsche Boerse, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DBKd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Deutsche Bank AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DHRd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Delivery Hero SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DTEd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Deutsche Telekom AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DUEd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Durr AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EONd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 E.ON SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EVDd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EVKd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Evonik Industries AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EVTd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Evotec SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FMEd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fresenius Medical Care AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FNTNd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Freenet AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FPEd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fuchs Petrolub SE ordinary share, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FRAd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fraport AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FREd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fresenius, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
G1Ad.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GEA Group AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
G24d.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Scout24 AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GXId.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gerresheimer AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GYCd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Grand City Properties SA, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HEId.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 HeidelbergCement, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HFGd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 HelloFresh SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HLEd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HNKd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Henkel AG & Co KGaA, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HNR1d.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hannover Rockversicherung AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HOTd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hochtief AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IFXd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Infineon, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KBXd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Knorr-Bremse AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KGXd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Kion Group AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LEGd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 LEG Immobilien AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LHAd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lufthansa, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LXSd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lanxess AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MBGd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mercedes-Benz Group AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MORd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Morphosys AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MRKd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Merck, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MTXd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MTU Aero, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MUVd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Muenchener Rueck AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NDAd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aurubis AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NEMd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nemetschek SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
P911d.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Porsche AG Vz, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PUMd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Puma SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
QIAd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Qiagen NV, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RAAd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rational AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RHMd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rheinmetall AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RTLd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 RTL Group SA, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RWEd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 RWE AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SAPd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SAP, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SAXd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Stroeer SE & Co KGaA, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SDFd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 K+S AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SHLd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Siemens Healthineers AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SIEd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Siemens AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SRTd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sartorius AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SY1d.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Symrise AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TKAd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Thyssenkrupp AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TMVd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 TeamViewer AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UN01d.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Uniper SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UTDId.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 United Internet AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
VNAd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Vonovia SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
VOWd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Volkswagen AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
WAFd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Siltronic AG, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ZALd.DE_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Zalando SE, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
0001.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0002.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CLP Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0003.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0005.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 HSBC Holdings Plc, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0006.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Power Assets Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0011.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hang Seng Bank Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0016.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0027.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0066.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MTR Corp, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0175.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0267.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CITIC Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0291.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 China Resources Beer Holding Co Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0386.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 China Petroleum & Chemical / Sinopec, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0388.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0669.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Techtronic Industries Co Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0688.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0700.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Tencent Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0823.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Link Real Estate Investment Trust, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0857.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 PetroChina Co Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0883.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CNOOC Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0939.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 China Construction Bank Corp, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0941.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 China Mobile Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
0960.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
1093.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
1109.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 China Resources Land Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
1113.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CK Asset Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
1211.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BYD Co Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
1299.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AIA Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
1398.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ind Comm Bank of China Ltd / ICBC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
1810.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Xiaomi Corp, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
1997.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Wharf Real Estate Investment Co Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
2020.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Anta Sports Products Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
2269.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 WuXi Biologics Cayman Inc, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
2313.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Shenzhou International Group Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
2318.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
2319.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
2382.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sunny Optical Technology Co Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
2388.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
2628.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 China Life Insurance Co Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
2688.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
3690.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Meituan Dianping - Class B, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
3968.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 China Merchants Bank Co Ltd Class H, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
3988.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bank of China Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
9618.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 JD.com Inc, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
9988.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd [HKG], bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
9999.HK_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NetEase Inc Ordinary Shares, bet in 1 GBP per (1.0) 1 GBP GBP 1
AAL.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Anglo American, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ABF.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Associated British Foods, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ADM.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Admiral Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
AGR.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Assura PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
AHT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ashtead Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
AJB.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AJ Bell PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ANTO.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Antofagasta, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ASHM.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ashmore Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ATST.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alliance Trust PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
AUTO.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Auto Trader Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
AV.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aviva, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
Aviva_(AV.L)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aviva, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
AZN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AstraZeneca, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BA.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BAE Systems, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BAB.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Babcock International Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
Bank_of_Ireland_(BIRG.L)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bank of Ireland Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BARC.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Barclays, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BATS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 British American Tobacco, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BBY.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Balfour Beatty PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BDEV.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Barratt Developments, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BEZ.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Beazley PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BKG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Berkeley Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BLND.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 British Land, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BNZL.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bunzl, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BOY.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bodycote PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BP.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BP PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BRBY.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Burberry Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BT.A.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BT Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BVIC.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Britvic PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BWY.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bellway PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
BYG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Big Yellow Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
CCC.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Computacenter PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
CCH.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Coca-Cola HBC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
CCL.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Carnival, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
CNA.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Centrica, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
CPG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Compass Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
CRDA.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Croda, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
CTEC.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Convatec Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
CWK.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cranswick PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
DCC.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 DCC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
DGE.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Diageo, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
DLG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Direct Line Insurance Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
DLN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Derwent London PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
DNLM.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dunelm Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
DOM.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Domino's Pizza Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
DPLM.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Diploma PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
DRX.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Drax Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
EXPN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Experian, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
EZJ.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 EasyJet, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
FCIT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 F&C Investment Trust PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
FCSS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fidelity China Special Situations PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
FGP.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 FirstGroup, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
FGT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
FLTR.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Flutter Entertainment, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
FRAS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Frasers Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
FRES.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fresnillo, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
FUTR.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Future PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
FXPO.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ferrexpo PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
GAW.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Games Workshop Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
GFTU.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Grafton Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
GLEN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Glencore Xstrata, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
GNS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Genus PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
GRG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Greggs PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
GRI.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Grainger PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
GSK.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GlaxoSmithKline, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
HAS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hays PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
HIK.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hikma Pharma, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
HL.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hargreaves Lansdown, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
HLMA.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Halma, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
HSBA.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 HSBC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
HVPE.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 HarbourVest Global Private Equity Limited, bet 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
HWDN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Howden Joinery Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
IAG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 International Airlines Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ICG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Intermediate Cap, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
IGG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 IG Group Holdings PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
IHG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Intercontinental Hotels, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
III.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 3i Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
IMB.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Imperial Brands, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
INCH.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Inchcape PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
INF.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Informa PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
Intermediate_Cap_(ICP.L)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Intermediate Cap, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ITRK.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Intertek Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ITV.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ITV, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
IWG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 IWG PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
JD.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 JD Sports, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
JDW.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 J D Wetherspoon PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
JMAT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Johnson Matthey, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
KNOS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Kainos Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
LAND.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Land Securities, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
LGEN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Legal & General, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
LLOY.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lloyds Banking, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
LMP.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 LondonMetric Property PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
LSEG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 London Stock Exchange, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
Marshalls_PLC_(MSLH.L)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Marshalls PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
MCG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 National Express Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
MKS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Marks and Spencer Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
MNDI.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mondi, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
MNG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 M&G, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
MNKS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Monks Investment Trust PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
Mondi_(MNDI.L)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mondi, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
MONY.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Moneysupermarket.com Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
MRC.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Mercantile Investment Trust PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
MRO.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Melrose, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
MSLH.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Marshalls PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
National_Express_(NEX.L)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 National Express Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
NG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 National Grid, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
NWG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Royal Bank of Scotland, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
NXT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Next, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
OCDO.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ocado Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
PCT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Polar Capital Technology Trust PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
PETS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pets at Home Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
PHNX.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Phoenix Group Holdings, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
PLUS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Plus500 Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
PNN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pennon Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
PRU.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Prudential, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
PSN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Persimmon, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
PSON.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pearson, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
QLT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Quilter PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
QQ.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 QinetiQ Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
RCP.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 RIT Capital Partners PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
RDW.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Redrow, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
REL.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 RELX PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
RIO.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rio Tinto PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
RKT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Reckitt Benckiser, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
RMV.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rightmove, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ROR.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rotork PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
RR.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rolls-Royce, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
RTO.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rentokil Initial, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SAFE.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Safestore Holdings PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SBRY.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sainsbury, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SCT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Softcat PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SDR.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Schroders, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SEQI.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sequoia Economic Infr. Income Fund Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SGE.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sage Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SGRO.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 SEGRO, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SKG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Smurfit Kappa Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SMDS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 DS Smith, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SMIN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Smiths Group, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SMT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Scottish Mortgage IT, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SMWH.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 WH Smith PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Smith & Nephew, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SPX.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Spirax Sarco, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SRP.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Serco Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SSE.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Scottish Southern Energy, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SSON.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Smithson Investment Trust PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
STAN.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Standard Chartered, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
STJ.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 St James's Place, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SVS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Savills PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SVT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Severn Trent, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SXS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Spectris PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
SYNC.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Syncona Limited, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
Synthomer_PLC_(SYNT.L)_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Synthomer PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
TATE.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Tate & Lyle PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
TCAP.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 TP ICAP Group plc, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
TEM.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Templeton Emerging Markets Inv. Trust PLC, bet 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
THG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 THG Holdings, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
TIFS.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 TI Fluid Systems PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
TPK.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Travis Perkins PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
TRIG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Renewables Infr. Group Limited, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
TSCO.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Tesco, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
TW.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Taylor Wimpey, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
UKW.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Greencoat UK Wind PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
ULVR.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Unilever PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
UTG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Unite Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
UU.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 United Utilities, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
VCT.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Victrex PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
VMUK.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Virgin Money UK PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
VOD.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Vodafone, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
VTY.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Vistry Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
WG.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 John Wood Group PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
WIZZ.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Wizz Air Holdings PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
WPP.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 WPP, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
WTB.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Whitbread, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
WWH.GB_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Worldwide Healthcare Trust PLC, bet in 1 GBP per (1.00) 1 GBP GBP 2
AAPL.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Apple Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMD.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Advanced Micro Devices Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMZN.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Amazon.com Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BA.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Boeing Co (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BABA.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alibaba Group (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BAC.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bank of America Corp (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
C.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Citigroup Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CAT.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Caterpillar Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CVX.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Chevron Corp (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DIS.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Walt Disney Co (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
F.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ford Motor Company (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GM.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 General Motors Company (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GOOG.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alphabet Inc Class C (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HPQ.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hewlett-Packard Inc. (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IBM.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 International Business Machines Corp (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP p 1 GBP GBP 0
INTC.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Intel Corp (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
JNJ.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Johnson & Johnson (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
JPM.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 JPMorgan Chase & Co (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KO.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Coca-Cola Co (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MCD.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 McDonalds Corp (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
META.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Meta Platforms Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MSFT.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Microsoft Corp (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NFLX.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Netflix Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NKE.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nike Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NVDA.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NVIDIA Corp (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ORCL.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Oracle Corp (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PFE.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pfizer Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PG.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Procter & Gamble Co (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RTX.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 RTX Corporation (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SLB.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Schlumberger Limited (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SNAP.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Snap Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TSLA.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Tesla Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UNH.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 UnitedHealth Group Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
V.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Visa Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
VZ.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Verizon Communications Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
WMT.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Wal-Mart Stores Inc (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XOM.US-24_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Exxon Mobil Corp (24 Hours), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
A.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Agilent Technologies Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alcoa Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AAL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 American Airlines Group, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AAP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Advance Auto Parts Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AAPL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Apple Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ABBV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AbbVie Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ABNB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Airbnb Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ABT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Abbott Laboratories, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ACB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AURORA CANNABIS Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ACN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Accenture PLC, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ADBE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Adobe Systems Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ADI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Analog Devices Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ADM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ADP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Automatic Data Processing Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ADSK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Autodesk Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AEE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ameren Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AEP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 American Electric Power Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AES.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The AES Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AFL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aflac Incorporated, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AIG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 American International Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AIZ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Assurant Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AJG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AKAM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Akamai Technologies Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ALB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Albemarle Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ALGN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Align Technology Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ALK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alaska Air Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ALL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Allstate Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ALLE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Allegion plc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMAT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Applied Materials Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. Cl A, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMCR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Amcor plc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Advanced Micro Devices Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AME.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AMETEK Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMGN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Amgen Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ameriprise Financial Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 American Tower Corporation (REIT), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AMZN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Amazon.com Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ANET.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Arista Networks Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ANSS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ANSYS, Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AON.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aon plc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AOS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 A.O. Smith Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
APA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 APA Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
APD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Air Products & Chemicals Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
APH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Amphenol Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
APTV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aptiv PLC, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ARE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ASML.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ASML Holding NV ADR, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ATO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Atmos Energy Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AUPH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Aurinia Pharma, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AVB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AvalonBay Communities Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AVGO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Broadcom Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AVY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Avery Dennison Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AWK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 American Water Works Company Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AXP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 American Express Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
AZO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AutoZone Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Boeing Co, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BABA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alibaba Group, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BAC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bank of America Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BALL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ball Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BAX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Baxter International Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Blackberry Ltd., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BBY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Best Buy Co. Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BCTX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BriaCell Therapeutics Corp., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BDX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Becton Dickinson and Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BEN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Franklin Resources Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BF-B.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Brown-Forman Corporation Class B, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BIDU.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Baidu Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BIIB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Biogen Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BIO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Bank of New York Mellon Corp., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BKNG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Booking Holdings Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BKR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Baker Hughes Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BLK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Blackrock Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BMBL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bumble, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BMY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BNTX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BioNTech SE - ADR, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Broadridge Financial Solutions, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BRK.B.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class B, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BSX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Boston Scientific Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BWA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 BorgWarner Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BXP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Boston Properties Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
BYND.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Beyond Meat Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
C.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Citigroup Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CAG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Conagra Brands Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CAH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cardinal Health Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CAR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Avis Budget Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CARR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Carrier Global Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CAT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Caterpillar Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Chubb Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CBRE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CBRE Group, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CCI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Crown Castle International Corp., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CCL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Carnival Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CDNS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cadence Design Systems Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CDW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CDW Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Celanese Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CF Industries Holdings Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CFG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Citizens Financial Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CGC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Canopy Growth Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CHD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Church & Dwight, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CHRW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 C. H. Robinson Worldwide Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CHTR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Charter Communications Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CHWY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Chewy Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cigna Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CINF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cincinnati Financial Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Colgate-Palmolive Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CLX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Clorox Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CMA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Comerica Incorporated, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CMCSA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Comcast Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CME.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CME Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CMG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Chipotle Mexican Grill, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CMI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cummins Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CMS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CMS Energy Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CNC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Centene Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CNP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CenterPoint Energy Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
COF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Capital One Financial Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
COIN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Coinbase Global Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
COO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Cooper Companies Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
COP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ConocoPhillips, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
COST.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Costco Wholesale Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CPB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Campbell Soup Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CPRT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Copart Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CRM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 salesforce.com Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CRON.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cronos Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CROX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Crocs Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CSCO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cisco Systems Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CSX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CSX Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CTAS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cintas Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CTLT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Catalent Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CTSH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Cognizant Technology Solutions, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CTVA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Corteva Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CVS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 CVS Health Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
CVX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Chevron Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
D.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dominion Energy, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DAL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Delta Air Lines Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DASH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 DoorDash Inc Ordinary Shares, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DBX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dropbox Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Deere & Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DEO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Diageo plc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DFS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Discover Financial Services, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dollar General Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DHI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 D. R. Horton Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DHR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Danaher Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DIS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Walt Disney Co, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DLR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Digital Realty Trust Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DLTR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dollar Tree Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DMTK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 DermTech Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DOCU.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Docusign Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DOV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dover Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DOW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dow Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DPZ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Domino's Pizza, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DRI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Darden Restaurants, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DTE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 DTE Energy Co., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DUK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Duke Energy Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DVA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 DaVita Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DVN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Devon Energy Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DXC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 DXC Technology Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
DXCM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 DexCom Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Electronic Arts Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EBAY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ebay Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ECL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ecolab Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ED.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Consolidated Edison, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EFX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Equifax Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EIX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Edison International, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Estee Lauder Companies, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EMN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Eastman Chemical Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EMR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Emerson Electric Co., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ENPH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Enphase Energy Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EOG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 EOG Resources Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EQIX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Equinix Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EQR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Equity Residential, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ES.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Eversource Energy, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ESS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Essex Property Trust, Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ETN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Eaton Corporation plc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ETR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Entergy Corporations, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ETSY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Etsy Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EVRG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Evergy Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EXC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Exelon Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EXPD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Expeditors Intern. of Washington Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EXPE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Expedia Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
EXR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Extra Space Storage Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
F.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ford Motor Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FANG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Diamondback Energy Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FAST.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fastenal Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FCX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Freeport-McMoRan Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FDX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 FedEx Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 FirstEnergy Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FFIV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 F5 Networks Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FIS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fidelity National Information Services, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FITB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fifth Third Bancorp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FLS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Flowserve Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FMC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 FMC Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FOX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Twenty-First Century Fox (Class B ), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FOXA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Twenty-First Century Fox (Class A), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FRT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Federal Realty Investment Trust, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FTNT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fortinet Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
FTV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Fortive Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 General Dynamics, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 General Electric Aerospace Co, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GILD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gilead Sciences Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GIS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 General Mills Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Globe Life Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GLW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Corning Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 General Motors Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GME.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GameStop Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GOOG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alphabet Inc Class C, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GOOGL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alphabet Inc Class A, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GPC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Genuine Parts Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GPN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Global Payments Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GPRO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 GoPro Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GPS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gap Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GRMN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Garmin Ltd., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Goldman Sachs Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GTLB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gitlab Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
GWW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 W.W Grainger Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HAL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Halliburton Co., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HAS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hasbro Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HBAN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Huntington Bancshares Incorporated, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HBI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hanesbrands Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HCA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 HCA Healthcare, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Home Depot Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HES.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hess Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HIG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hartford Financial Services Group, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HII.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Huntington Ingalls Industries, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HLT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HOLX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hologic Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HON.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Honeywell International Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HOOD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Robinhood Markets, Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HPE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HPQ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hewlett-Packard Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HRL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Hormel Foods Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HSIC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Henry Schein Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HST.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Host Hotels & Resorts Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HSY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Hershey Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HUM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Humana Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
HWM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Howmet Aerospace Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IBM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 International Business Machines Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ICE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Intercontinental Exchange Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IDXX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 IDEXX Laboratories Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IEX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 IDEX Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IFF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 International Flavors & Fragrances, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ILMN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Illumina Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
INCY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Incyte Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
INTC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Intel Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
INTU.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Intuit Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IPG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Interpublic Group of Companies, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IPGP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 IPG Photonics Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IQV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 IQVIA Holdings Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IRM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Iron Mountain Incorporated, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ISRG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Intuitive Surgical Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Gartner Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ITW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Illinois Tool Works Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
IVZ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Invesco Ltd., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
J.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
JBHT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 J. B. Hunt Transport Services Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
JCI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Johnson Controls International, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
JEF.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Jefferies Financial Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
JKHY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Jack Henry & Associates Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
JNJ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Johnson & Johnson, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
JNPR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Juniper Networks, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
JPM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 JPMorgan Chase & Co, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
K.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Kellogg Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KEY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 KeyCorp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KEYS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Keysight Technologies Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KHC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Kraft Heinz Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KIM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Kimco Realty Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KLAC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 KLA Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KMB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Kimberly-Clark Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KMI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Kinder Morgan Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KMX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Carmax Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Coca-Cola Co, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
KR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Kroger Co., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
L.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Loews Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LCID.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lucid Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LDOS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Leidos Holdings, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LEG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Leggett & Platt Incorporated, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LEN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lennar Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Laboratory Corp. of America Holding, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LHX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 L3Harris Technologies, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LIN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Linde plc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LKQ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 LKQ Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LLY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Eli Lilly and Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LMT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lockheed Martin Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LNC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lincoln National Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LNT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Alliant Energy Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LOGI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Logitech International SA, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LOW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lowe's Companies Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LRCX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lam Research Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LRN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Stride, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LULU.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lululemon Athletica Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LUMN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lumen Technologies, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LVS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Las Vegas Sands Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lamb Weston Holdings Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LYB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 LyondellBasell Industries N.V., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LYFT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Lyft, Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
LYV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Live Nation Entertainment inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MasterCard Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MAA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mid-America Apartment Communities, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MAR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Marriott International Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MAS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Masco Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MAT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mattel Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MCD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 McDonalds Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MCHP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Microchip Technology Incorporated, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MCK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 McKesson Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MCO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Moody's Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MDLZ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mondelez International Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MDT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Medtronic PLC, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MELI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MercadoLibre Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MET.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MetLife Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
META.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Meta Platforms Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MGM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MGM Resorts International, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MHK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mohawk Industries, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MKC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 McCormick & Company Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MKTX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MarketAxess Holdings Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MLM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Martin Marietta Materials Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MMC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MMM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 3M Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MNST.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Monster Beverage Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Altria Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MORN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Morningstar Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MOS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Mosaic Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MPC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Marathon Petroleum Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MRK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Merck & Co Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MRNA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Moderna, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MRO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Marathon Oil Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Morgan Stanley, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MSCI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MSCI Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MSFT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Microsoft Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MSI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Motorola Solutions Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MSTR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 MicroStrategy Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MTB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 M&T Bank Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MTD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Mettler Toledo International Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
MU.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Micron Technology Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NCLH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NDAQ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nasdaq, Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NEE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NextEra Energy, Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NEM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Newmont Mining Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NFLX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Netflix Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NiSource Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NIO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nio Limited, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NKE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nike Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NNOX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nano X Imaging Limited, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NOC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Northrop Grumman, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NOK.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nokia Corp. ADR, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NOV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NOV Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NRG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NRG Energy, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NSC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Norfolk Southern Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NTAP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NetApp Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NTRS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Northern Trust Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NUE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Nucor Corp., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NVAX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Novavax Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NVDA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NVIDIA Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NVR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 NVR, Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NWL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Newell Brands Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NWS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 News Corporation (Class B), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
NWSA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 News Corporation (Class A), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ODFL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
OKE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ONEOK Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
OKTA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Okta Inc Class A, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
OMC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Omnicom Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ORCL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Oracle Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ORLY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 O'Reilly Automotive Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
OTIS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Otis Worldwide Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
OXY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Occidental Petroleum Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PANW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Palo Alto Networks Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PATH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 UiPath Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PAYC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Paycom Software Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PAYX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Paychex Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PCAR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 PACCAR Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PEG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PEP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 PepsiCo Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PFE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pfizer Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PFG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Principal Financial Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Procter & Gamble Co, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PGR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Progressive Corp., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Parker-Hannifin, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PINS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pinterest Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PKG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Packaging Corporation of America, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PLD.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Prologis Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PLTR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Palantir Technologies Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Philip Morris International Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PNC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 PNC Financial Services, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PNR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pentair plc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PNW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pinnacle West Capital Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
POOL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Pool Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PPG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 PPG Industries Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PPL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 PPL Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PRGO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Perrigo Company plc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PRU.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Prudential Financial, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PSX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Phillips 66, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PTON.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Peloton Interactive Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
PYPL.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 PayPal Holdings Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
QCOM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Qualcomm Incorporated, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
QQQ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Invesco QQQ Trust, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RBLX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Roblox Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RDDT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Reddit, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RIVN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rivian Automotive Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RKLB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Rocket Lab USA Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ROKU.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Roku Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
RYAAY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Ryanair Holdings ADR, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SBUX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Starbucks Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SCHW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The Charles Schwab Corporation, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sea Limited, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SHOP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Shopify Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SJM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 The J.M Smucker Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SLB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Schlumberger Limited, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SMCI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Super Micro Computer, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SNAP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Snap Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SNOW.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Snowflake Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SPCE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SPWR.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Sunpower, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
SQ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Block Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
STNE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Stoneco, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
STZ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Constellation Brands Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
T.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 AT&T Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TAP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Molson Coors Beverage Company, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TDOC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Teladoc Health Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TLRY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Tilray Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TMO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TMUS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 T-Mobile US, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TRIP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 TripAdvisor Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TSLA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Tesla Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TTE.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 TotalEnergies SE ADR, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TUP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Tupperware Brands Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
TXN.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Texas Instruments Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Under Armour (Class C), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UAA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Under Armour (Class A), bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UBER.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Uber Technologies Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UNG.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 United States Natural Gas, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UNH.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 UnitedHealth Group Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UNP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Union Pacific Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UPS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 United Parcel Services Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
UPST.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Upstart Holdings Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
USB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 US Bancorp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
USO.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 United States Oil, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
V.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Visa Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
VAC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
VRTX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
VZ.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Verizon Communications Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
WB.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Weibo Corp ADR, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
WBA.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
WFC.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Wells Fargo & Co, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
WIX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Wix.com Ltd, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
WMT.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Wal-Mart Stores Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
X.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 United States Steel Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XOM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Exxon Mobil Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XPEV.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 XPeng Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XRAY.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Dentsply Sirona, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
XRX.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Xerox Holdings Corp, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
YELP.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Yelp Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
YUM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Yum Brands Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ZI.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 ZoomInfo Technologies, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ZM.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Zoom Video Communications Inc, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
ZTS.US_SB Spread Betting - GBP MT5 Zoetis Inc Class A, bet in 1 GBP per point 1 GBP GBP 0
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