Written by Angelo Martins
Human moderated by Jason Peterson

Darwinex Overall rating

Ranked 42 out of 1102 (Forex Brokers)
Overall rating is derived from an aggregate of ratings in multiple categories.
Rating Weight
User Rating
Not rated
Pricing rating
Not rated
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Customer Support
Not rated

Darwinex Profile

Company Name Sapiens Markets EU Sociedad de Valores SA
Categories Forex Brokers
Primary Category Forex Brokers
Year Founded 2012
Headquarters Spain
Office Locations Spain, United Kingdom
Support Languages English
Financial Instruments Forex, Shares, Indices, Oil/Energies, Metals, ETFs
Prohibited Countries Afghanistan, American Samoa, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Barbados, Burkina Faso, Bahrain, Burundi, Benin, Bolivia, Belarus, Central African Republic, Congo, Ivory Coast, Cape Verde, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Grenada, Guinea, Guam, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Iraq, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Cambodia, North Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Sri Lanka, Liberia, Lesotho, Libya, Marshall Islands, Mali, Myanmar, Mongolia, Macau, Northern Mariana Islands, Maldives, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nepal, Panama, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Palau, Paraguay, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sao Tome and Principe, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Trinidad and Tobago, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, U.s., Vanuatu, Samoa, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Serbia
Negative balance protection
Social trading
Regulatory deposit insurance
Variable spread

Darwinex Web traffic

Organic monthly visits 320,754 (100%)
Organic traffic rank 73 out of 1102 (Forex Brokers)
Paid monthly visits 349 (0%)
Total monthly visits 321,103
Bounce rate 45%
Pages per visit 4.16
Average visit duration 00:05:57.9520000

Darwinex Account types

Mobile Platform-
Trading PlatformMT4, MT5
Spread Type-
Minimum Deposit500
Minimum Trade Size0.01
Trailing Stops-
Trading platform MT4MT5
Minimum deposit 500
Minimum Trade Size 0.01

Darwinex User Rating


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Darwinex Regulation / Money Protection

Company Licenses & Regulations Segregated Client Money Deposit Compensation Scheme Negative Balance Protection Rebates Max. Leverage Retail Clients
up to £85,000 30 : 1